
This is Melody Nichole Kelly, but everyone calls me Mel; and for the price of a snack, you can too! Besides that, I answer to: Boo, Silly-Boo, Boo Gir, Boompah, and Puffa-Wumpa. But no matter how many times Mommy calls me by it, I will NEVER, EVER answer to "10-4, Big Kitty" (I REALLY hate that one!)!! I was born in Hollywood, Ca. on March 20, 1995 (I'm a Pisces), and came to live with Mommy on that very day, and she named after the song "Melody's Sister", by the band Eight, even before I was born. And I'm an absolutely GORGEOUS 17 pound, black haired, green eyed Bombay! My favorite colors are purple and black; I HATE red! My favorite foods are: ALL OF THEM, but I am currently restricted to prescriiption food, and getting ready fur surgery. Some of my favorite pastimes are eating, sleeping, back-talking to Mommy, biting, licking (myself and EVERYONE else!), and TRYING to escape! My dislikes are: being told "NO"; being bathed; taking medication; NOT being allowed to escape!; Riding the bus; and for no known reason, I am TERRIFIED of babies and children! I never hurt one, I cower in the corner an scream! My best talent is finding a new place to hide my pills, every day (he-he!). If I could talk, my motto would be: "I'm not fat, I'm fluffy"! And purrrsonally, I think my cutest trait is knowing what kind of cat-food Mommy bought, BEFORE she opens the can! My role model is Roseanne, and my goal in life is to keep ALL the cat-food for myself! My purrrsonal theme song is "Wooly-Bully", and my human look-alike (REALLY!) is Sophia Loren, especially my exotic cheek bones! So far, my most embarrassing moment was when Auntie Carly went to pick me up from the vet, and brought home the wrong cat! My greatest accomplishement, to date, was knowing that Mommy would go back to our apartment to look for me after the fire, and that I had to be there to meet her. And of course, my most prized posession is Mommy!

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(c)1998/Lisa J. Kelly