to my

Parents & Sibling Page
This page last updated: 7/5/98.

Come on in and meet some of my family...

These are my parents, Pat and Dirk Sr. They live in North East Texas. You can visit their page and find out more about them by clicking on their name. Pat's page has alot of her arts and crafts on it. Dirk's page deals alot with Military links and family. Go on and visit them.

This is my brother, Dirk Jr. He is 29 years old. His pages has alot of things dealing with Garfield as well as other links. He lives in Anchorage, Alaska. He'd like to maybe start a business designing web pages. Visit his page and drop him a line.

This is David, another brother. David is 24 and lives in South Texas with his family. Here are some of his family photos:


David also has another child that he hasn't seen since she was a baby.
This is our most recent photo of
STORMi Lynn.

~ News Flash ~

My parents, STORMi's Grandparents, were able to see her again on
June 11, 1998. Here is a picture taken of her on
Easter 1998...

This is my sister, Angel. Angel is 24 years old. She lives in East Texas and works as a Nurses Aide.

They are 7 years and 6 years old.
Obviously, they are still school age and live with Mom an Dad in North East Texas.

This is Sig Braune, my Dad's Father. He is from Germany and lives near Anchorage, Alaska.

This is J.C. Meredith, my Mom's Father. He was from Alabama. Grandpa passed away January 11, 1998.

TonyaDee (myself)

Just three cousins goofing off at Christmas time.

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