
(of and concerning DESHAZO's)

Will regarding Augustine MANN

(d. before March 1792, King and Queen Co., VA)

From the Papers of James Webb, Attorney (pg. 92) Marked: Mann vs Manns admr etc.} Decree “At a Court Continued and held for King and Queen County on Friday the 13th day of March 1792.

Joseph MANN (Complainant)

Against} In Chancery

Robert MANN administrator with the will annexed of Augustine MANN deceased, and Mary Mann, William Mann, Frances Mann, Nancy Mann, John Mann and Betsey Mann, Infants under the age of Twenty one years by Robert Mann Their guardian. (Defendants)

“x x x it is decreed and ordered that the Defendant Robert Mann produce the Negro slaves in the Bill mentioned to wit: Isaac, Sam, Anthony, Phil, Charles, Peter, Alice, Silena, Phoby, Ben, Phil and Cate before Peter DESHAZO or any three of them, and that they divide the said Slaves amongst the Complainant and the Defendants Mary Mann, William Mann, Frances Mann, Nancy Mann, John Mann, Joseph Mann and Betsey Mann in equal parts x x that the said Defendant Robert Mann do make up and settle his account of his administration of the Estate of the said Augustine Mann deceased x x x” (That the money, land, etc be divided)


Ro Pollard, C.C.

NOTE: John MANN is the very likely father of Thomas J. MANN who married Ann Deshazo in Edgefield, SC in the 1790’s. The will of John MANN is filed in Monroe Co., GA in about 1834.

Will of Richard Deshazo

(b.ca.1759 VA; d. ca. 1814 Person Co., NC)

In the name of God, Amen. I Richard Deshazo of the county of Person and state of North Carolina being weak in body, but of perfect mind and memory , Thanks be to God, do make & bequeath this my last will and testament. That is to say I leave to my son, William Deshazo, a negro woman named Gilly with all her increasse during my natural life and after my death to be his and his heirs forever.

Item, I leave to my son, Robert Bohanon Deshazo, a negro woman now in his posession named Rachel during my natural life and after my death she and her increase to be his and his heirs forever.

Item, I leave to my son, Edmond Barnett, a negro woman in his posession named Lucy. During my natural life and after my death to be his and his heirs forever with all her increases.

Item, I leave to my son, Clembernett Deshazo, a negro girl named Sellah now in my posession; at the age of twenty one years, the said Clembernett Deshazo is to take the said negro girl in posession and after my death to be his and his heirs forever she and her increase.

Item, I give unto my wife, Sarah Deshazo during her natural life or widowhood all and singular the remainder of my estate lands and negros with all the movable property and after her death to be equally divided amongst my sons namely William Deshazo, Robert Bohanon Deshazo, Edmond Barnett Deshazo and Clembernett Deshazo. If in case any one of my sons above named shall desire to keep the land after my wifes death, it is my desire the land may be valued and he of my sons that choses to keep it to pay the rest of his brothers an equal part of the valuation thereof.

Item, it is my desire that my wife, Sarah Deshazo and my son, William Deshazo and my son, Robert Bohanon Deshazo look to this my bequeathed estate whom I constitute and leave my executors of this my last will and testament. As witness whereof, I have set my hand and seal this fifteenth day of September in the year of Our Lord Christ One Thousand Seven Hundred and Ninety Five.

/s/ Richard Deshazo (seal)
Andrew Buchannon
Thomas Gibson
Robert Gibson

North Carolina)
) November term 1814
Person County)

The foregoing will was exhibited in open court and duly proved by the oath of Thomas Gibson, a subscribing witness thereto and ordered to be recorded.

Will of Lewis Deshazo
(proven 2 Feb 1818)

This is a transcription of copy of the original longhand Last Will and Testament of Lewis Deshazo of Eatonton, Putnam County, GA.

In the name of God amen. I Lewis Deshazo of the County of Putnam, State of Georgia, being very sick and weak in body, but of perfect mind and memory, thanks be given unto God calling into mind that the mortality of my body and knowing that it is appointed for all men once to die do make and ordain this my Last Will and Testament that is to say - principaly and first of all I give and recommend my soul into the hands of Almighty God that gave it and my body I recommend to the earth to be buried in a decent christian burial at the descretion of my Executors, nothing doubting but at the general resurrection I shall receive the same again by the Almighty power of God and as touching such world estate wherewith it has pleased God to bless me in this live, I give, dismiss and dispose of the same in the following manner and form:

First, I give and bequeath to the 3 boys viz: Lewis, Larkin and Peter, to go to school one year and to be paid out of the real estate. And to Wilkins, a horse and a saddle next fall as he requested; and to William, a horse and a saddle at Seventy five dollars to be charged to him in like manner.

The 2 daughters, it is Nancy and Louraney, has each had a bed and now to be valued by men and charged to them N.B. The boys schooling is not a part of their property - such property owned of me is to be sold at auction such as will gain anything to be hired or rented and the money put at interest until the youngest comes of age and then an equal division among all the children.

The land and the Negroes I do not want scattered, but to be bought among the Legatees (?) at the general sale and I do hereby appoint Francis Stubts, William King and William Deshazo for my Executors. And I do hereby utter disallow,, revoke and disannul all and any other former testaments, wills, legacies, bequesths and Executors by me in any way before named, willed bequeathed rattifying and confirming this and no other to be my last will and testament.

In witness I have set my hand and seal this 8th day of January 1818.
Lewis Deshazo

Signed sealed published and pronounced
and declared by the said Lewis Deshazo as
his last will and testament in the presence
of all who in the precence of each other have
hereto subscribed our names:
Thomas K. Webb
Thomas King Webb
Thomas G. King
Thomas King
Georgia, Putnam Co., GA

The written will proven in open court by Thomas King and Thomas G. King subscribing witnesses to the same this 2nd day of February, 1818.

Coleman Pendelton

Recorded in Will Book “A”, folio 129, 130, 131, Putnam County, Eatonton, Georgia.
Eunice B. Stubbs, Ordinary

Will of Edmond Deshazo

(proven June 1849)

Hardeman Co., TN
Will Book 4, pg. 201
LDS Film no. 989298

I, Edmund Deshazo, of the county of Hardeman and state of Tennessee, do make this my last will and testament, to wit: First of all my will is that all my just debts shall be paid...the balance of my estate both real and personal I give to James H. Jordon at my death. Also, he is to have the use and increase of all my stock from the present time provided the said James H. Jordan furnishes me and his mother with a support during our natural lives. I further nominate and appoint the said James H. Jordan executor of this my last will and testament hereby revoking all other wills heretofore made. In witness whereof I have hereto set my hand and seal this 25th of July 1845.

Edmund Deshazo

Attest: Walter Robinson
James Loon (?)

Inventory of Estate of Edmund Deshazo (same film, p.498)

1 bed and furniture, house & kitchen furniture, 2 head of horses, 9 head of cattle, 15 barrells of corn, 1 stack fodder, 1 ox cart, 2 plows, and [ ? ], 1 axe and weeding hoes. One note of hand on David Brooks due 1 Oct 1839 for $108. insolvent. One note of hand on Richard Deshazo due 1 Oct 1831 for $388. insolvent.

dated June 1, 1849

Will of Richard Deshazo
proven Feb term 1853

This is the translated Will of Richard Deshazo, of Pulaski Co., GA, written March 12th, 1852. It was obtained from the Probate Judge of Pulaski County Courthouse, Hawkinsville, GA 31036. Evidently, Richard died in Twiggs Co., GA.

Georgia, Twiggs County: In the name of God, Amen. I Richard Deshazo of said state and County being of advanced age and knowing that I mush shortly depart from this world, deem it right and proper both as respect myself and family that I should make a disposition of the property with which a kind Providence has blessed me. I therefore make this my last will and testament, hereby revoling and annulling all others made by me or any other disposition which I have made of all or any part of my Estate.

Item First: I desire and direct that my body be buried in a decent and christian like manner suitable to my circumstances and condition. My soul,, I trust shall return to rest with God who gave it as I hope for salvation through the blessed Son and Savior, Jesus Christ.

Item Second: I desire and direct athat all my first debts be paid without delay by my executors hereafter named as I am unwilling my Executors should be delayed of their rights especially as there is no necessity for delay.

Item Third: I give and devise to my wife, Mary, with whom I have lived some five years and she has now at this time quit my bed and board without cause or provocation, shown only through to a malignant spirit towards me. I therefore, give devise and bequeath unto my wife, Mary, twenty five dollars; it being all I am willing to give her of my estate.

Item Fourth: I give and bequeath to my two daughters Susan and Eliza, or Louisa, all my entire estate. Let it consist of what it may, land or negroes or any other property. It is my desire that these two daughters shall equally divide or that my Executors shall divide my entire Estate between those my beloved daughters and if it cannot be equally divided, that my Executors do sell such of the Estate that cannot be equally divided between them and make an equal distribution of the money that the property sold for.

Item Fifth: Now, in case of the death of one of those, my daughters, it is my will for the surviving daughter to heir the Estate of the deceased one and that my executors will see that all things be done according to my will.

Item Sixth: Now in case of the death of both of my beloved daughters, I give and bequeath and desire that the Estate left to my two daughters go to my beloved Brother and Sister. But, in case of the either of them bear children, then their Estate shall go to the children or child of their body.

Item Seventh: I _______ and appoint my worthy friend, Crawford Hart, Executor of this my last will and testament, March 12, 1852.
Richard Deshazo
Robert N.or V. Taylor
P.F.D. Scarborough
H.N. Beer’s

Georgia, Pulaski County
Court of Ordinary
Pulaski County, Feb. term 1853

Appeared personally in open court PFD Scarborough, one of the witnesses to the within named will and who being duly sworn, desposith and saith that Richard Deshazo make publish and declare the within instrument to be his last will and testament and that desponant subscribed the same as a witness in the presence of Testator and in presence of Henry ____Beer’s and Robert N or V Taylor, who also subscribed the same also as a witness and that desponant believes that Richard Deshazo was of sound and ______mind and memory. Sworn to in open court.

February 7, 1853
P.F.J. Scarborough

John V.M_______
Entered this February 8th, 1853.

