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OhhhNana's Homepage

I am so glad you found my site. I have much I would love to share with you .....everything from my "grandsons" to "tummy rubbin" recipes you will find on one page. It has been said that I am opinionated and I will let you be the judge of that....most subjects are strictly for the fun of it, but I hope I drive my point home. Dad has always told me if I had something stuck in my "craw" to spit it out so.....!! Truth of the matter is we are all opinionated, it's just a few that actually speak out.

I hope you find this visit enjoyable and leave with a smile on your face. I am, as the title of this site indictates, known in this house as "Nana". You aren't just given the title, you earn it!

As you travel through my pages I hope they will touch your heart and you can feel my emotions. My interest is wide and varied, so at the present time I have not completed this site but I'm working toward doing so, somehow I think it will always be under construction!

This has been a very interesting experience for me since this is the "Homepage" I never thought I would have. I gratefully acknowledge the lovely "Heartland Angel" who has so graciously given of her time that I might have this page. She truly is a real angel! I proudly display the "Heartland Angel" graphic on my page.

"Thank You My Friend"

For your listening pleasure I have tried to select music that would not interfer with your reading. I love good music but I realize some do not desire music, therefore, please feel free to "stop" the music. You will find the player at the bottom of each page.


The birth of a baby is God's way of saying that life goes on.

Age is a state of mind.

When we laugh, God laughs with us.

We are each unique, one-of-a-kind designer original. We all come tagged

All people smile in the same language.

The straight and narrow path would probably be wider if more people used it....

If you smile the world smiles with you.....

I was born at the right time, in the right place, of the right parents and would not change one thing if I had the choice. I treasure each past day and look forward to each day remaining in my future.


I have one sibling Jesse. For him, I display the "dove" which is a symbol for all Cancer Victims and their familie. We "Praise God" that today he is Cancer free. Please feel free to save the "Dove" to your hard drive and display on your webpages for all those you know who are victims to this feared diease.


As of March 2001 I added the second dove to my site, honoring my dear husband. We are, presently, engaged in the fight against cancer and the ravages that Chemo can bring to a person. We are holding tight to the Lord and believing he will bring us through this once again to laugh and play together. Please join us in adding a dove to your page in honour of cancer victims.

July 2002 - We have now quit chemo and my husband is on Hospice. We are taking each day as it comes and we take one step at a time. We have learned just how precious our lives are through all this.


On September 20, 2002 my husband went home to be with our Lord. During his time of illness, he left such a testimony of his faith in Christ - even to the last consciousness. He never feared death, never showed anger that he was dying and stated it was worst things in this life than death but the only regret he had was the grief he would cause the ones he left behind.

It has been fourteen months since he left me and I still find it very difficult to update this section. We have had so many people in their kindness to write and tell us they were and are praying for us. I just want each to know how much we appreciate every prayer that entered the presence of God for us. Prayer kept him here much longer than the three months they thought he had. I truly believe it extented his life a year and half. Never under-estimate the power of prayer.

I believe God heals in three ways:
By Faith, By Physicans and by Glory. God healed my husband through 'Glory' - he now is with our Saviour.

I thank you for every prayer, every kind word you spoke to us. May God Greatly bless each of you.


Do you know someone with cancer who is going through Chemo? Give them some extra attention by contacting: http://www.chemoangels.com You will be glad you did.

As I share my life, my family, and my "opinions" with you I hope it brings a smile to your face. Of Course, no Southern Lady would have a site without a section of recipes. Chocolate Lovers just hang on to your "hat", my first pages are for you.

"OhhhNana" came from my older grandson, Derek. He can say it much better than anyone else.....it's "OOOOHHHHHH NANAAA"! I must say my grandsons are the sweetest gifts God has given me in many, many years.

I can highly recommend this Class !!

"Thanks Laurie"




My site was critiqued in June/July of 2000.
I was glad I had things to occupy
my mind while it was taking place,
but I'm glad I did it !!

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Please take time to sign my Guestbook. I have just recently lost all the my pages of my guest. I would appreciate a record of your visit. Thank you!

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"Sayonara Sunset"

You are the person to visit my site since March 28, 2000.

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