
HI!! My name is Peggy and YES!! I am *OhhhNana*. It's what I prefer to be called by my two grandsons, ages 6 years and 12 months....when we reached the point where given names were big in the oldest grandson's little mind I suddenly became "Nana" to everyone in the immediate family. I do like to remind myself occassionaly I have a given name! My hubby calls me "PEG", that's why I chose "Peg of my Heart" for the music on this page. Hopefully that's what I will always be to him.

I was born and reared in Mississippi and still have parents and a sibling in the area. Yes !! I do have the Southern drawl and can't help it. Be Nice!! Don't embarrass us Southern Gals by asking us to say *something*!! Why does everyone want to hear us talk?

I have found that you can take the girl out of Mississippi but there are things you can never take out of "her." I still love the smell of Magnolia blossoms in bloom. The fragrance carries me back to childhood while memories dance across my mind; the sound of rain on a tin roof, sliding down the "banister" in that lovely ole Victorian home to hear Grandma reprimand me firmly with "Peggy Ann, don't you do that again!" and the family gathered in the "parlor" to listen to the radio !

I am lucky that I had the opportunity to learned the "skilled Arts" in younger life. I Crochet, Knit, Smock,"Tat" and do silk embrodery. It's always a pleasure for me to be able to teach somone one of these skills. Very few children today know what these skills are. If anyone has questions on these "skilled Arts", please email me.

I grew up around the corner from the guy I married but never knew him until he returned from the Navy when I was going into my senior year in High School.....Why? I was in the *sixth grade* when he graduated High School!! I didn't remember him but the first time I laid eyes on him, I labeled him as "He's Mine". "Oh ! Those eyes!! He's "still" looking good. We figured out one thing, marriage is a two way street with "give" and "take" on each side. So! Here's Looking at forty-three years together !! How many people are lucky enough to be married to their best friend! "Papa" (Wilford) and I have been lucky enough to remain best friends through these years together! I think we have a pretty good thing going here!! Just thinking about what this marriage has produced......WOW! Think I would say "Yes" all over again if I had it to go over. Truth is, "We Are Survivors".

I have two handsome sons, Chuck & Kirk, a beautiful daughter-of-Love, Traci, and a fantastic six year old grandson (Derek) and a twelve month old grandson,(David) whom belongs to Chuck and Traci. Our Kirk still remains a bachelor, so far! All that is enough to "Crow" over!!

I am an Artist. I find that I constantly want to know and achieve more in this field. I love to do Portraits and these days my grandsons are my main model!! What a wonder a child is to try and capture in a portrait. Art is a never ending learning experience. I may get distracted for a period but I always pick it up and go again. I love just about all the mediums..... Watercolor, Oils, Pastels, Charcoals, even the Colored Pencils are interesting. I thinks it's just in the blood !! You either love it or you don't.

Another love is Music. I never truly appreciated Mom's insistence that I study music until entering adult life. What a joy it has been to have my music to brighten my days when life seemed a little gloomy and what a blessing to be able to sing praises to our Lord in Choir, groups, and as Solist in my life. I hope by being able to work with children in childrens choirs that I have given them some of my love for music. You don't have to carry a tune, God say "Make a Joyful Noise!". So... when you're down just *hum* or get real brave and sing a little song. Hey ! You should hear my little Derek let it *roll* as he sings along with me. What a thrill !

It's not much I don't find interesting. I think you have to keep your mind active to stay young; age is a state of mind and I have yet to figure out how old I am !! Our youngest son just recently figured out I was no longer in my forties since his Dad and I have been married forty-three years...Sweet, huh?

I guess my Dad summed it up best when he made the statement to me....."When the Lord calls your name, you can't complain because you've tried just about everything," which he said in lovinging kindness to me.

This "Nana" is *WOMAN* - I am a daughter, I am a wife, I am a Mother, and I am Grandmother, but above all of this I am, ME ! Enjoy Your Visit!!

I would like to invite you to visit HappyGrandparent@Fawnn.com where I have a couple of articles published, "Thank God for the Apple Tree," and "Loving Compliments." I have found my writing keeps me sane! All Grandparents will throughly enjoy this Site. Happy Reading!

Oh! My!! I am Soooo thrilled to receive the following gifts!!


I am so thrilled to have been selected to receive this award !Thank you, Steel Magnolia's !!

Received 5/14/01

It was such a joy to be selected for the May Interview for Steel Magnolia's and I have enjoyed every minute sharing with you my answer to the questions asked. It's pleasure to display my "Spotlite Gift", Thank you, Steel Magnolia's !


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"Peg of my Heart"