I am not certain if or how or if this "ties" into any of our Deshazo lines on the DESHAZO ANCESTORS site. Because it is an excellent piece of information regarding the history of the French Dechezeau surname, I've decided to include it on the site. It was sent to me by Jean Marie Texier, in the French language. Since I do not speak or read French, a friend of a friend translated it and it is as you see it here.

(last modification: July 13 1999)

Mr. Jordan, judge of investigation and historian from Rochelle indicates in his genealogical notes on the family Dechezeaux ( reference and documents of Saint Martin Municipalities, genealogical file #90) that this family originated from Languedoc and it was given the noble title under Henry IV: it is about a man named Jehan de Chezeaux with a noble title, he was an equestrian, parliament lawyer, licensed in law, and assistant director of the Grenetiere ( the castle of the king ) in 1576.(?)

Pierre DEZ: " History of the protestants and the reformation of the church of the Re Island ( 1926 ):
-Esa e DECHEZEAUX, in charge of fifty pieces of land in 1678
-Jean DECHEZEAUX, teacher at Saint Martin between 1671 and 1674-relieved of his duties in 1680
-Suzanne DECHEZEAUX relieved of her duties in 1685:

at Saint Martin:
-Anne MURET, widow of Etienne DECHEZEAU ( 70 years )
-Jeanne FAURE, widow of Jean DECHEZEAU ( 44 years )
-Renee DECHEZEAUX, wife of Pierre BERNARD ( 24 years )

at Ars:
-Marie FAGE/FAGE, wife of Isaac DECHEAEAUX
-Jeanne COURSIER, wife of Daniel DECHEZEAUX
-Francoise VALLEAU and Charles DECHEZEAU, her husband ( 10-27-1685 ):
-Etienne DECHEZEAU and Madeleine HEMMELIN, his wife by law ( 10-21-1685 ):
-Adam DECHEZEAU, Helie SORRE, Jeanne DECHEZEAU, Renee DECHEZEAU reference lists pp 71-78 :
Plymouth: Isaac DECHEZEAUX and Nicolas AIRAUD
( the naturalization files published by "the Huguenot Society of London")
3-8-1681: Daniel CHESEAU
registry files of Dublin Churches
-Etienne DECHEZEAU, spouse of Suzanne BERNARD
whose daughter Suzanne DECHEZEAU was baptized on 12-6-1685 ( age ? )
P. 102: mention of a Mrs. DECHEZEAU, locked in the Providence convent La Rochelle in 1732 and her son was sent to the Jesuits in Bressuire in 1735.

Charles W. BAIRD: "History of the Huguenot refugees in America"
( translated by mister A.E. Meyer in Richmond, from Toulouse, 1886):
(p 251): Amongst the French Protestants that came to Boston, Massachussettes, we pick the name of Adam DECHEZEAU, marine, with others Ò forced to leave their native country of France because they were being persecuted for their Protestant religionÓ therefore, they were granted a naturalization petition in the general court of Massachussetes in February 1731 ( Mass. Files, volume XI p. 488) Maybe this is the same Adam DECHEZEAU ( born at Loix and baptized at Saint Martin 1-15-1681) son of Adam DECHEZEAU and Jeanne VALLEAU (?0?

Jean-Etienne DECHEZEAU(*island of Re, the protestant registry of France, 11-20-1644)
(*1) married Renee AYRAULT (*2) married Anne MURET( born around 1615)
[registry of Saint Martin, 1685: Anne MURET, 70 years, widow of Etienne DECHEZEAU
1) Adam DECHEZEAU( 7-4-1645) husband of Jeanne VALLEAU whose 12 children ( branch of Loix in Re ?)
12) Adam DECHEZEAU ( baptized at Saint Martin of Re, 1-15-1681)
( notes of Charles W. BAIRD, following)(demanded his American naturalization in 1731)
2) Etienne DECHEZEAU(11-15-1646) husband of Suzanne BERNARD [ emigrated to Dublin(?) notes of Pierre DEZ following]
21) Suzanne DECHEZEAU( baptized on 12-6-1685 in Dublin)
3) Daniel DECHEZEAU husband of Jeanne COURSIER
31) Daniel DECHEZEAU husband of Catherine BUTAUD(9-16-1711)
311) Catherine-Jeanne-Marie DECHEAZEAU(11-27-1716/1792)(emigrated in 1727 to Bergen) wife of Ludwig LEM(1721/1773) [following a fire that ruined their father, the three sons came back to the Re island to be next to their uncle Jacob DECHEZEAU]
3111) Jean(or Jens) LEM(1750/1804) Council/vice council of the king of Denmark, Norwegian and Sweden at the Re island husband of Louise-Emilie DECHEZEAU/DURAND
31111) Jean-Simon-Hector LEM(*The Flotte, 2-11-1817), owner and mayor of the ship the Flotte
31111) Aime LEM(*The Flotte, 2-27-1821) first surveyer and venerable of the club called Òthe Friends of the OrderÓ
31111)Louis-Marie-Isaac-Casimir LEM(The Flotte 4-11-1858 Saint Martin) negotiator, owner, and tax collector(direct contributions) (son of Jens LEM and Louise-Elisabeth DURAND)
(the rest: see 32121.32122,32123)
3112) Jacob LEM
3113) Daniel LEM
3114) Catherine LEM
3115) Helen LEM
312) Jean-Etienne DECHEZEAU(1-7-1723/1792)(*2,1778)
(*1) husband of Jacobine WENCH Van Der LIPPE ( 1735/1767)
(*2) husband of Suzanne-Catherine HOLCK ( 1735/1803) [ in 1748, first French Council at Bergen]
3121) Thomas DECHEZEAU(1762/1831), French council at Bergen, husband of Dorothy HEIBERG
313) Louis DECHEZEAU(7-9-1726)(*7-19-1756)or(*Ars 10-20-1788)
husband of Marie Magdelein PENISSON
3131) Suzanne-Louise DECHEZEAU(*11-14-1784) or ( *Ars 10-20-1788)
wife of Gabriel-David FOUCAULT, captain of the fleet of the Indian Ocean (? Son of David-Honore FOUCAULT and Julienne JEAN)
31311) Jacob- Gabriel Honore FOUCAULT ( Ars, 4-3-1788)(* The Flotte, 4-25-1820)
husband of Louise-Justine-Sophie-Fortunee DELAAGE from BRETOLLIERE
(daughter of Rene-Alexandre DELAAGE, old captain of the infantry at the Regiment of Perche,
and of Jeanne-Marguerite-Sophie DECHEZEAUX)
313111) Sophie FOULCAULT wife of pastor BONNARD
31312) Etienne-Isaac FOUCAULT
31313) Louis-David FOUCAULT, horse rider, captain, and chief of the royal battalion of Genie (Ars, around 1786/ Saint Martin, 11-15-1856) husband of Lise-Suzanne-Melia DECHEZEAUX(* Saint Martin, 4-9-1820)[notes 31321] (daughter of Louis-Jacob DECHEZEAU and of Marie-Jeanne-Josuee GUYON)
3132) Louis-Jacob DECHEZEAU husband of Marie-Jeanne-Josuee GUYON
31321) Lise-Suzanne-Melia DECHEZEAU (Ars/Saint-Martin, 3-20-1875) (* Saint Martin 4-9-1820) wife of Louis-David FOUCAULT,[file number 31313] chief of the Genie batallion, officer of the Legion of Honor, horse rider of the military order Merite, member of the Consistoire of the Rochelle.
3133) Etienne-Isaac DECHEZEAU ( 3-26-1831 at 66 years) single
314) Jacques-Jacob DECHEZEAU (4-30-1728/5-11-1817, Ars) took the honor sword prize for his courage during the battle of Brisson (siege and capture of Pondichery) the representative of Ars at the Re assembly at the Rochelle in 1789
315) Pierre-Adam DECHEZEAU (7-19-1729) council
316) Marie-Eve DECHEZEAU (2-11-1732)
317) Magdelaine DECHEZEAU ( 10-24-1724)
318 ?) Jean-Daniel DECHEZEAU
32) Etienne DECHEZEAU (temple of Ars and Re, 11-15-1646) husband of Marie-Anne MOUNIER
321) Etienne-Laurent DECHEZEAU ( 1722/ la Flotte, 4-30-1785) ( * Delavergne contract, 6-10-1755; Notre Dame of the Rochelle) husband of Marie-Louise LAMBERT (1735/1832)
3211) Pierre-Charles-Daniel-Gustave DECHEZEAU (10-6-1760/1-17-1794 at Rochefort), negotiator [ traveled during his youth to Paris and Holland: in 1775 to Beverwick, in 1777 to Amsterdam] the founder of the first popular society of la Flotte, demands the affiliation to the club of the Jacobins, commander of the national guard of la Flotte, and participated in wars at the Sables d'Olonne he planted the first tree of the freedom of the la Flotte and presided the primary assembly of la Flotte, it was adopted to him the project of demolition of the statue of Louis XV at Saint Martin, elected the first deputy to the legislative assembly, member of the National Convention, voted for the detention of Louis XVI until the circumstances permitted for his banishment, supplier to the finance committee, member of the correspondance and commerce committees, member of the national defense committee, engaged himself to assure a monthly paycheck of 10 livres to the families who would embark first on the ships of the republic, destined an amount of 1200 livres to the marines who were injured in fighting for freedomÉ [he was beheaded at Rochefort]
( * Delavergne contract, 7-9-1790) husband of Marguerite-Francoise VATABLE ( the Guadeloupe)
(she remarried to Louis-Jacques-Michel RASTEAU)
{daughter of Isaac-Jean-Joseph VATABLE, negotiator, and Anne-Marie LIEGE widow (* 1761)}
(little girl of Isaac VATABLE, he was chief surgeon in the village of la Rochelle)
32111) Adele DECHEZEAU
32112) Louise-Fanny-Justine DECHEZEAU (la Flotte 2-5-1792) (* la Flotte 1-6-1813) wife of Daniel RIVAILLE (1785/7-3-1856) negotiator, mayor of Saint Martin (10-11-1830/1856); general advisor under the monarchy of Juillet son of Jacques RIVAILLE and Francoise-Esther BAUDIN
3212) Daniel-Etienne-Achille DECHEZEAU(1-1-1772) negotiator [ traveled during his youth to Paris, Germany, and England] husband of Emily DURAND
32121) Louise-Emilie DECHEZEAU wife of Jean-Simon-Hector LEM (* la Flotte, 2-11-1817) owner and mayor of la Flotte
321211) Etienne-Jean-Ernest LEM (2-15-1818)
321212) Marie-Louise-Emilie-Celina LEM (4-26-1820)
wife of Charles-Sebastian VILLENEAU, owner (* la Flotte, 5-8-1837) husband of Theophile-Auguste DELBART, pastor of the reform church ) {widow of Etiennette-Louise-Emilie DECHEZEAU (* Saint Martin, 7-5-1857)
3212121) Charles-Hector VILLENEAU
3212122) Emile-Jens_Adolphe VILLENEAU
321213) Cazimir-Charles-Hector-Gustave LEM ( 4-2-1822)
321214) Louise-Alexandrine-Elisabeth-Emilie LEM ( 2-19-1824) ( * la Flotte , 6-12-1843) wife of Auguste-Alphonse-Tancrede De FRANQUEFORT (8-8-1807)
3212141) Caroline De FRANQUEFORT
3212142) Paul De FRANQUEFORT
321215) Gustave-Adopher-Alexandre-Alfred LEM (9-5-1826)
321216) Marie-Louise-Sophie-Ernestine LEM (3-7-1828)
32122) Marie Caroline DECHEZEAU wife of Aime LEM (* la Flotte, 2-27-1821) first advisor and venerable of the club "The Friend of the Order"
321221) Louis-Aime-Charles-Achille LEM ( 6-12-1822) ( * la Flotte, 7-28-1851) (* notary public at the Flotte 7-24-1851) husband of Pauline-Elisabeth POIRIER ( 7-10-1827) widow of Pierre-Jean ESRADERE ( daughter of Louise POIRIER, carpenter at the Flotte and Louise BRIZARD)
321222) Louise-Elisabeth-marie-Caroline LEM ( 10-2-1825)
321223) Alexandre-Francois-Jacques-Simon-Gustave LEM (1-3-1827)
321223) Marie-Emilie-Jeanne-Sophie LEM (1-11-1831) (* la Flotte 2-10-1852) wife of Andre-Etienne-Camille MAGUE, negotiator ( the Flotte, 1-31-1826) ( son of Etienne MAGUE, businessman, and Jeanne-Marthe MAMRGOTTEAU)
321225) Alexandre-Francois-Jacob-Alphonse LEM ( deaf and mute) ( 9-21-1829)
32123) Marie-Francoise ( called Fanny) DECHEZEAU ( * la Flotte, 8-6-1823) wife of Louis-Marie-Isaac_Casimir LEM ( 4-11-1858 Saint Martin) negotiator, and tax collector, (direct contribution) (son of Jens LEM and Louise-Elisabeth DURAND)
321231) Marie-Louise-Elisabeth LEM ( 2-25-1824)
321232) Louise-Daniel-Etienne-Cazimir LEM (10-8-1828)
321233) Aimee-Franncoise-Fanny LEM (11-30-1829 Saint Martin) wife of Louis-Hippolyte GIBAUD,officer living at Saint Martin (son of Louis GIBAUD, businessman at the Couarde, and Suzanne BRUNEREAU)
321234) Jean-Marie-Ferdinand-Hector-LEM husband of Honorine-Elisa FERCHAUD (both of them living in Paris)
32124) Alexandre-Etienne-Desire-Achille DECHEZEAU, negotiator husband of Francoise-Emilie DELAAGE of the BRETOLLIERE (the Flotte, 9-15-1828)
321241) Etiennette-Louise-Emilie DECHEZEAU (the Flotte, 11-17-1829/6-18-1852 Saint Martin) wife of Theophile-Auguste DELBART, pastor of the Reform Church
3212411) Samuel-Emile-Theophile DELBART (died the day of his birth, 6-15-1852)
3213) Jeanne-Marguerite-Sophie DECHEZEAU (9-24-1770) (Saint Martin, the Flotte 7-23-1789) wife of Rene-Alexandre DELAAGE of RIVAUD, viscount of the BRETOLLIERE, (the Bussiere in Poitou, 10-11-1758)
[Rene-Alexandre DE LÕAGE of the BRETOLLIERE: AG:YB 334.393-E16-3501-3541-3601;AGE:F7 4993.5890] Seminary, the noble castle of the Monerie, parish of the Buissiere in Poitou
(son of Rene, lord of the Bretolliere and Marie BENOITOU)
{Sophie DECHEZEAU is noted divorced from Alexandre DELAAGE at the birth of Sophie DECHEZEAU
(daughter of Etienne-Daniel-Achille DECHEZEAU, now absent on business and of Marie-Emilie DURAND), but her husband continued to serve as a missionary on certain occasions}
32131) Louise-Justine-Sophie-Fortunee DELAGE (the Flotte 4-30-1790) wife of Jacob-Gabriel-Honore FOUCAULT ( Ars 4-3-1788) (* the Flotte 4-25-1820) old lieutenant of a ship vessel and captain
32132) Francoise-Emilie DELAAGE of the BRETOLLIERE (the Flotte 12-15-1828) wife of Alexandre-Etienne-Desire-Achille DECHEZEAU, negotiator
3214) Louise-Marie-Madeleine DECHEZEAU (10-8-1756/8-24-1759)
3215) Pierre-Etienne-Jean DECHEZEAU (1-16-1758/1-21-1758)
33) Jeanne DECHEZEAU wife of Daniel VILLENEAU
4)Jacques DECHEZEAU husband of Elisabeth REGRENY
( relationship exemption for marriage on 2-6-1672;RPR;B.1237) certainly remarried to Marie FAGE
411) Jacques DECHEZEAU (1675)
412) Pierre DECHEZEAU (1676)
413) Daniel DECHEZEAU (1677)
414) Judith DECHEZEAU (1678)
415) Etienne DECHEZEAU (1684)
4)Renee DECHEZEAU (born around 1661; registry of Saint Martin 1685) wife of Pierre BERNARD

Hector-Marie-Hippolyte-Jens LEM (around 1825) (little boy of Jens LEM, 1750/1804)
Husband of Jeanne-Charlotte-Esther-Iphigenie BOUCHET (around 1830)
1)Aime-Charles-Alphonse-Laurent-Louis-Gaston LEM (the Flotte, 5-19-1856/Paris 1-29-1929) prefect, vice-president of the Bank of France, administrator of insurance and bank companies, he was the mayor of the Flotte until his death/protestant the recipient of the medal of honor 6-7-1894; officer of the Legion of Honor: 7-12-1912 husband of Camille COMPAING
11) Christian LEM, banker (+1942)
111) Jean-Gaston LEM (Paris eighth, 8-1-1914)

Loix in Re, February 3,1700: marriage of DECHEZEAULT-TOUVRON, without anymore indication (see 48 J 153, ADCM, taken from the marriage records from 1634 until 1802)

Adam DECHEZEAU, widow of Jeanne FERRE
1) Elisabeth DECHEZEAU ( 1 Loix, 11-22-1740) (*2 Loix 10-10-1757)
Daughter of Adam DECHEZEAU and Jeanne FERRE)
Wife of Matthew VALLEAU (son of Pierre VALLEAU and Magdeleine DERAMEE)
Wife of Jean ALLEMAND, widow of Jeanne MIGNOT (*1750)

Etienne DECHEZEAU, husband of Catherine GARANDEAU
1) Pierre-Daniel DECHEZEAU (*Loix 10-18-1768)
Husband of Elisabeth LANDREAU (daughter of Pierre LANDREAU and Anne BRIGAND
11) Pierre-Daniel DECHEZEAU (Loix+ 9-4-1819, 50 years old) marine and owner of a ship
husband of Marie BORIT (daughter of Pierre BORIT and of Marie ÐAnne CHALEMEAU) (* Loix 10-29-1793)
111) Etienne-Antoine DECHEZEAU, tailor (Loix 11-13-1827) husband of Marie-Louise FERMIER , seamstress (daughter of Etienne FERMIER and of Marie BARITEAU
112) Piere-Daniel DECHEZEAU (Loix 12-25-1797), (description: 1.75 meter, brown hair, and gray eyes)
Daniel DECHEZEAU, husband of Rachel-Magdeleine MESCHAIN (both deceased between 1780 and 1784?)
1) Anne DECHEZEAU (*Loix, 7-11-1780) ( daughter of Daniel ? DECHEZEAU and of Madeleine MESCHIN) wife of Charles-Bazile DELBOEUF (of Saint Maurice) widow of Marie-Gabrielle GUIOT
2) Eve-Elisabeth DECHEZEAU (*Loix 9-6-1784)
(daughter of Daniel DECHEZEAU and Rachel-Magdeleine MESCHAIN)
wife of Antoine CLEMENT ( son of Jean CLEMENT and Anne FORESTIER)

Marriage of Louis DECHEZEAULT and Jeanne VILLENEAU, celebrated on 7-19-1756 by the pastor Louis GIBERT, validated in 1787 ( Delmas, history of the Rochelle church, p 404)
Louis DECHEZEAULT is a navy captain, his wife originated from Ars- in Re
They have a child baptized on 12-15-1761

Jeanne-Renee VALLEAU ( around 1722/Ars in Re, 5-15-1789), around 67 years old Wife of Isaac DECHEZEAU

Pierre-Isaac DECHEZEAULT, negotiator at the Flotte ( 8-25-1761/10-22-1789)
Husband of Catherine BERAUD (from Niort)
1) Marie- Catherine DECHEZEAU first wife of Jacques- Alexandre BOUTET, captain at the Indian Ocean, living at Saint Martin
2) Marie-Suzanne DECHEZEAULX (+ the Rochelle, 11-5-1817) widow of Thomas VEILLON, navy captain, drowned on the shore of Guinee, Remarried Jacques BOURRILLON, negotiator at Saint Martin
3) Pierre-Louis DECHEZEAULX (deceased on 4-2-1820, around 80 years old at the Rochelle) old negotiator

Marguerite DECHEZEAU (unknown relationship)(*Loix 1-17-1792)
Wife of Jean RAMIGEARD(son of Etienne RAMIGEARD and of Suzanne BAUDET)
widow of Marie-Catherine BORIT (daughter of Pierre BORIT and of Marie ÐAnne CHALUMEAU)

Nicolas DECHEZEAUX (deceased around 1775/1780)
Husband of Jeanne GIRARD
1) Jeanne-Madeleine DECHEZEAUX (*the Flotte) (daughter of Nicolasl DECHEZEAUX and of Jeanne GIRARD) wife of Etienne-Just ARNAUD, marine (son of Elie-Laurent ARNAUD, navy captain, and of Marie DURAND)
11) Charles ARNAUD, navy captain husband of Elisabeth NADEAU (daughter of Francois NADEAU, merchant from Saint George of Oleron, and of Marie-Louise COUTURIER) in presence of Paul ARNAUD, teacher at the Couarde, brother of Etienne-Just ARNAUD
111) Etienne-Charles-Henri ARNAUD (the Flotte 8-24-1825)
2) Anne-Catherine DECHEZEAUX (* the Flotte 8-14-1807) {daughter of Nicolas DECHEZEAUX and Jeanne GIRARD} wife of Matthew-Isaac BAUDOIN, {son of Francois BAUDOIN, baker, and of Elisabeth BERLAU}

Pierre-Francois-Daniel DECHEZEAUX, captain, husband of Jeanne-Catherine ADRIEN ( Loix, about 1745/1-3-1822)
(daughter of Pierre-Daniel ADRIEN, marine and Jeanne DECHEZEAU)
1) Pierre-Francois-Daniel DECHEZEAUX, teacher [witness of the marriage: Daniel ADRIEN, captain of the ship, 54 years old, living at Saint Savinien husband of Anne-Madeleine COUTURIER (daughter of Jean COUTURIER and of Madeleine DECHEZEAUX)
11) Adam-Edmond DECHEZEAU, marine (born at the Flotte)(* the Flotte 7-24-1838) husband of Madeleine-Genvieve BONNIN, widow of Isaac-Etienne VEILLON

Etienne-Daniel DECHEZEAU, teacher (the Flotte, around 1796, Rochefort 4-12-1878)
[no mention of relationship: declaring the death of:
- Sylvain-Alexandre EYSSALET, entrepreneur living at Rochefort
- Louise COUTRET, officer at the port of Rochefort, no children] widow of Madeleine MASSON
1) Auzanne DECHEZEAU (Loix 4-29-1830), widow of Louis-Julien-Eugene MALBERT Wife of Louis COUTRET, (4-25-1829); (*Rochefort, 1-27-1853)
2) Etienne-Daniel DECHEZEAU (Loix, 7-23-1831/11-26-1831)
3) Madeleine DECHEZEAUX (the Flotte, 12-20-1825)
4) Anne DECHEZEAU (the Flotte 1-2-1828)
5) Suzanne-Henriette DECHEZEAU (1834/1903) wife of Alexandre EYSSALET, entrepreneur of funeral monuments
6) Etienne DECHEZEAU (1837/3-4-1885 Hospital of the Marines, Rochefort) Sergeant major of the squad on the Flotte, recipient of the military medal Husband of Eulalie TENEBRE
7) Adelaid DECHEZEAU wife of Mr. SAULTZ
Jacques-Etienne DECHEZEAU, (deceased on 12-11-1809, Loix ?) husband of Louise VEILLON
1) Marie-Louise DECHEZEAU (*Loix 1-9-1799) wife of Jacques AUDRY (son of Jean AUDRY and Marie-Jeanne BOISSEAU)
2) Marie-Magedelaine DECHEZEAU (12-6-1780, Loix) * Andre-Etienne DECHEZEAU (*Loix, 1-5-1815) captain (son of Pierre-Daniel DECHEZEAU and Jeanne-CatherineADRIEN) (father deceased on 3-6-1780)
3) Fanny-Elisabeth DECHEZEAU (Saint Martin of Re 7-7-1792) (*Loix 6-10-1816) wife of Jean-Francois LEFORT, marine (son of Jean-Pierre LEFORT, builder and butcher, and of Marie-Sebastienne-Therese DOTRANGE)

Rochefort, protestant registry:+Suzanne-Louise DECHEZEAU, 32 years old (originally from Paris, Saint Germain L'Auxerrois) widow of Jean-Jacques GARNEAU, negotiator at Rochefort ex-married:Pierre-Francois CHAMBON, Lieutenant of a fleet

Family FOUCALT, originally from the valley of Autize
a branch of the family emigrated to the island of Re little bit before the dismissal of the Edict of Nantes FOUCAULT and PHELIPPOT) one father left to London with his four oldest children, the mother stayed at Saint Martin with the two other children

David-Honore FOUCAULT, negotiator (+Saint Martin 4-8-1750) (Saint Martin of Re 5-7-1708) husband of Madeleine RICHARD wife of Julienne JEAN named ROGER](*contract before notary republic 1-2-1744)
1) Anne-Henriette FOUCAULT (+3-24-1791) wife of Jean-Simon-David FOUCAULT (her German cousin) (11-11-1788) advisor of the king (son of Jean-Simon FOUCAULT and Marie MESNIER)
11) Pierre-Louis FOUCAULT, mayor of Saint Martin (Saint Martin 1-9-1752) (*2 Saint Martin 5-17-1813) husband of Francoise-Thomas BESSEY (+7-9-1811) husband of Elonore-Elisabeth COUTRET (Loix, 6-10-1789) (daughter of Pierre-Melchior COUTRET, negotiator, and Therese-Pelage VALLEAU)
2) Marie-Magdeleine FOUCAULT (ROGER) (Saint Sauveur 5-13-1735)
3) Gabriel-David FOUCAULT, navy captain, (+Ars 12-15-1790) Husband of Suzanne-Louise DECHEZEAUX ( Ars) (*11-14-1784) (daughter of Louis DECHEZEAU and Marie-Magdeleine PENISSON)
31) Jacob-Gabriel-Honore FOUCAULT (Ars, 4-3-1788) (* the Flotte, 4-25-1820) husband of Louise-Justine-Sophie-Fortunee DELAAGE of BRETOLLIERE (daughter of Rene-Alexandre DELAAGE, old infantry captain of the Regiement of Perche and of Jeanne-Marguerite-Sophie DECHEZEAUX)
311) Sophie FOUCAULT, wife of the pastor BONNARD
312) Etienne-Isaac FOUCAULT
313) Louis-David FOUCAULT, (* Saint Martin 4-9-1820) Chief of the batallion of Genie, captain of the Royal Army of Genie Horserider , officer of the Legion of Honor Horserider of the military order, Husband of Lis-Suzanne-Melia DECHEZEAUX (daughter of Louis-Jacob DECHEZEAU and Marie-Jeanne-Josuee GUYON)
4) Marie-Julienne FOUCAULT (Saint Martin , 1749/1750)
catholic branch:

Jacques-Louis-Charles FOUCAULT (Saint Martin 7-27-1846) Old notary, lawyer, judge at the civil court of the Rochelle, Husband of Marie-Louise-Berthe-Fernande RICHARD (daughter of Marie-Ferdinand RICHARD, at Saint Cyr in Talmondais)
1) Louis-Marie-Charles FOUCAULT (Saint Xandre, 1-27-1874) (Saint Jean of Angely 2-4-1903) Husband of Henriett-Madeleine-Marie-Herninie-Eugenie CHAIGNEAU
2) Fernand-Charles FOUCAUTL ( Saint Xandre 3-30-1876)(*Rouen 4-5-1902) Husband of Laure-Celstine BARROIS Adrien-Maxime FOUCAULT ( Saint Martin, 11-9-1862) notary republic at the Rochelle
1) 1 daughter( the Rochelle 12-18-1895) protestant branch:
Henri-Edme FOUCAULT ( Saint Martin), Conservator of registration and the domains of the Charente-Inferieuere in retirement (living at the Rochelle) [posterity]

Lady FOUCAULT, widow of BARIN of the Galissoniere

Pierre DEZ and M. GUITTEAU, professor at the school of medicine of Poitiers, where issued of the Protestant branch of the FOUCAULT registry.
D.LIEVRE, retired military at Alger, author of "Jacob Dechezeaux at the siege in Pondichery 1778", is the grandson of David FOUCAULT, nephew called Jacob Dechezeaux, to whom the commandment of Brisson after the capture of Ponichery was granted.
Auguste-Francois LIEVRE, conservator of the library of Poitiers, old pastor, (Bazoges-en-Pareds, Vendee, 1828/Paris, 10-14-1898, at his son in law, Albert DEZ) husband of YÉ MAUFLASTRE (daughter of XÉMAUFLASTRE, magistrate at the Rochelle) (sister of Alexis MAFULASTRE, president of the chamber of Douai)
1) Daniel LIEVRE, under commission of the Marines
2) YÉLIEVRE, wife of Albert DEZ, professor at the high school BUFFON (Paris)