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* Indicates that a list of these lighthouses, including directions, is available from the Nova Scotia Lighthouse Preservation Society. This list does not contain dates of establishment.

Abbot’s Harbour*. Established 1884.

Annapolis*. Established 1889.

Apple River*. Established 1870.

Baccaro Point*. Established 1850.

Balache Point. Established 1963.


Bass River. Established 1907.

Battery Point Breakwater*. Established 1937.

Bear River*. Established 1905.

Beaver Island*. Established 1846.

Belliveau’s Cove* (Le Phare de l’Anse). Established 1889.

Berry Head*. Established 1876.

Betty Island*. Established 1875.

Black Rock. Established 1848.

Black Rock Point*. Established 1868.

Boar’s Head*. Established 1864.

Bourgeois Inlet. Established 1903.

Briar Island*. Established 1809.

Bunker Island*. Established 1874.

Burntcoat Head*. Established 1859.

Cameron Island*. Established 1977.

Candlebox Island*. Established 1893.

Canso Town* (Canso Range). Established 1905.

Cape d’Or*. Established 1922.

Cape Forchu*. Established 1839.

Cape George* (Antigonish). Established 1861.

Cape George* (Richmond). Established 1875.

Cape Negro Island*. Established 1872.

Cape North*. Established 1876.

Cape Roseway*, McNutt Island. Established 1788.

Cape Sable*. Established 1861.

Cape Sharp*. Established 1886.

Cape St. Mary*. Established 1868.

Caribou*. Established 1868.

Carey Point. Established 1972.

Carter Island. Established 1872.

Caveau Point Rear Range*.

Charlos Harbour. Established 1901.

Chebucto Head*. Established 1872.

Cheticamp Harbour. Established 1890.

Church Point* (le Phare de la Pointe). Established 1874.

Ciboux Island*. Established 1863.

Coffin Island. Established 1812.

Coldspring Head*. Established 1890.

Country Island*. Established 1873.

Cranberry Island*. Established 1815.

Cross Island*. Established 1832.

Devils Island*. Established 1877.

Digby Gut. Established 1915.

East Ironbound Island*. Established 1867.

Eddy Point*. Established 1851.

Egg Island. Established 1865.

Enragee Point*. Established 1937.

Fisherman’s Harbour*. Established 1905.

Five Islands*. Established 1914.

Flint Island*. Established 1856.

Fort Point*. Established 1855.

Forchu Head (Forchu Point*). Established 1907.

French Point*.

Gabarus*. Established 1890.

George’s Island*. Established 1876.

Gilbert Point/*Cove. Established 1904.

Gillis Point*. Established 1895.

Glace Bay North. Established 1956.

Grandique Point*. Established 1884.

Grand Passage*. Established 1901.

Great Bras d’Or Range*. Established 1903.

Green Island* (Yarmouth). Established 1964.

Green Island* (Richmond). Established 1865.

Gregory Island*. Established 1884.

Gull Rock (Lockeport). Established 1853.

Gunning Point Island. Established 1913.

Guyon Island*. Established 1877.

Guysborough. Established 1846.

Hampton*. Established 1911.

Havre Boucher Range*. Established 1842.

Henry Island*. Established 1902.

Hog Island (originally Port Felix). Established 1902.

Horton Bluff. Established 1851.

Ile Haute. Established 1878.

Indian Harbour*. Established 1901.

Isaac’s Harbour*. Established 1874.

Jeddore Rock. Established 1881.

Jerome Point*. Established 1883.

Jerseyman Island*. Established 1872.

Kaulbach Island*. Established 1914.

Kidston Island*. Established 1875.

Liscomb Island*. Established 1872.

Little Hope Island*. Established 1865.

Little Narrows. Established 1881.

Lockeport*. Established 1853.

Louisbourg*. Established 1734; first lit 1Apr1734.

Low Point*. Established 1832.

Mabou*. Established 1884.

MacNeil Beach. Established 1884.

Main-A-Dieu*. Established 1871.

Man Of War Point*. Established 1912.

Marache Point* (originally Arichat Light). Established 1851.

Margaree Harbour*. Established 1900.

Margaree Island*. Established 1854.

Margaretville*. Established 1859.

Maugher Beach* (Halifax Harbour Middle Range, Front Light). Established 1815.

Medway Head*. Established 1851.

Mitchener Point. Established 1908.

Mosher Island*. Established 1868.

Mullin’s Point. Established 1894.

Musquodoboit Harbour. Established 1904.

Neil Harbour*. Established 1899.

North Canso*. Established 1842.

Outer Island*. Established 1874.

Parrsboro*. Established 1852.

Pearl Island*. Established 1874.

Pease Island*. Established 1879.

Peggy’s Point* (photo), Peggy’s Cove. Established 1868.

Pennant Point*. Established 1903.

Peter Island*. Established 1850.

Pictou Bar*. Established 1834.

Pictou Harbour*. Established 1889.

Pictou Island East. Established 1853.

Pictou Island South. Established 1907.

Pictou Island West*. Established 1905.

Point Aconi*. Established 1874.

Pomquet Island*. Established 1868.

Port Bickerton*. Established 1901.

Port George*. Established 1888.

Port Medway. Established 1899.

Port Mouton*. Established 1873.

Prim Point*. Established 1817.

Pubnico Harbour. Established 1854.

Pugwash (Fishing Point). Established 1871.

Quaker Island. Established 1883.

Queensport*. Established 1882.

Rouse Point. Established 1983.

Sable Island, East*. Established 1873.

Sable Island, West. Established 1951.

Salvages, The* (Half Moon). Established 1965.

Sambro Harbour*. Established 1899.

Sambro Island*. Established 1758.

Sandy Point*. Established 1873.

Scatarie*. Established 1839.

Schafner Point*. Established 1885.

Seal Island*. Established 1830.

Sheet Harbour*. Established 1915.

Sheet Rock. Established 1879.

Spencer’s Island. Established 1904.

Spry Bay. Established 1916.

St. Paul Island, Northeast*. Established 1839; destaffed 1991.

St. Paul Island, Southwest*. Established 1831.

Stoddard Island (Little St. Agnes). Established 1877.

Sydney Bar. Established 1872.

Sydney Range*. Established 1905.

Terence Bay*. Established 1885.

Terminals Breakwater.

Trenton East River*. Established 1920.

Tusket River*. Established 1864.

Victoria Beach. Established 1901.

Wallace Harbour*. Established 1904.

Walton Harbour. Established 1873.

Western Head*. Established 1962.

Westhaver Island. Established 1882.

West Head. Established 1888.

West Ironbound Island*. Established 1855.

White Head Island*. Established 1854.

Whitehead Island*. Established 1874.

Wood’s Harbour*. Established 1900.


Seal Island Light Museum located on Highway #3, in Barrington.

Fort Point Light Museum, located on Highway #331 at Fort Point Museum, La Have. Museum is the lighthouse keeper’s house.

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