Eagle head

Weekly Word
(and a little more)

Eagle head


The Bible has an endless supply of instructions, encouragement, peace, joy, and spiritual nuggets of all kinds! Come with me and let's immerse ourselves in the Word of God!


News Flashes
If something happens and I can't communicate with you I will post a message here.


UPDATED:  Monday, October 5, 2009

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 Ignore the advertising.  You can close that window and keep reading.

All the archives and all the other studies have been moved to my other site, The Clarion Call. Click on the eagle to go there.  This website will be shut down by Yahoo on October 26th, so be sure to go to the Clarion Call and bookmark it!

At The Clarion Call you will find my prayer closet, articles I've written, studies on different topics, and many more things that will assist you in developing a closer, more intimate relationship with God.

Eagle leading to:  http://www.clarion-call.org



News Flashes
If something happens and I can't communicate with you I will post a message here.


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Kay's Heavenly Web Design
Go vote for my site at CrossDaily.com

If enough people vote for this site it will bring more people here. Should they come?
(You can vote once per day)
To Bible Study Tools

Go visit my cyber home.

Arrow pointing right

It was fun creating it and I've been told it's fun exploring it!
Change last made on 4/24/01
To my cyber home
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Site Map


Awards and Great Links!
A blue ribbon
Awards and Web Rings
A blue ribbon
A trophy
I have given awards to some pages that edify the Body of Christ
(and they didn't even need to ask for them)
Go take a look-they are GREAT pages!
A trophy

My site is Safe Surf Rated and suitable for families
To Goshen for lots of Christian stuff
To Starting Point-Working the Web
To Christians Joining Hands Across the Web
Go get your free Christian counter
My site is suitable for families
Lots of Christian stuff!
Working the web
Christians Joining Hands Across the Web
Go get a free counter!


Eagle head pictures at the top courtesy of Sue Woosely
She's my good friend and she's also a GOOD photographer!
Thank you, Sue!!


To the Christian Counter