The Latest Bear News
As you know if you have visited us before, my daughter, Tara, has just turned twenty.  Where do the years go?   She has left the nest now to make a life for herself "on her own".   She  recently got engaged  to a great guy and they are ecstatic.  We love him to death too so he is already part of the family.  And he, brave soul is teaching her to drive.  So we will be walking on the streets cause she'll be driving on the sidewalks.  Ha Ha Ha!  But seriously, even though she is only 45 minutes away, I miss her terribly.  Tara has also been promoted to Assistant Manager where she works after only 2 months on the job.   We are so proud and happy for her! 
My son, Phillip Jr., has been very busy as well.   He has signed up for baseball, basketball and  track as a seventh grader.  I foresee a lot of frazzled days in my future running from event to event!  This year He was selected for the Weatherly Junior High Allstar basketball team.  Although they didn't place in the tournament, they had a great team and played their hearts out! As of February, Phillip has been accepted into the Gifted Program at school.  This program allows the students with a higher aptitude for learning, the opportunity to expand their horizons a bit and once in, students are in the program until graduation.  This year they are doing a video conference with the space shuttle.  Phillip is now a Boy Scout with the rank of First Class and is about to be inducted into the Order of The Arrow.  That's my boy!  We are so proud of him also!  We are definitely blessed to have such great kids.
My hubby, Phil, also has some great news.    Cub Scouts has begun full swing again and daddybear is working his little paws off.  He is a Webelos den leader, Assistant Cub Master.  Now the Boy Scouts have finally chartered a Troop and you will just never guess who is the TroopMaster for the newly-formed Troop 607 here in  All that in addition to the computer work for both the Cub Scouts and the Boy Scouts, and his Tech Support for all our friends and his co-workers.   My daddybear is a very busy bear indeed...hehehe.
As for me...mommybear is very happy!  I have been published! 
A few of my poems were recently published in MSConnections magazine.      And now for absolutely the best news of all.  I am looking for a publisher for three poetry books all my own! As well as some short stories I have written.  How about that?!  I am absolutely elated beyond words. I can hardly sit still...!!!!!!!!!    I have also been asked to let my works be put on a website run by Villanova University.  Of course, I said yes...!! In addition to all that, I am being published monthly in an online magazine called MS Musings.  And if that is not enough to keep my days filled, I am the committee chairperson for the Cub Scout Pack and the Boy Scout Troop here as well.  You will find the link to all the sites I write for and many other Multiple Sclerosis sites below in "other links".
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Other Links
Every week approximately 200 people are told, "You have multiple sclerosis." In March of 1994,I was one of those 200 people.
MS(Multiple Sclerosis) is a chronic disease of the central nervous system that can attack any adult  and often causes impairment of speech, sight, balance, and even paralysis.  Although there is no cure for multiple sclerosis yet...I am ever hopeful.  Please visit these sites for more information on MS and what you can do to help.  Some of these sites provide a forum to ask questions and talk to others who have MS.
National MS Society
Villanova University
Jooly's Joint
Montel Williams MS Foundation
Please E-Mail us if there is a problem with the links on any of these pages and have a great day!  Email us even if there isn't a problem...we'd love to hear from you!  We answer everyone!
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