Welcome graduates of Barberton High School's

Class of 1983


This site is my attempt to keep in touch with all of my acquaintances from my graduating class.  If you graduated in 1983 from Barberton High School in Barberton, Ohio then this site is for you.  I want to hear from you. 
I want to publish your pictures, stories, poems, or just plain thoughts.

Feel free to send me anything you would like your fellow graduates to know about you.  Had any births in the family?  Any deaths the other classmates might want to know about?  How about a listing of classmates' birthdays?  (We all love being remembered on our birthday!)  Any current pictures?  Any pictures from the past?  I want them all!

I am starting this site with the pictures Glen and I took at our 20th reunion held on August 29 - 30, 2003.  I am really hoping that I get pictures from other people.  I know that there were a few cameras floating around.

I will also try to keep everyone up to date on future happenings with our class.  Any information you can give me would be great!

You can send your submissions to




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