I am dedicating this page to my daughter, Larissa, who is preparing for her 2nd official year in the Miss. Alaska Pre-Teen Pageant.

A Little Background

Larissas' first experience with the pageant system was when she was two months old. No. I don't consider that a "real" pageant. She did nothing except being a pretty baby. She did bring home nine trophies during the year and a half that she participated. She even went to Nationals.

After my divorce, I could no longer afford to let her participate. Not being in the pageants, Larissa became a complete tomboy. No more dresses for her. The only time the topic of pageants came up was when she explained to her friends why / how she had so many trophies ----She now has approximately 20 trophies...for those earlier pageant, t-ball, baseball, soccer and Drill Team.

Round 2

Like I said, the topic rarely ever came up again. Until November of 1996 that is. She had seen an article in the newspaper about the Miss.Alaska Pre-Teen Pageant. What really drew her to this particular pageant was that the "beauty" only counted for one-fourth of the overall score. They have it devide into fourths for: beauty, poise / personality, academics / acheivements and interview. Well, that was the start of "this round". I say "this round" because who know how long it will hold her attention this time....

Because of the cost as well as the time needed to prepare and practice, I told her to think about it for a while and let me know.

By Feb. she was still talking pageant so we needed to get started. By March first, she was offically entered. I would not let her just go out and ask for sponsors. She had to earn some of the money on her own. I told her that she could not ask for help without first helping herself. So, she set out to sell cookies and cupcakes to local neighbors and businesses.

Besides just money, there was alot to prepare. Dresses, speeches, walk, etc. . I had to prepare for the day she would participate in this pageant with girls between eight and thirteen. Some of these girls have been in the system their whole life...or at least, most of larissas' life. We had alot of talks about doing HER best and not comparing herself to the others.

Finally, the BIG NIGHT was here. In July 1997, she was escorted onto stage by her grandfather, Dirk Braune. When all was said and done that night, she had done her best. No. She didn't get crowned queen. She didn't even make the court. But, she did her best and knew it. Our talks had paid off. She didn't get upset about not winning. Winning would have been icing on the cake, but not realistic---for this was her first year.

Larissa had an overall score of 286.5 out of a possible 400. The high score and crown went to Ann'e Shurman with a score of 366.5.

Did Larissa learn? Yes. Grow? Yes. Improve herself? Yes. Have fun? Yes. Meet new friends? Yes.
Will she participate in July 1998? Yes. She is really looking forward to it this year. She knows more of what to expect.

No. Her goal isn't to come away with the crown this year...although that would be great. This year, she said her goal is to improve on her score from last year. She'd also like to be chosen for the court. But, if she doesn't get that, she said, "There is always the next year.".

So, here we go with round two.....

Check back here later. We will add a photo of Larissa in her dress for this year.

Coming Soon...
The Miss Alaska Pre-Teen Pageant 1998.

Have Fun
Good Luck
Larissa !!!

Love You,
Mom, Chris and Preston

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