My heart still goes out to those who lost their loved ones in this unspeakable act of terrorism..It's been several yrs. since the terrorists struck our country..I doubt the hurt in so many hearts will ever go away..perhaps it has dimmed with time, but it will never really go away. My prayer is that these attacks has made us more aware, as a country, AND as individuals, how much we need to have God in our lives!! May God bless us, and, please God, bless America again!!!
Click here to view the Let His Light Shine "prayer quilt".

Romans 8:16&17:"The Spirit itself beareth witness with our spirit that we are the children of God: And if children, then heirs; heirs of God, and joint-heirs with Christ; if so be that we suffer with Him, that we may be also glorified together."


So happy you could drop in and visit us at our "country home" on the web! I have dedicated this site to Jesus, and my purpose is that it gives Him glory and honor!!

We are the Delines..I'm "Sue",(a nickname, but most people close to me know me by that name) and that handsome "young" man in the above picture is Roger! We are Michiganians, and we have been married 42yrs., and have 4 children and 16 living grandchildren, 9 boys and 7 girls...two of the boys,and two of the girls, were grafted in when our youngest daughter married a man who has a child, and our son married a woman who has 3 children. (Read "Our daughter's story" at the link below.)

Don't we look young??lol

Roger is a retired boiler operator/maintenance man. In the summer, he has fun with his hobby of Civil War re-enactments, where he is part of a cannon crew called the 14th. Georgia Artillery. Our son is also part of the group, and they love to tell anyone who will listen all about it! Click on the flags below to read more about them!
Civil War re-enactments

I am a homemaker/mom/grandma, and, like all grandma's, I like to talk about my grandchildren! I love to read, but since getting my computer, I don't read quite as much..it's a whole new concept, that I consider lucky to have learned at all at my age! I also raise a garden and maintain a good sized yard in the summer. Click on the links following to read about our family.

Our grandchildren

"In Loving Memory"

"The crazycritters..our pets!"


At the age of 13, I was born again, and Jesus has been the most important part of my life ever since! I have been blessed to be part of the congregation of an Assembly of God Church in a little town near us, and I'm "teacher's helper" in a Sunday School class of 7 and 8yr. olds.

God is so good, to have blessed us the way He has..we don't have a lot of THINGS here in the country where we live..in fact, we live quite simply, but we have God's love..and His salvation, so we can KNOW that we are saved, and will one day live with Him in Heaven. Second Peter 3:9,says that..."God is not willing that ANY should perish, but that ALL should come to repentance!" Salvation is a free gift, given by a loving God..Do you KNOW where you would go if you were to die in the next instant? Do you want to know for sure that your eternity is secure in Jesus? If you haven't ever accepted Jesus, or have accepted Him in the past, and have slipped away from Him, accept Him now..you will never regret it! Take the following link to read about this "free gift"!

Free gift for you!







This is a really nice site!

The above candle was put on this page in honor of all those who have been hurt or damaged by abuse. Please, add this candle to your homepage and keep it burning!


If you need help, uplifting, or inspiration, this site can provide it!!



If you are looking for the meaning of TRUE love, and want peace in your heart, click on the banner above and check out this site!!

Click for Alma, Michigan Forecast

Above is what I call a "discernment button"..I've added it to make you aware that although the links I have listed below I believe to be, and am pretty sure are,"decent" sites, please use "discernment" when you view any site..even if a site uses the words, "religious" or "Christian", there can sometimes be sites that don't give glory to God. Thanks all, and thanks for looking in on "Deline's Country Home"!


Links to other sites on the Web

Meet the Music Lady
Our daughter's story..an internet romance!

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