An English professor wrote the on the blackboard these words,
"Woman without her man is nothing"
and directed the students to punctuate it correctly.

The men wrote: "Woman, without her man, is nothing."
The women wrote: "Woman! Without her, man is nothing."

Yes this is really me..Nice that you took time to see who has been working on these pages. This is not me in my normal attire..*W*. I do like the olden days but am a 90's woman..My favorite saying is~~TODAY IS THE FIRST DAY OF MY LIFE..I do live by that saying..applying all I have learned in my life to each new day ..making it a better life for me..Thanks for stopping in ..Contact me if you like and PLEASE Sign my guestbook *S*..((HUGS))

Hello My name is Ky Spirit online ...
Vickie in real life ..but where does real life and online split ah??LOL
I appreciate you taking a peak to see what this webmaster looks like
I do enjoy meeting new people...
I work online so if you are around ICQ and want to stop in ..PLEASE DO
Now enjoy all the sharing pages I have so much enjoyed designing and putting online for each of you to share and enjoy

Touch the picture with the mouse and Read my message to YOU...

KySpirit Spirit Horse

Follow the dove back to entrance

"The mind has a thousand eyes and the heart but one,
yet the light of a whole life dies when love is gone ..."

To E-mail KySpirit, Click Here

ICQ pager

A Reason Why You Love Her
The way her tears make you want to change the
world so that it doesn't hurt her anymore.
Yet regardless if you love her, hate her,
or know that you would die without her,it matters not.
Because once in your life,
whatever she was to the world she becomes everything to you.
When you look into her eyes, traveling to the depths of her soul
and you say a million things without a trace of a sound,
you know that your own life is inevitably consumed
with the rhythmic beatings of her heart.
You love her for a million reasons.
No words would do it justice.
It is a thing not of the mind but of the heart. A feeling. Only felt.
A feeling. Only felt.
It is by chance you met her, by choice you became friends...,
by fate you became soulmates...

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Light to the ENTRANCE

This Spirit found her way here on June 7,1998.

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Background Music
"Truely Madly Deeply"

It's about destiny, fantasy, dreams and longing,
and finding that one right person for you.

Vickie KySpirit 7212081
PAGE English

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