The Estate Record


John Deshazo

( 1795; d. 1840)

John Deshazo was born about 1795. All documentation indicates that he was the son of William Deshazo ( 1755 NC; d. ca. 1826 Twiggs Co., GA). This would make John the grandson of Robert Deshazo and Mollie Trevellian of Edgefield, SC. Pulaski County Superior Court records show that John had an early career in law. Land records in the counties of Houston, Chatham and Pulaski (along with this estate record) show that John Deshazo was a wealthy land owner as well as a legal professional at the time of his death. A notice in the Georgia Journal states that he was 45 years old at the time of his death.

By 1830, John had married to Sarah Ellen "Susan" Shipp. The 1830 will of Susan's father, William Shipp states his daughter as Susan Deshazo. Shipp family records say that John Deshazo was some kind of captain. I do not know if this is a military captain or a sea captain. I would presume military since John is on many land records in the central Georgia area. I have not found a military record for him as yet. He would have to had served in a war between 1813 and 1839. This eliminates any major American wars. The only child mentioned or appearing on census records is a female born about 1824. We know from this estate record and the 1850 Dooly county, Georgia census that this was Mary Ann Deshazo who married Enoch Brown. She is shown in Dooly county in the home of her husband with her mother, Susan Deshazo living with them in 1850.

As you will see in this estate record, John evidently died of an illness. Page 9 (nine) shows an accounting of some medicines purchased for John from Dr. Watkins.

If you have any questions about this estate record, please do contact me at

The Estate of John Deshazo 1840

Estate of John Deshazo in acc with George Brainerd, Administrator

(page 1)

1842 Sept 6

By sale of Negro boy, Amos $105.00
" " " inte---- of the Estate of John Deshazo, dec'd, to the claim of Willis SHIPP in his ------ Wm. SHIPP Estate $100.00

By sale of lot of land no 98 in 10th dist now Lowndes $5.00

By sale of lot of land no 30 in 12th dist now Lowndes $12.00

By sale of lot one ----------- half lot land no 250 4th dist Early Co. $28.50

(total) $250.50


#1 To James WELLS receipt for amount on Mary A. Deshazo $70.09

#2 To C.S. COX receipt for acc on Susan Deshazo $30.16

#3 To Wm. W. SHIPP receipt for acc on Estate John Deshazo $46.00

#4 To Nancy SHIPP receipts for anon Estate John Deshazo $103.75

#5 To Nancy SHIPP receipts for anon Estate John Deshazo $79.76

#6 To Tax receipts $3.10

Clerk receipts $332.86 TOTAL

Sworn to before me this September 25th 1842

John V. MITCHELL C.C.O. George Brainerd, Administrator

(page 2)

Pineville, Marion Co., GA

Mrs. Susan Deshazo (NOTE: some of the numbers were very difficult to read)

6 yds black @$1.00 = $ 6.00
9 " ----- @ .40 = $ 3.60
9 " ----- @ --- = $2.81
1 pr shoes --------- 1 dress shoe = $4.00
6 yds -------- muslin @ .75 = $4.50
1 pr black cotton hose = .50 cents
1 pr white " hose = .50 cents
1 pr white silk hose = $2.00
8 yds s---- shirting @ .25 = $2.00
1 " T-------- = $1.00
1 " Swiss = $1.00
1 1/2 yds lace = $3.72
3 1/4 yds -----tion = $1.62
width 8 thread = .25 cents

Total Costs $ 28.16
Received payment of the above account in full from the Administrator on Estate John Deshazo on George Brainerd.

Received Sept. 6th 1842

(page 3)

May 1, 1840 To Nancy SHIPP NOTE: Nancy Shipp was the widow of William Shipp. They were Susan's parents....

to board and clothing of Negro boy, Amos from date to the 15th Sept. 1842 is 2 years 4 mo. 6 days ($58.75).

To Susan Deshazo and Mary Ann Deshazo from date to the 15th of September 1840 is 4 1/2 months each ($45). Receipt total = $103.75.

Receipt and payment in full of the shown amount of George Brainerd as Administrator on the Estate of John Deshazo, deceased.

September 9th 1842.
Glenalta, Marion County Nancy SHIPP

(page 4)

Georgia, Houston County. To the Sheriff and all other Lawful Officers to execute and return. You are hereby commanded that of the goods and chattels, lands and tenements of George Brainard for the Estate of John Deshazo you cause to be made the sum of Two dollars Forty-seven and a half cents -- the amount of his Tax for the year 1842 . Also the sum of sixty-two and a half cents for cost. Given under my hand and seal this 7th day of Sept. 1842.

E.K. Hodges, T.C.

(page 5)

The Estate of John Deshazo1841 to Nancy Shipp

August 1 To board of Susan Deshazo from date to the 9th September 1842
Is 1 year 1 mo and 9 days $66.

Dec 15 To board of Mary Ann Deshazo from date to the 4th March 1842
Is 2 month 19 days $12.2

Total $79.70

Rec'd payment in full of the above amount of George Brainard, Administrator on the Estate of John Deshazo deceased Sept. 9th 1842.

Glenalta, Marion County, GA Nancy Shipp

(page 6)

Miss Mary A. Deshazo to James WELLS

For tuition one term = $16.00
" tuition in music = $25.00
" use of piano = $3.00
" music Instruction = $4.50
" 1 ----- on the mind = .50 cents
" 1 grammar = .50 cents
" 1 copy book = .12 1/2 cents
" 1 cedar pencil = .06 1/4 cents
" 1 use of paper = .18 3/4 cents
" 1 history = $1.25
" cash = $1.68
" philosophy = $1.25
" 6 1/4 yds ----- muslin @ 1.00 = $6.25
" 1 satin waist = $5.00
" 1 pair of long picnic gloves = $1.50
" 1 spool of cotton = .12 1/2 cents
" 3 1/2 yds of ---------- = $1.50
" 1 bonnet = $1.25
" 2 1/4 yds ribin @ .50 = $1.25
" 1 yd ribin @ .62 1/2 = .62 1/2 cents
" 1/2 yd of silk @ 1.50 = .75 cents
" 1 pair shoes 1.75 = $1.75
" 7 pages of music @.10 = .70 cents
" ---------- = .50 cents
" slate, pencil, and ink = .12 1/2 cents

Total $ 70.09
Paid by cash $50.00
Due $ 20.09
Received of George Brainard of the Administrator of John Deshazo, deceased,
Seventy dollars and nine cents in payment of the above account, April 1st, 1842.

James Wells

(page 7)

Glenalta , Marion County, GA

The Estate of John Deshazo to W. Shipp 1841

August 1 To Carl David for moving Mrs. Susan Deshazo from
Monroe County to this place $13.00

Sept 20

2 pair shoes @ $1.25 & $1.00 = $2.25
1 s----- thimble = .50
cash paid for postage = $1.25

March 25

7 yds calico @.25 = $1.75
4 yds ---- = $1.50
1/2 yd green silk @.50 = .25
1 pair white cotton hose = .50
cash paid Mary Wooton = $ 10.00

1842 Jan 25 Cash paid post Robert Roddy of Monroe Co.
For dec'd bill for Mary Ann Deshazo $15.00

amount TOTAL $46.00

Rec'd Payment in full of the above amount of George Brainerd, Administrator
On the Estate of John Deshazo, Deceased, Sept. 9th 1842.

William W. Shipp

(page 8)

Estate of John Deshazo dec'd in account with George Brainard, Administrator

May 17 To Doct. C.A. Watkins receipt no. 1 for $29.12 1/2
" " John V. Mitchell receipt no. 2 for 8. 1/2 cents
" " Samuel B. Webb receipt no. 3 for $2.00
" " Collin Branwell & Co receipt no. 4 for $1.56
Oct 25 " JW Peck & Co receipt no. 5 for $24.25
Dec 25 " James D. Sestes receipt no. 6 for $52.00
" John V. Mitchell receipt no. 7 $7.75
" Commission on this return 118.65 @ 2 1/2 % = $2.96
" Commission on first return at recpt 1230.29 @ 2 1/2 % = $30.75
" Commission on first return paid 660.34 @ 2 1/2 % = $16.50

Sworn to and subscribe before me this the 4th day of July 1842.
John V. Mitchell, C.C.O.
George Brainard, Administrator

(page 9)

Mr. Jno. Deshazier to D. Watkins 1840

Feb 13th

$3 -- to (cash -------) to Mrs. M---- house to self - a stranger (?)
1 at -------------- $ 8.50
14th to 3 - to Dr. ---- camphor $5.50
15th to 3 - to Dr. --- $5.00
16th to 3 -- to $ 4.50
17th to 1 - $1.50
to bot Rowans tonic mixture $1.50
to 1 - Coloniel --------- $2.00
to 1 oz paragoo-- .12 1/2 cents
to 1 large --------- $1.50

$29.12 1/2

C.A. Watkins
Sworn to before me this 22 February 1840
Wm. C. Wyley, J.P.

(page 10)

Estate of John Deshazo for Mary Ann Deshazo to JH Peck Co.

1841 October 25 to 12 yds black silke @ 1.25 = $15.00
to 6 yds - English muslin @ 1.12 1/2 = $6.75
to 4 yds black cambric @ 18 3/4 = .75 cents
to 5 yds black shirting @ .25 = $1.25

cash paid for postage = .50 cents

Perry, 25th October 1841
Received payment in full of George Brainerd Administrator
on the Estate of John Deshazo , dec'd.

J.H. Peck Co.

(page 11)

George Brainard Administrator of the Estate of John Dessasure dec'd
To James D Sestes

Dec 25th 1841

To Boarding Miss Mary Ann Dessausure 5 months including
Washing & tigh-- --- $52.00

Rec'd of George Branard Admin of John Dessausure dec'd fifty two dollars in full of the above account. Dec 25th 1841.

Jas. D. Sester
Monroe Co., GA

(page 12)

The Estate of John Deshazo in acc with George Brainerd Administrator

To Voucher no. 1 J V Mitchells receipt for cash on -------- Busby case $16.75
2 B-then (?) & Ellis receipt ---ing bill = $10.00
3 Elijah Hendersons receipt for last ------ = $68.00
4 Howell Cobb receipt ----- ----- =$25.00
5 Warren Granborough(?) ---- ----- =$50.00
6 PL Robinson receipt printing bill citation to ----- =$7.00
7 Expenses attending to this Estate business ------- =$119.00
8 J V Mitchell receipt for this return(?) =$1.12
9 Commission ------ 29th Sept of this return =$22.02

Sworn to and subscribed before me this January the 25th 1843

George Brainerd
John V Mitchell C.C.O.

(page 13)

Estate of John Deshazo, Dec. in account current with E. Henderson


February 21 To 8 yards cotton cambric 43 1/2 = $ 3.50
" nursing 5f locket gloves 11 = $6.00
" attendance of servant and laying out = $5.00
" cash paid B. Lathrop - Sexton = $4.50
March 23 " cash paid for 1 box to pack clothing drayage m--- = .66 cents
July 14 " cash paid Dr. C.P. Richardson for medical attendance = $20.00
Aug 6 " cash paid J.W. Merrell(?) bill 1 coffin = $20.00
" cash paid P. Mitteryers bills rendered for attendance on him in last sickness and after death = $27.50

Total fees $87.66

State of Georgia, Chatham County

Personally came before me, Elijah Henderson, who burry duly from disposeth and saith the above account is just and true as stands stated above.

Sworn to and subscribed to before me this
22 day of December 1842
Waiford, J.P. E. Henderson

Recorded of George Brainard, administrator on the Estate of Jon Deshazo, Dec'd, Eighty-Seven 66/100 dollars in full for the above account.

Savannah, 22 December 1842, Elijah Henderson

(page 14)

Estate of John Deshazo to George Brainerd, Senior Copartner of Deshazo & Brainerd


May 6 Service expense & horse this of George Brainerd going to Twiggs county and Settling the claim of this Estate in the Estates of William and James DESHAZO And going to Monroe county to see Mrs Susan Deshazo & Mary Ann Deshazo to Arrange their necessary expenses. Absent attending to this business 7 days @ 3.00 per day $21.00


June 3 To 2 days of C. Hart horse & expenses going to Twiggs and collecting 6.00 on Robert DESHAZO note to this Estate @ 3.00 per day = $ 6.00

To proportional expense service & horse of George Brainerd going to L---ville, Lowndes county to arrange respecting the sale of this Estate land in ------ County which sale was on the 1st Tuesday in September 1842 day $10.00

To service horse & expenses of George Brainerd going to Marion county to Sell on this 1st Tuesday in Sept. 1842 ------- & other property of this Estate -- 6 days at 3.00 per day = $18.00

To service of C. Hart horse & expenses going to Early county on this Estate & Other business to attend to the sale of land belonging to this Estate on the 1st Tuesday in Sept. 1842, proportion of this Estate 2 day $ 6.00

Oct To service & expence of Crawford Hart attending Pulaski Superior Court October term 1842 as witness in the case of court on the Bond of Thomas BUSBY, Administrator on the Estate of Miles BUSBY, Dec'd on this Bond John Deshazo was surety and George Brainord is ----- as Administrator on the Estate of John Deshazo, Dec'd --- $10.00

Dec To services of George Brainerd horse & expense going to see and arranging The business of Thomas BUSBY, Administrator on the Estate of Miles BUSBY, Dec'd on whos bond of Thomas BUSBY and John Deshazo was surety and George Brainerd served as Administrator on said Estate. 9 days @ 3.00 = $27.00


Jany To 3 days service of George Brainerd horse & expense attending to the business 12 Of Tho BUSBY, Adm & @ as above $9.00

19 To 4 days service of George Brainerd horse & expense attending to the business of Thomas BUSBY Admin @ as above $12.00

Rec'd payment in full for the above acc January 25th 1843 George Brainerd Senior Copartner of Deshazo & Brainerd

(page 15)

Hawkinsville, 13 April 1840

Memorandom of the property pointed out by George Brainerd Temporary Administrator on the Estate of John Deshazo as property which belonged to John Deshazo to the appraisers duly appointed sworn by Robert L. Anderson, Matthew W. Comb, and John E.J. Horn.

1 Side Board $50.00
1 High Post Bed---- $12.00
1 dozen cane bottom chairs $30.00
1 Carriage & Harness the Blind ----- Shoot $125.00
1 Chest for tools & tools $10.00
1 3 --- & hand plains $3.00
1 Bed Head Pine High Post $4.00
1 ----- House & lot in Hawkinsville belonging equally to John Deshazo and George Brainard $1700 1/2 is $850.00
1 negro boy named Amos 3 years old $250.00
1 Sofa $35.00
1 Folding Table Mahogany $8.00
1 Folding Table Pine $6.00
1 Work Stand $6.00
1 Bed Head & Curtains & Bed & Mattress -- $ 50.00
1 Wool Mahass (?) $15.00
1 Moss Matrass & Coon hds $12.00
1 Feather Bed & pillows & bolster $ 25.00
1 Lot of Bedclothes $16.00
1 Looking Glass $1.50
1 Set tea & set table 6 ----- silver spoons $27.00
1 lot of China & Crockery ------- & knives & forks $20.00
1 Rockin Chair & 9 common chairs $10.00
1 Lot Books ------
1 pair Brass Headed ---------- ---------- & ------ dogs $5.00
3 S---- @ .50 $1.50
1 Brass Kettle & lot Castings $8.00
1 Broad Axe & Iron Square $2.00
6 Tubs & 1 Pail 5.00, 1 table cupboard & log of crockery $13.00

Total amounts received $ 1605.00

(page 16)

Georgia, Pulaski County, Know all men by these presents, that we George Brainerd & Benzett C. Hought & William Kinksey as securities, are held and firmly bound unto their Honors the Justices of the Inferior Court sitting for Ordinary purposes for said county, and their successors in office and assigns, in the just and full sum of four thousand dollars for the payment which sum to the said court of Judges and their successors in office, we bind ourselves, our Heirs, Executors and Administrators, in the whole and for the whole sum jointly, and severally, and firmly by these presents, sealed with our seals, and dated this 4th day of May, 1840.

The condition of the above obligation is such, that if the above bound George Brainerd Administrator do make a true and perfect inventory and appraised account of the Goods, Chattels and Credits of the Estate of John Deshazo late of Pulaski County, deceased, which have or shall come into the hands, possession or knowledge of the said George Brainerd or the hands, or possession of any person or persons for him and the same, so made do exhibit into the said Court of Ordinary, when he shall be thereunto required; and such goods, chattels and credits do well and truly administer according to law, and do make a just and true account of his actings and doings therein, when he shall thereunto be required by the Court: Shall deliver and pay to such persons respectively, as they may be entitled to the same by law; And if it shall hereafter appear, that any last Will and Testament was made by the deceased, and the same be proven before the Court of Ordinary, and Executor obtain a certificate of the probate thereof and the said George Brainerd in such case, if required, render and deliver up the said Letters of Administration, then this obligation to be void, else to remain in full force.

Signed, sealed and acknowledged in open Court

George Brainerd
B.C. Hought
Jno. V. Mitchell, C.C.O.
William Kinksey

(page 17)

The Estate of John Deshazo in account with George Brainerd Admin.

By amount rec'd for Sale of --------- half of part of lot no. 287 in the 12th district of originally Irwin, now Loundes County. $40.00


To voucher no. 1 John V. Mitchell receipt =$ 1.00
To voucher no. 2 " " " " = $3.00
To voucher no. 3 Commission on $40.00 rec'd at 2 1/2 percent = $1.00
To voucher no. 4 $4.00 paid out at 2 1/2 percent = .10 cents

Total amount $5.10 Sworn to before me this January 13th 1845

John V. Mitchell, C.C.O.
George Brainerd, Admin.

(page 18)

The Estate of John Deshazo dec'd as ccount with George Brainerd Admin.

Voucher no. 1 Howell Cobb receipt $50.00
Voucher no. 2 A. H. Hansel & Hansel & Brantley receipt 50.00
Voucher no. 3 Expenses of George Brainerd Sen. Copartner Deshazo & Brainerd 12.00
Voucher no. 4 John V. Mitchell receipt 1.12

Total expense paid $113.13

(page 18)

To Thomas Busbys note 30th Dec 1843: taken for expenses which the Estate of John Deshazo had paid for the Estate of Miles Busby, dec'd in defending the debit on the Bond given by Thomas Busby and John Deshazo and M.B. Comb security on said bond.

Total paid $384.24

Sworn to before me this January 20th 1844
John V. Mitchell, C.C.O.
George Brainerd

(Page 19)

1844 George Barinard Admin. Of John Deshazo

To E.E. Crocker, Atto. Dr.

October 17th to --- in case Robert Deshazo & Richard Deshazo security in Twiggs Superior Court $5.00

Rec'd the above in full from the ordered.

October 21st 1844

E.E. Crocker, Att. At Law

(page 20)

Return Number 1

Estate of John Deshazo, decÕd in account currently with George Brainerd, Administrator

To Court Clerk of Ordinary as per voucher no. 1- $ 7.87
To Court Clerk Paid as per voucher no. 2 - $ 6.12
Paid Noah Pratt schooling bill as per voucher no. 3 - $ 4.00
Paid Crawford Hart bill provisions for family as per voucher no. 4 - $18.75
Paid to Wm. Bullocks receipt per voucher no. 5 - $3.00
Paid Taxes as per voucher no. 6 - .31 cents_
Paid per Collin Branwell & Co & Collins & ----as per voucher no. 7 - $10.37
Paid A Mings (?) receipt per voucher no. 8 - $ 2.00
Paid Thos. L. Wilcoxes receipt as per voucher no. 9 - $175.00
Paid for Jacksonville ------- as per voucher no. 10 - $10.00
Paid per note to J.A. Woodbury as per voucher no. 11 - $12.25
Paid Henry Lewis for coffin as per voucher no. 12 - $ 2.25
Paid N. B. Thompson for Hawkins(?) as per voucher no. 13 - $12.00
Paid I & MB M. Comb for House receipt as per voucher no. 14 - $23.33
Paid John W. Powers for house receipt as per voucher no. 15 - $22.66
Paid Willis Shipp for receipts as per voucher no. 16 - $100.00
Paid Printing bill as per voucher no. 17 - $ 8.00
Paid Alfred C. Bostwick as per voucher no. 18 - $6.00
Paid Mrs. Susan Deshazo receipts as per voucher no. 19 - $95.75
Paid Robt W. Taylor as per voucher no. 20 - $12.00
Paid S. Ripley as per voucher no. 21 - $14.18
Paid Benj. J----- as per voucher no. 22 - $13.00
Paid John McLean & Co as per voucher no. 23 - $5.50
Paid Robert A. Evans as per voucher no. 24 - $15.00
Paid Susan Deshazo ----- as per voucher no. 25 - $90.00
Paid James Baldwin as per voucher no. 26 - $ 6.00
Paid R. F. Brantly receipts as per voucher no. 27 - $5.00
Paid Deshazo & Brainard ----as per voucher no. 28 - $110.47

Total amount paid $660.36

(page 21)

Return Number 1 (continued)

By sale of personal property in Hawkinsville $453.87
By sale of town property in Hawkinsville $500.00
By sale of town property in Jacksonville $32.00


May 6 Cash recÕd from Rhcd Deshazo as administrator on the Estate of James Deshazo, decÕd. --- $35.00

May 6 Cash of Robert Deshazo Executor on the Estate of Wm Deshazo, decÕd. --- $ 75.00

May 6 Richard Deshazo & Robert Deshazo note to George Brainard, Administrator on the Estate of John Deshazo, DecÕd, payable the first of ------ next with interest from Date. --- $32.66 May 6 Robert Deshazo and Richard Deshazo note to George Brainard administrator on the Estate of John Deshazo, DecÕd, payable the first of --- next with interest from date --- $ 111.66

Total amount paid $1250.19
subtract $660.36
Balance: $ 589.83

Sworn to before me this June 21 1841

John V. Mitchell, C.C.O.
George Brainard

(page 22)

Hawkinsville, 9th May 1840

RecÕd of George Brainard Senior part of Deshazo & Brainard and administrator on the Estate of John Deshazo, Eighteen dollars and twenty five cents it being in full for provisions furnished by me for John Deshazo & family to this date.

Crawford Hart

(page 23)

Pulaski ----- 144E

Geo Brainerd admin. Of John Deshazo, decÕd 1840.

1841 recorder office

DecÕd Adv. Sale of property in Hawkinsville & of real estate in Telfair county Ð of decÕd 2 sq --- $ 8.00

RecÕd of George Brainerd, Admin Eight Dollars, for the above, 15th January 1841.

Grieve & Orme

(page 24)

Account of Sales of Personal Property belonging to the Estate of John Deshazo sold by auction on the 15th July 1840 in Hawkinsville by George Brainerd Administrator with all amounts over five dollars payable the 1st ------ 1841 to Susan Deshazo by the law of Robert S. Anderson.

1 ----- matrass bedding 8.00, 1 bed matrass & furniture 16.00 = $25.00
1 bed & furniture 10.00, 1 lot bedding 13.50 = $23.50
1 set china, plates & books at 14.00 1 sofa 15.00 = $29.00
1 set tea & table & silver spoons& knives and forks = $11.00
1 workstand 7.00, 6 cane bottom chairs 10.00 = $7.00
1 rocking chair 2.25, Was--- 1.00 = $ 3.25
1 set plates glass jars = $2.12
1 set tubs 2.00, 1 brass kettle 1.00 = $ 3.00
1 set cande mould .75, 1 ---- brass ---- & tongues 1.50 = $2.25
3 smoothing irons 1.12 _ , 1 fir tray pots 1.12 _ = $2.25
1 lot table matts .25, 2 brass candlesticks 1.00 = $1.25
1 trunk , 3 tubs, 1 G------- = $1.81
1 small bible .31 1/2 , 1 large Bible .62 _ = .94 cents
George Brainard by Robert L Anderson

1 bedstead & furniture 5.50, 1 small table 2.25 = $7.75
1 bolster & 2 pillows 2.12, 1 blanket 1.12 = $ 3.25
1 axe 25, 1 bag salt 25, 2 chambers 25 = -----

subtotal: $12.62

Robert S. Anderson

1 lot crockery 2.25, 1 --- .25 = $2.50
1 lot tin ---- 1.37 _ , 1 basket & 2 coffee mills .31 = $1.69
1 Broken S----- 12 _ , 1 Bread tray 12 _ = .25 cents
1 plain .50 , 1 lot books 68 _ , 1 books 43 _ = $ 1.62
1 feather bed = $16.50

subtotal: $22.56

Edward Holmes

1 pine table 3.12 _ , 1 lot crockery 2.1 _ , 1 pot 1.37 _ = $ 6.62
1 set knives & forks .75, 1 ki---- basket 43 _ = $1.18

subtotal: $ 7.81 Amount Carried Over $167.75 (page 25)

Amount brot over $167.75

H & I Bohannon

1 mahass 2.50, 1 pair --- ---- 1.50 = $4.00
1 ---- 87 _ , 1 ---- 1.50 = $1.87
1 looking glass 1.30, 1 large pine table 2.31 = $3.62

subtotal: $ 10.00

Robert N Adams

1 pot iron 1.50, 1 B--- ----, 1 large pot 3.25 = $6.19

Daniel Dupree & Lewis -------

1 Tool Chest & tools = $ 17.00
chairs taken from other bids say 4 for 3.87 5 for 2.00 = $5.87

subtotal: $22.87

Bryant Johnstone

1 pot glass ---- & 2 decanters 1.00 = $1.00
1 lot fur -------------- & --------- = .50 cents
Jacob Watson 1 ruler = .50 cents
Allen B. Christian 1 road axe 1.31, 2 measures .25 = $1.56
Henry Anderson 1 pail & 1 tub = .37 cents
Lawrence Anderson 1 Pant-- ----- = .25 cents
Luke Shivers 1 bake pan .225, 1 chisel & oilstone 1.56 = $ 1.81
Lewis L. Dupree 1 pair shoe & tongues = $1.00
1 Ò ------ .75, 1 skilet ----- = $1.94
Andrew B---- 1 pot ---- , 1 ovenlids(?) & ---- 17 _ = .75 cents
John Stoughy 1 bedsted & P------ = $ 6.12
Wm. W. Connark 1 lot 5 books = .50
Nathan --amble 1 lot 10 books = $1.12

subtotal: $16.43 _ Total sales: $223.25

To Sale of B---- House & sold in Marion County ----- 1st ---- ---- $155.12
To Sale of Side Board to Jackson for cash 15th Feby 1841 ----- $48.50
Ò Ò 6 ca--- ----- ----- $ 15.00
Ò Ò 1 high post bedstand $ 12.00

Total sales: $453.87 _

(page 26)

Febry 1841

To sale of one half the store house & lot in Hawkinsville being the ------- the Estate of John Deshazo held in said proper lot not ------ $500.00. ------- B having been duly advertised in the Southern Recorder and sold on the 1st Tuesday February 1841.

amt card over ----- $953.87

(page 27)

Amt. Brt. Over ----- $953.87

1841 Estate of John Deshazo taxes

Sold on the first Tuesday in Febry for cash the interest being one half on the Town Property belonging to Deshazo & Brainerd in the Town of Jacksonville, Telfair County consisting of Four one acre lots and this unproven ints. After being duly advertised in the Southern Recorder as one undwelled half belongt to the Estate of John Deshazo, decÕd.

Sworn to before me this June 26th 1841

John V. Mitchell Clk C.O.
George Brainerd, Admin.

Sale of the Estate of John Deshazo recorded in Book ÒGÓ, page 248.