~~Ky Spirit~~

Collection of Viagra funnies #1!!

With Viagra such a hit, Pfizer is bringing forth a whole line of drugs oriented towards improving the performance of men in today's society....

DIRECTRA - a dose of this drug given to men before leaving on car trips caused 72 percent of them to stop and ask directions when they got lost, compared to a control group of 0.2 percent.

PROJECTRA - Men given this experimental new drug were far more likely to actually finish a household repair project before starting a new one.

CHILDAGRA - Men taking this drug reported a sudden, over-whelming urge to perform more child-care tasks - especially cleaning up spills and "little accidents."

COMPLIMENTRA - In clinical trials, 82 percent of middle-aged men administered this drug noticed that their wives had a new hairstyle. Currently being tested to see if its effects extend to noticing new clothing.

BUYAGRA - Married and otherwise attached men reported a sudden urge to buy their sweeties expensive jewelry and gifts after talking this drug for only two days. Still to be seen: whether the drug can be continued for a period longer than your favorites store's return limit.

NEGA-VIAGRA - Has the exact opposite effect of Viagra. Currently undergoing clinical trials on sitting U.S. presidents.

NEGA-SPORTAGRA - This drug had the strange effect of making men want to turn off televised sports and actually converse with other family members.

FLATULAGRA - This complex drug converts men's noxious intestinal gases back into food solids. Special bonus: Dosage can be doubled for long car rides.

FLYAGRA - This drug has been showing great promise in treating men with O.F.D. (Open Fly Disorder). Expecially useful for men on Viagra.

PRYAGRA - About to fail its clinical trial, this drug gave men in the test group an irresistible urge to dig into the personal affairs of other people. Note: Apparent over-dose turned three test subjects into "special prosecutors."


The National Organization of Potent Men has announced a plan to protest the distribution of Viagra. A spokesman for the orgranization stated "Viagra gives an impotent man the ability to sustain an erection for up to 4 hours. This causes feelings of inadequacy, a leading cause of impotency, in normally potent men". The organization fears a sudden and dramatic shift in the demographics of it's membership.


~~ Viagra Side Effect ~~

After less than 1 month on the market, Pfizer has advised of a common side effect with their new impotency drug Viagra:

100% of men who had difficulty swallowing the pill reported getting stiff necks after the pill lodged in their throats.


Initial sales of Pfizer's impotence drug Viagra appear to be "unbelievably high," a drug analyst said, citing market data. The real test, as Pfizer surely ought to know, is whether they can keep it up past the initial excitement.


Viagra jokes are getting pretty limp, but they keep popping up.


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