(Born ca. 1730 VA)

"Mollie" Trevellian
(ca.1752 NC)

(most probable)



md. Nathan NORRIS

md. Thomas MANN ca. 1792 SC

( 1758 NC)
This Robt. is the likely candidate
to have md. Mary SAWYER

( 1756 NC)

This line is bases on the written history (of which I have an original publication of) entitled THE ANCESTRY AND KINDRED OF W. P. ZUBER, by W.P.Zuber (which you can choose to view from the main DESHAZO ANCESTORS page). I have traced the people Mr. Zuber speaks of to the places that they were said to have been. Most do indeed “check out”. They were there when he said they were. The spelling of the surname varies, though. I will note, that I could only ‘document’ back to Robert Deshazo being in NC in 1760. I could find absoutley no evidence of a Nathaniel Deshazo in the time period that Mr. Zuber states that he existed. I certainly have not researched all the counties in Virginia! It is possible that his name was John Nathan, and he went by Nathan since there were so many John Deshazo’s in King and Queen as well as Caroline counties. It is also possible that since he died before 1752, there are no records that show his name, period. More Virginia records certainly need to be searched here.

Robert’s father is said to be Nathaniel Deshazo (son of a Peter Deshazo) of Virginia. According to Mr. Zuber, Nathaniel died about 1751. “Mollie” may have been a Mary or Martha Trevellian. A John Trevellian did have a daughter named Mary who certainly may have married this Robert. I first find Robert in Granville county, VA as a surveyor with a John Trevellian on August 28th. John Trevellian is stated by Mr. Zuber to have been a brother to “Mollie”. Robert is also shown here as a “chain carrier” in 1762. He is next seen in Rowan County, NC (which was formed from Granville Co.) on the 1768 taxtable list following a John TREVELLIAN (with sons Joab, Richard, and John). By the late 1780's, Robert Deshazo, Lewis Deshazo and a Joab Trevellian are shown in land records which also involve Norris and Sawyer men. In 1789, a Mary Desaussure does marry a Mr. Nathan NORRIS in Edgefield Co., SC . Mary is stated as being a daughter of Robert and “Mollie” Deshazo. From this point, Robert isn’t found again until 1790. He is then shown on the census in Edgefield, SC. Near him is a Lewis Deshasee, who is very probably his eldest son. Also shown is a William Deshazo, who is stated as being another son of Robert and “Mollie”. Both Lewis and a Robert Deshazo are shown in land transactions in Edgefield involving Elkanah SAWYER. One will shows two Robert Deshazo's, a SR and a JR. Another transaction shows Robert and Mary Deshazo (possibly Mary Sawyer-Deshazo). William Deshazo and a "_ ar_e_a" (My guess is "Barbara"?) Deshazo are also involved in land transactions, some including Lewis/Louis Deshazo. By the way, this William dies in 1827 Monroe Co., GA. Richard Deshazo is established as his son through estate/tax records as well as store account records in Marion, Twiggs Co., GA. In 1830, Richard is shown requesting to be dismissed as Admin. of the will of Barbara Deshazo (possibly his mother). About 1792, an Ann Deshazo is said to have married a Thomas MANN (W.P. Zuber’s history). On the 1800 Edgefield census record, both William and Lewis Deshazo can be found. I would wager that the elderly Robert also appears still in Edgefield. One will probably have to search the film itself to find him. He shouldn’t be far from William or Lewis (or another of his sons).

As early as 1811 Lewis is found in Putnam Co., GA " near Ragan's Mill", purchasing land belonging to a Mary ALTER in Chatham Co., GA. This land was originally obtained from an 1807 GA Lottery ticket by Mary. Also in 1811, at least one William Deshazo is shown on Pulaski Co., GA court records along with a Robert and by 1815, a John Deshazo. By 1818, two Robert Deshazo’s, a Jonathan, 2 Williams, and Lewis all are found in the Putnam and Twiggs counties of Georgia. This is the year of Lewis’ death, but the two Roberts, William, and Jonathan are shown owing/paying land taxes in Twiggs County (a little farther west than Putnam Co.). Twiggs county was a division of Wilkinson county. Also originally part of Wilkinson county were Monroe and Pulaski counties, where these Deshazo’s eventually ventured.

It is interesting to note that both the MANN and some of the NORRIS families also appeared in Monroe county on land tax and 1830 census records. John Watts MANN, Thomas and Asa MANN's father died and included them in his will which is recorded in Monroe County records.

NOTE: All these Deshazo’s are very likely related. PLEASE keep in mind that the above surmise is a result of my own research, based on documents that I have found. There are still MANY “loop holes”! Alot of hands and time are needed to research these areas to try and “uncover” more documents that will shed evidences of certainty on the lives of these folks.

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