The All Horses Web Ring Award for Home Page Excellence!

Our Web Ring is nearing one hundred sites and in honor of this occasion I have created an Award for our Web Ring. It will go to the best overall designed home page(s) (in my opinion) in the web ring each month. It will not be based on glitzy graphics but more on overall web page presentation. The 5 simple Criteria are:

1. Is the site effective in presenting the information desired in a clear and concise manner?
2. Do graphics load quickly and do they fit the site?
3. Does the site provide easy navigation and is that navigation system readily obvious to the user?
4. Is the site easy on the eyes? Good use of fonts and contrasting colors for text/backgrounds.
5. Is the site compatible with all browsers?

Each month I will visit all the sites (increases your site traffic!) and select the site which I feel (again in my opinion only-please no hate mail!) matches all the above criteria the best and award the the All Horses Best Page Award to that site! Each site can only win the award once to give all the others a chance.
If you would specifically like me to exclude you from the award each month please send a self-addressed stamped envelope, naw on second thought just send me some e-mail and I'll leave ya' off the list.

Good luck to all the sites!Our Award!