Cynthia's Family Lines

Cynthia's Family Lines


Hi, I'm Cynthia Smith from Mt. Bethel in Northampton Co. PA.
I am researching family lines in Northampton Co. PA which include:

William McEWEN

Johan Christopel ILLICK

Henrich GOOD

Valentine SMITH


Bernhart MILLER

Other lines I am researching are from Tioga Co. PA. They include the families of

Thomas Hughes and his son, Jeptha HUGHES


Links to my other sites on the Web

For a list of my genealogy pages
Hughes descendants of Tioga Co. PA
Miller descendants of Northampton Co. PA
Family Photo Gallery
Good Family of Northampton Co.PA

Please visit my family pages. Each page is linked to additional pages containing more information about successive generations.
I welcome your comments
If you discover that you are a "cousin" please email me.

Copyright 1998, 2009, Cynthia Hughes Smith

Email address---


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