Little Beaded Angel (c) Lenore English

Made with size 30 thread and 21 seed beads, this little angel is almost 2" high.
Abbreviations:  p = picot, j = join, clr rw = close ring, reverse work, shoelace tie = the first knot you use when you tie your shoes, this reverses your thread so you can make the head on the outside of the chain without using a second shuttle.
   Put 21 seed beads on your chain thread, fill your shuttle with at least 2 yards of thread, leave attached to the ball.

Ring: 6 p 6, clr, rw.
Chain: 6 p 6, rw.
Ring: 6 j (to same p) 6, clr, rw.
Chain: 3 (6 p sep by 3) 3, rw.
Ring: 6 j (to same p) 6, clr, rw.
Chain: 6 p 6, rw.
Ring: 6 j (to same p) 6, clr, rw.
Chain: 4 ds, shoelace tie,
Ring: 3 (9 p sep by 3) 3, clr, shoelace tie.
Chain: 4, join to base of first ring, 15, rw.
Ring: 6 j 6, clr, rw.
Chain: 3 (3 beads sep by 1) 3, rw.
Ring: 6 j(to same p) 6, clr, rw.
Chain: 9 p 6, j to base of second ring, 6 j (to last p) 9, rw.
*Ring: 6 j 6, clr, rw.
Chain: 4 (3 beads sep by 1) 4, rw.
Repeat from * 4 more times.
Ring: 6 j 6, clr, rw.
Chain: 9 p 6, j to base of third ring, 6 j (to last p) 9, rw.
Ring: 6 j 6, clr, rw.
Chain: 3 (3 beads sep by 1) 3, rw.
Ring: 6 j(to same p) 6, clr, rw.
Chain: 15, join to base of fourth ring, finish threads, stiffen.

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