Purrrs! This is Sir Ambush William Kelly, the First, but you can call me Ambush.
My nicknames are: Sir; Little Sir; Boy; Boo-boy; Sir Boy; Sir Sexy and Ambushy-Bushy-Boo-Butt Boy. I was named after the L.A. band Ambush, who Mommy has known since 1993. She wanted to name me after their former guitarist, Spike, but Auntie LaJenna and some of Mommy's other humans threatened to disown her if she named such a cute little fluffy kitten "SPIKE"! I'm a Libra, and my birthday is September 27, 1996; the band played on my first birthday, but the bouncer wouldn't let me into the club - HISSS!!! And oddly enough, my human look-alike is Dr. Shock, the drummer in Ambush! I adopted Mommy on OCTOBER 30, 1996 in Los Angeles, CA., and I am a 9 pound, purrrfectly handsome, black & white Domestic Long-hair Tuxedo kitty, with gold & aqua eyes; the only boy in a litter of 7 kittens. My favorite colors are blue & red, and anything shiny! My favorite foods are oranges, eggs, vegetables, oatmeal and salad dressing; even though Mommy doesn't LET me eat these things, that doesn't mean that I CAN'T get my paws on them! Some of my hobbies are: prancing, grooming, lounging (in the litter-box!!!), grooming, running, grooming, playing catch/fetch, and GROOMING! My dislikes are: being bathed/brushed; Mommy's male friends; being held for too long; riding the bus; letting Mommy sleep, and when my sisters pick on me! That's because it's not "cool", and my role model is Fonzie!!! I have many talents, but my most unusual one is licking my "Hoo-Hoos" while walking (he-he!).
Ever since my Mommy had me neutered, my main goal in life has been to make my "Hoo-Hoos" grow back! And if I could talk, my motto would be "I'm too sexy for my cat-nip!", which would be followed by my rendition of my personal theme song: "Do Ya Think I'm Sexy?", because my cutest trait is prancing with my beautiful butt-plume (aka "tail") fluffed up! Which, incidentally, is also my most prized posession! So far, my most embarrassing moment was when Stardust tackled me in the litter box, held me down and started to groom me! My greatest accomplishement to date has been taking four steps, standing up-right on my hind legs!
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