Trophy Room

April 02, 1998
Your website has been awarded
OurPlace's SILVER award
"Thank you OurPlace, It means allot to me to receive your award."

April 08, 1998
Congratulations -- Your Site is Now Featured!
Thank you for your excellent contribution to GeoCities.
We like your site so much that we've decided to feature it
by highlighting it on the topic pages of your neighborhood.
"Thank you Geocities for choosing me to be a Featured Page, Im honored!"

April 11,1998
"Congrats! You won my award!"
Thank you Jherusalem.Its a beautiful award.

April 12, 1998
"Your site has been reviewed
by a Heartland Community Leader and will
be added to the listings at Heartland Select."
Thank you Heartland Select for choosing
my page to be Heartland Select.Im honored.

May 15,1998
"You have a wonderful site and I would be
honored if you would accept my Lovely Site award"
Thank you Carol Martin, its a beautiful award.

May 15,1998
"The Angelic Causes Award is given out by me or
someone has to nominate you for is special
in that it is given out for what you have done to
help or touch someone's life...your site shows how
much you share and help others who have children with autism".
Once again Thank you Carol Martin, this was unexpected. Im honored

"I have browsed through
your lovely pages and thought
you deserved this Award"
Thank you Stuart Mackenzie.

October 1,1998
"I have been blessed by your homepage and by you, Jaime.
You definitely "Support from the Heart" and you deserve an award
for it.Thank you for being there always for me and others.
Thank you Larinda, Im happy to accept your award.It means allot to me. :)

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