Hello everyone, Its me again, Jaime. If your a parent like me then I dont have to tell you how difficult it can be going out into public with our children. The dirty looks and comments we get from onlookers on how to deal with our (normal looking) children when they are in tantrum mode. And when you do mention,"My child is autisitc" they eaither dont have a clue or they had seen the movie RainMan. And its not easy to explain over the screaming. I found out that their are business size autism cards that you can get through the Autistic Society of America or you can just make them your self. In my case Parent To Parent made my cards. these cards explain a little about what Autism is. I keep a bunch in my purse. Always ready to hand them out when I need to. It shuts people up pretty quick and gives them a better understanding of the situation. Not everyone knows about these cards, so I decided to add this page. you can eaither call your local ASA chapter or go to any local business that makes cards and have them make them up for you. I have the first two cards below.