This is Ian's outer space page.


I think "Outer Space is Out of this World!!"

"This is a Space Park"





This is the great red spot on Jupiter. It is hot and I think it is probably a storm that has been raging for hundreds of hundreds of years.

All of the planets orbit the sun...there is Mercury, Venus, Earth, Mars, Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, Neptune and Pluto. Mercury is the one that is closest to the sun. Venus is a really bad planet, no one knows what it is like. Earth is the only one we know that is safe for life. Mars is the next planet, and it is the red planet. Jupiter is the biggest one and it has a big oval shape-the great red spot. Saturn has rings and is next to Jupiter. Uranus has rings going up and down. Neptune and then Pluto is the last planet. It goes the slowest.

I just found out what I would weigh on other planets!...I weigh about 45 pounds here on Earth.

On the surface of___I would weigh ___ pounds.

The Sun....1255

(I know, the sun is not a planet, it is a star)



The Moon....7








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