
The Kid Page

Welcome to our Kid Page. We are trying to create a safe place for my children as well as yours to play on the web. If you find a place or know of one that should be listed here, please let us know. We'd be happy to add it if it could be of use and fun for all children. Where we have found an "best suited for age" list, I will add it in parenthesis.

Kid Puzzles, Games and Fun

Games, Puzzles and Stories Word Find

Crossword and other Puzzles Kid Games and Puzzles

MFHS Kids-Games -battleship, etc.

Brain-Fun -Math baseball,change maker, etc.

Just About Town for Kids (babies-over 8) -Lots to do

Surfing the Net with Kids - Games -Checkers, Beanie Babies, games for pre-schoolers & LOTS more

Kid Games (3 and up) -Jazzy Jackrabbit, Stunt Racer, Jill of the Jungle & more

Whitney's World -Lion King Trivia, Disney, Space Jam and more

Kid Games -I spy, hang man, battleship, peg game and LOTS more

Kid Games -Where's Waldo?, Baby gameroom, etc.

Kid Jokes


Kid Chat Sites

Free Zone

Anderson Kids Chat Center

Kid City Live Chat

Homework Help

Homework Solutions

Kid Links

WPL Kid Sites

Favorite Sites for Kids

Great Kid Sites

Interesting Places for Kids

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