What's New at Our Site?

This area will contain all information about updates to the site and will be updated on a regular basis, please check this page often to see what has been updated.

July 30, 2001 - I am updating the site for the first time since the death of my mother last August, I am updating the Surname reports and will post all of the surname data together after it has been loaded.

Aug 3, 2001- I have updated the Vessell Famly Line

May 17, 2003- Marybeth and I have begun refurbishing our original site here and also the main site at Rootsweb. We are replacing outdated information and fixing broken links. I also subscribed to several Rootsweb list so chat with ya later folks

Nov 2,2003- After my initial review of our site, Marybeth and I have concluded this site needs a new look, after the first of the year we intend to change the information layout and format of our records here on Geocities. We are a very old site on Geocities (since 1997) our site needs a major overhaul

March 21,2006- Well I procrastinate on doing anything and with work, it seems as if yet again this has taken a back seat. Well to start out with, I have changed my family pic in my about me page. I have also updated the Email and contact address to reflect our current addy. I will begin updating and checking links and programming on the site tomorrow.

June 2008- New work on site in progress, working on Surles family lines, you may contact both Cris or Marybeth about any questions

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