Hawaii Mayflower Society Members

Underlined names indicate links to Mayflower lineages.

To view our Constitution, Bylaws and Standing Rules, click here.

For a listing of past governors, click here.

Governor Elbridge W. Smith, elbridgew@aol.com
Deputy Governor Vacant
Secretary Vacant
Treasurer Pamela DaGrossa, dagrossa@hawaii.edu
Historian Elbridge Z. Smith, ezsmith@hawaii.rr.com
Elder Vacant
Counselor Lee Crowell, crowell@hawaii.rr.com
Assistants Christopher Tourtellot, tallturtle@yahoo.com

Committee Chairmen
Education & Junior Membership Vacant
Membership Vacant
Historical Log Caretaker Lois McCracken, lois.mccracken@hawaiiantel.net
Public Relations Board of Assistants
Newsletter Editor Pamela DaGrossa, dagrossa@hawaii.edu

General Society's Board of Assistants
Deputy Governor General Elbridge W. Smith, elbridgew@aol.com
Assistant General George Hall, gah@emailhawaii.net

In Memoriam

Elbridge M. Smith

Elbridge M. Smith died December 7 at the age of 95. He served for several years as General Society Education Committee Chair and was a retired State University of New York professor. Elbridge was very proud of his John Howland and Elizabeth Tilley ancestry. He also was active in the SAR and various church and community historical activities. He is survived by his wife, Edna; son, Elbridge W. Smith; daughter, Priscilla Davis of Cobleskill, N.Y.; and grandchildren, E.Z. & Meredith Smith, and Kyle Davis. To read additional obituary information on Elbridge click here.

Frank Ward Hustace Jr.

Frank Ward Hustace Jr. died March 26 at the age of 93. He was a director and secretary of the board of Victoria Ward Ltd. until 2002 when the family company and its 65-acre Kakaako property were sold. He was the grandson of Mellie Ward Hustace, one of seven daughters of Victoria and Curtis Ward, whose estate originally encompassed land from Thomas Square to the ocean. To read the Star-Bulletin obituary on Frank click here.

Bettiemae Boxold

Betty Boxold died Feb. 26 at the age of 80. She was born on April 4, 1927, in Los Angeles and earned a degree in journalism and political science at the University of California at Berkeley. She moved to Hawaii in 1958 with her husband, Frederic, and was hired at the Star-Bulletin, where she became food editor in the mid-1960s. She was a descendant of William Brewster and joined the Hawaii Mayflower Society in 1967. To read the Star-Bulletin obituary on Betty click here.

We extend a special welcome to our newest members

Paul Bumpus Lori-Ann Garcia

Membership Roster
For a listing of e-mail addresses, click here.

Beverly Ann Stall Allen, Kendra Allen, Kevin Allen, Rae Ellen Maddox Anderson, Natalie Norman Baer, Gretchen Wolbrink Bond, John Bonell Bonsey, Carol Britton, Dorothea Griffith Britton, Karen Elise Roach Brousseau, Cherilyn Maile Brown, Naoma Patricia Frisbee Brown, Paul Bumpus, Jarrett Carr, Charles Elwin Catlin, Nancy Pualani Coble, Charles Edward Coleman, Kathleen Taylor Cooper, William F. Cooper, Tracy Ashley Crocker Sr., Lee Crowell, Pamela DaGrossa, Lindsay Dodge, Susan Palfrey Dowling, William Howard Fry, Mary Noelani Fung-Frisbee, Lori-Ann Garcia, William M. Gelvin, James M. Grady, Julie Griggs, Betty M. Sherwin Gunn, James A. Haley, Charlyn Nicolas Hall, George A. Hall, Matthew Loren Hall, Rhea Epuna Hall, Rhiannon Iuliana Hall, Sally Mary Cooper Hall, Winters Reef Hardy, John Thomas Heinrich, Derral Raymon Herbst, Christopher Alden D. Higgins, Ronald DeWolf Higgins II, Kevin Ray Hildebrant, Francis White Hisashima, Susan Elaine Holt, Edward Hustace, Frank Ward Hustace III, Kenneth Ronald Jensen, Robert McBride Jensen, Russell McBride Jensen, Ruth L. Cameron Jensen, Alice Lacy Johnson, Rubellite "Ruby" Kinney Johnson, Roberta Elizabeth Jones, David Joe Kingman, Warren Leihoku Kinney, William Bain MacLachlan, Ramon E. Maddox, Terry Lee Maddox, Bruce Michael McBride, Christine Kay McBride, Daniel Robert McBride, Don Marius McBride, Lucas Roger McBride, Micah William McBride, Ryan Kenneth McBride, Tina Marie McBride, Lois McCracken, Claire Valerie Turner Met, Eric Christopher Met, Ryon Chandler Met, Sean Thomas Met, Harold Homer Morse Jr., Stafford-Ames Morse, Charles Wheeler Orth, Marcia Outcalt, Deborah Denise Wood Paulsen, Janice Wright Pechauer, Gregory Charles Pietsch, Jeffrey Garett Pietsch, Jack Dillon Printup, Mark Brandon Printup, Michael David Printup, Owen Alexander Printup, Richard Thomas Printup, Esther Kinney Rice, Jean Gurney Rigler, Andrew Jackson Roach, Leslie Carol Roach-Laing, Martha Jane Taylor Roach, Penelope Rogers, Lynnette Kinney Sanchez, Mary Richards Shattuck, Elbridge Wright Smith, Elbridge Zenichi Smith, Meredith Diane Kameko Smith, Steven Stetler, Emery Grant Story Jr., Susan B. Strange, Margaret Rigler Taylor, Paul Ezra Taylor Jr., Richard Mark Totman, Paul Donald Tremaine, Verda Vida-Roy, Neal Louise Higgins Walters, Andrea Sherill Roach Waxman, Catherine Mongeon Wheeler, Elizabeth Dillingham Wick, Meade D. Wildrick, Mildred Marie Winans, Erich Vincent Wood, Jerome David Wood, Douglas E. WoodBrown

Junior Life Members

Alexzandra Anuhea Hustace-Candea, Calaandra Kekulani Hustace-Candea, Annabelle Kamakana Hustace, Kyle Brandon Roach-Laing, Naomi Sarah Waxman

Junior Members

Aaron Lee Anderson, Scott Alexander Anderson, Anna-Sophia Marguerite Boxold, Nicholas Noel Boxold, Patricia Noelani Boxold, Stephanie Anne Boxold, Robert Leonard Bright, Liana Raye Carson, Marianne Jane Carson, Edward Judd Coleman, Keaka June Coleman, Nu'umau Ku'ualoha Coleman, Eric Lee Crowell, William Andrew Crowell, Aja Lee Hildebrant, Elizabeth Withington Hisashima, John Thomas Hisashima, James Leonard Holt, Katherine Louise Holt, Kelly Keala McKae, Ashland Kailialoha Meyer, Austin Dean Kamauoha Meyer, Madison Kawaikulani Meyer, Sara Joy Morgan, Breesa Kawehikulanipauolealoha Nawahine, Lauren Ann Phinney

In Memoriam

Malcolm Chamberlain Aiken, Naoma Frisbee Aiwohi, Robert Allerton, Ethel Holmes Anderson, Robbins Battell Anderson, Eugene Ferris Anderson Jr., Laura Ann Merrill Andrews, Grace Gilmore Bailey, Donald Earl Benson, Hannah Elisabeth Bonell Bonsey, Charlotte Everett Bowler, Bettiemae Walling Boxold, Lucile Coney Brooks, Janet Griswold Smith Butzine, Arlie Carson (non-member historian), Nancy Carson, Austin Walter Cheever, Genevieve Hanson Coleman, Dean Gordon Conklin, Lloyd Overton Conklin, Julia H. Haley Creevey, George Frederick Cristy, Jessamine Josephine Bowman Cristy, Donald Francis Darrow, Helen R. Nichols de Harne, Helen Duncan Devereux, William Watt DeWolf, Edith A Barrows Dietz, Meiric Keeler Dutton, Margaret Nancy Fowler, Ned Woods Glenn, Robert J. Goode, Edwin St. John Griffith, Lillian M. Cooper Harrington, Bard Chipman Higgins, Everett Chipman Higgins, Margery Emma Addoms Higgins, Ronald DeWolf Higgins, Helen Myranda Peterson Hoyt, Frank Ward Hustace Jr., Robert Lee Irick, Richard Paul Jensen, Helen Louise Beach Kibby, Sydney Vernon Kibby, Ernest Kaipo Kinney Jr., Helen Brewster Richardson Kluegel, Raymond A. Lesher, Nonda Lee Maddox, Robert Hardy Marks, Carol E. Martins, Virginia McBride, Edith Dietz McCleery, Elizabeth Barry McDermid, Edward Lee McIntosh, Slator Marcellus Miller, Catherine Isobel Hustace Mongeon, Janet Wylle Moore, Virginia M. White Orth, Campbell Palfrey Jr., Donald Edward Phinney, Margaret Jean Hustace Pietsch, Dorothy Mixter Pomper, Walter Howard Samson, David Ripley Sears, Elbridge Milton Smith, Frank Griswold Smith, Howard Wallace Soule Jr., Patricia Mae Moseley Stanford, Unita Thelma Gillett Tavares, Francis Emmett Taylor, Arlene Eleanor Noyes Thompson, Robert W. Townsend, Edythe Alden Vida, Gladys May Williams, Donald Henry Wolbrink