Hi! I am Ian, and I am 12 years old. I really like to play on the computer and art projects.

Ian has just earned a second level orange belt at Martial Arts Fitness Center locally. I am very proud of him.

Hello, everyone. About 2 years ago my mom got me a game program starter kit. I have made a couple things.

I wrote a story to put on my page...

Dino World Story, incomplete

Written by Ian Hamby

Paleontologist Scott C. Hamby, Professor Bob W. Fleabyrd, and Computer technician, Ian D. Hamby, are in their private plane to “Dino Park Island” (DPI). An island that Ian found while flying his radio-controlled airplane (big enough to fit three people in comfortably!) to catch some ocean scenery for his movie, then he just accidentally found the island. Ian and Scott are dedicated to clone dinosaurs and be famous for their park. They are enthusiastic, and want to get the park going. Scott is about 6 feet tall, and very friendly. He has an easy smile that warms up people to him. Ian is very smart, and is the brains of the operation he has hugs for his friends and family, and a warm handshake for new people. “So where are we going?” Bob asked, boredom on his face. “Do you have amnesia?” Scott replied “No.” “Then you know.” “Know what?” “Where we’re going.” “Where are we going?” “To the DPI” “What is the DPI?” “Bob, be quiet!” Ian interrupted. “Oh yeah! I remember!” Bob said, “It means “the Dumb Park of Ian’s”.” “NO!” Ian and Scott say together annoyed ~ ~ ~ ~ “The Devoting Pillar of Ian’s?” Bob asked as he steps off the plane’s staircase followed by Scott then Ian then the pilot. “The Dumb Proposition of Ian’s?” Bob asked as he got in a nearby hover that has green, yellow, and red mixed and red letters that say ‘Dino-Word’ on the hood and doors. “The Dinosaur Poo-“ “Would you be quiet!?!?!” Ian furiously interrupted. The hover goes over to the museum, then they get out and walk up to the doors. What’s inside? Bob thought, maybe something dumb. The doors open automatically and a recorded voice says, “Welcome to Dino-World.” A 3-D hologram of a Deinonychus in the middle of the room looks around. “The Dinosaur Position Indicators!” Bob blurts out. “BOB!!!” Ian and Scott say together. “Ok, ok, ok” Bob says defensively “The Dinosaur Position Investigators!” “Professor!” Ian calls out. “What?” Bob asked ”Not you!” Ian replied “Then who?” “A professor.” “Me.” “No.” “Then who?” “My professor, the professor I hired, the professor I hired to do some science calculations, Professor Mannie!” “The Dumb Professor’s Index!” “Hello.” Professor Mannie says. “Ahh, Mannie” Ian says, “could you show this kind man to the dino-simulature?” ~ ~ ~ ~ “In here” Mannie says as he opens a door. Bob walks in a giant medal room. “Hello Bob.” A voice says over the simulator’s P.A. system. Bob looks up and sees a control room in the wall, there he sees Ian sitting in front of a microphone that rests on a control panel. “This big medal room can simulate actual size dinosaurs and environments just say a dino’s name and a 3-Dimenishal hologram will appear, have a good time.” The PA system clicked as Ian took his finger of the button that is on the microphone. ~ ~ ~ ~ “Okay men,” Drip Toe said, “lets go over the plan again.” Drip Toe is the most wanted crook in America, the police have been chasing this person for six years. He named himself after the Dryptosaurus, a vicious carnivore that had muscular legs and strong jaws; it’s name means “wounding lizard”. Now he wants to ruin Scott and Ian’s Dinoworld. “First,” Drip Toe says, “I want scout team #1 to boat in, climb over the electrified fence with the rubber gloves. Next, I want scout team #2 on the other side of the island to glide over the fence, drop the glider’s wings and parachute down to the ground. Then I wa-” Knock- Knock- Knock- Knock “uh, sir” someone says wile opening the door to the room, “hate to interrupt but the plane ready for Isla Sorn-” he stops himself, “ready for Dinoworld.” Drip Toe gives an evil grin “okay men, its ShowTime!” You are supposed to say “its ShowTime!” after the plane is at that Isla Sorna place. The person from the door thought. ~ ~ ~ ~ “Dead Pickles in Ice cream!” Bob says, “Dimensional Position Investigators!” TO BE CONTINUED LATER

This is a picture of me at 11 years old.

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