chrisThis is Chris, my oldest son. He was born at Ft.Hood, Texas on May 28, 1989. He is 9 years old.

Chris is very smart and picks up all kinds of information farely easily. He will be in the fifth grade this Fall and lives in Mabank, Texas.

Chris has played two seasons of soccer and t-ball for 3 years.

Some of the things that interest Chris are: dinosaurs, outer space, planets, computers, music and nintendo. He also likes to read and learn about the human body. He says that he might even become a doctor when he grows up.

With Chris learning so easy and his love of the computer, I plan to start teaching him how to design his own home page soon. For now, here is the page as he told me what to put on it. Remember to stop in and see the changes that he makes by himself.

Home Page

You will find his e-mail address listed on his page.

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