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Father's Day Page

This page was last updated: 7/1/98.

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This page is dedicated to the

World's Greatest Dad...

which just so happens to be my Father,
Dirk R. Braune, Sr.

This page also has a lot of cool things for/about Father's in general. So, come on in and look around. There are several tables toward the bottom with LOTS of links pertaining to Fathers.

This is a picture of my parents, Pat and Dirk.

(This photo was taken Sept. '97.)

You can visit his page and tell him "Hello" from here.

From oldest to youngest, here are my parent's children. Yes, no matter how old we may get, I am proud to say that we are still their children.

<-----This is me, Dee. I am his oldest daughter. (age:30)

This is Dirk Jr., his oldest son. (age:29)----->

<----- This is David, the next to the oldest son. (age:24)

This is Angel. She is the next to the oldest daughter. (age:24) ----->

<-----This is Katie, his youngest daughter. (age:7)

This is Allen, his youngest son. (age:6) ----->

(Sorry the picture go from big to small. I had to work with what I had.)

Both of my parents deserve credit for raising and supporting such a great family. But, at this time, we are honoring Fathers. So, let me tell you about what makes my Dad the best, well-deserving of a web page dedicated to him.

My Dad, Dirk R. Braune Sr., was born on 11/20/45 in Cincinnati, Ohio. After he completed high school, he went directly into the Army. He served from July 1963 til November 1971 as active duty. After which, he went to work as civil service. I believe all together he has a total of over 20-something years accumlative work dealing with the Federal Government. Dad has always been a hard working man. Besides just the regular eight hour job (for the most part, Dad worked eleven-to-seven... a very hard shift when you have a family) Dad has been with the Volunteer Fire Departments wherever we have lived. (maybe that is why both David and myself have also been on the departments.) Besides being busy with all of that, Dad has also gone through training and worked with the following certificates/liscenses: EMT/Paramedic and LVN. Like I said, he worked hard to support the family.

I'm sure a lot of you may be think "Hard worker...that sounds like my Dad..." But, my Dad (and Mom) went far past their call of duty. You see, one of the many things that make me admire my Dad (and Mom) so much is... They have raised four children, and still have two more coming up. Let me explain... I was born January 14, 1968. Dirk Jr. was born June 14, 1969. David was born November 27, 1973. That was the end of their children. Three children was enough. Then came Angel. No, she wasn't an "oops..." baby. Dad (and Mom) got a call to come pick up an infant that was only five days old. This was on March 11, 1974. Dad (and Mom) went to get this child that needed a home. Remember, David was just three months old at this time. It wasn't like they needed another child. That was sort of like having twins. There was only a three month difference in the ages. Life went on as needed and we offically adopted Angel when she was five years old.

We had a pretty good family while growing up. Yes, we had some ups and downs. But, you tell me which family doesn't have some type of problem at one time or another. And, eventually all of us children grew up and moved out on our own.

Separately, but together, my parents and I (with my children) moved to a very small town. Dad (and Mom) had done their job as parents and had raised some pretty decent, responsible young adults. Dad (and Mom)started planning a life of their know, without children tagging along. Finally, a chance to do what they wanted when they wanted.

That's when Katie and Allen came into the picture. Katie was born January 30,1991. She has lived with Dad (and Mom) since she was two days old. Allen was born on March 21, 1992 and has lived with them since he was six weeks old. So, life goes on with Dad (and Mom) raising another set of children.

I really admire them for what they have done. I love working with children. But, I am not so sure that after I have raised my own that I would give of myself so freely. And I'm not sure how many other people would do so either. After having their own three biological children, he (they) have decided to take in three extra children. Don't get me wrong. I love all of these people as much now as I would had we all been biological siblings. And like I said, I admire someone that is willing to give of themself so unselfishly.

Special Thanks to My Father...

Thanks for always being there for me.

Thanks for working the long hard hours to support us as a family.

Thanks for being there to talk to.

Thanks for sticking up for us when you knew we were right.

Thanks for helping Mom teach us the morals and values that we carry on with.

Thanks for always trying to fix whatever was broken.

Thanks for being such a good grandfather to my children.

Thanks for being so supportive of us all.

Thanks for just being yourself.

in case I have missed something...

Thanks for EVERYTHING.

Post Cards for Dad
Send a Postcard Greetnet...send a card

Gifts for Dad
Father's Day Gifts Teleflora Collectables
Golf Equipment Hammeracher Schlemmer Reel Time Company

Single Dad's Resource
Single Dad's Index Single Father's Lighthouse Single Father's
Single Parent Resource Center The Single Parent Prject Single Parenting in the Nineties

Parent Information
At Home Dad's Newletter 1997 Father's Day Special Father's Day
A Father's Day Quiz Father's Day A Fatherless Father's Day
Father's Hall of Fame Stats...single-parent families with Dad as the head of the household Want to become the best Dad?...
The third Sunday in June More time with kids For new and expectant fathers
Parent's Place comfort, dads-style

Out of all the pages that I looked through to put this page together, this is my favorite.
Father's Day Page

This is a MUST SEE for all. How true is this?
Wanted Ad


The background is from Background Archive

The flashing stars are from Luree Homepage

The divider lines are from Terri's Animation

The ribbons, plaque and happy Father's Day sign are from Father's Day Art

The bullets are from Free GIFs and Animations

This page was created by Alaskan Gal
for Father's Day 1998.

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