Vessell and Taylor Genealogy Suite-Award Application Page

Hello, my name is Crispin and this is my new awards program, Right now, this section is being updated to reflect all of the new awards or site will offer, right now though I've only posted one .Here's the rules.

1. There must be no pornography or Pornographic Links on the applicant's site.

2. The site does not promote anything illegal or criminal activities.

3. The site MUST be well designed and have a good navigation system, also the website must be 80% complete.

4. The site does not have to be located on Geocities for consideration, it does however, have to meet the criteria for each award that is applied for.

5. Once you recieve the Award A link back to this site is requested, so that others may also apply for the award and the program can grow! The URL that the link should go to is this site's index page

How to Apply for this Award:

It's easy, just send an E-mail to me(Please include AWARD in the Subject Line, along with the name of the award that you are applying for) with your site information (URL,Description)and your name, I will review your site and if your site meets the requirements then you will hear back from me in 24 hours about the award. Please make sure that you specify which award you are applying for!

Apply for the Award Here!(Sorry for not replying. We are just now updating our email.)

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This award is called Gene's Memories- It's the easiest award to achieve. It is awarded to begining sites with a good start

This award is called the James Vessell Award of Genealogy Excellence, it is more difficult to obtain, the website must show developed information and good site design

This is our site's Bronze Prestige award- The site must contain several developed sources of information and at least 5 well researched surnames, it is a bit of a challenge to get this award

This is the Silver Prestige award- Site's that apply for this award must have at least 10 developed surnames and a very well designed site that is easy to navigate. Source information must be available on request

This is the Gold Prestige award- It is the Hardest of our awards to obtain. A site applying for this award must meet all the other requirements for the silver and bronze awards plus have some photographic or map/cemetery survey data available to the visitor.


DO NOT STEAL THIS GRAPHIC-Apply for your own :-)

Disclaimer and Copyright information:

Yahoo!Geocities is not sponsoring this Awards Program, Furthermore this awards program and the award itself are intellectual property of Crispin Vessell Webmaster-Vessell and Taylor Genealogy Suite (Gene's Genealogy Page).Therefor all information on this site is Copyrighted to it's respected owners. Any Personal information collected for this awards program (Name,URL) will be discarded after the award is given out.

Page Navigation Links:

Return to site Navigation Page

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Visit the Vessell and Taylor Families of Georgia Page on Rootsweb (Our Sister Site)

Tuesday, September 14, 1999 02:33:06 AM Eastern Daylight Time