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    [My Story Below]



My Story
     For many years, I have battled with the illness of Fibromyalgia.  If you don't have this illness, it is hard to explain just how much pain one has.  It saddens me, to learn,  just how many people are effected by this illness. Like most of the others, I have read about, the doctors would always say,
it is just in your head.  I would leave the doctors office so flustrated and this would cause even more pain.  I was a long distant truck driver with my husband for sixteen years and the last two or three years is when the pain got so bad and made it hard on him.  He would sometimes have to drive my shift as well as his.  Having to do this, just to keep our job, eventually caused him to have a stroke.  This is another subject for another time.
   Back to my story.  One day I just decided to look in the yellow pages, I found Johnson Neurological Associates.  They told me I needed a referral.  I called my regular Dr., Dr. Harris, and he was  kind enough to refer me to Johnson Neuro.. I saw Dr. Keith Miller.  He was and still is so understan-
ding.  It took me a few visits before he told me that I have Fibromyalgia.  He told me there is no cure.  He has tried a few medications, but so far, nothing has helped.
   Only by the Grace of God, do I survive each day.  With his help I can do what is necessary to get by.  Anyone that has this can tell you, it is a major undertaking to just get out of bed each day.  But  there are days that I feel pretty good, after getting up and laying around for a while.
   Another thing this illness does, it effects my nerves. I have been diagnosed as manic depressive.  I myself can't tell that I am this way, but I guess the doctor knows what he is talking about.
   I do hope and pray, that one day we will know what causes this illness, and there will be a cure found.
   Everyone, keep Faith and May God Bless.



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