HTML Help For Beginners
Now, keep in mind that I'm fairly new to HTML myself! These are just a few tips to get you started.
This page is intended as a tutorial for people in the very beginning stages of their web pages. I am fairly new to HTML myself. I remember how much trouble I had when I was first getting started, and I wanted to offer some help to anyone who might be thinking about a web page, or just getting started on their own page.
The first thing you need to do is get a homepage. A lot of internet servers have offer their own free space, but there are also several places on the internet where you can get free home pages. In addition to Geocities, there is also Tripod, Angelfire.com, Xoom.com, and many others.
Once you get your free home page, you'll wonder how to do all of those great things you see on other pages. The most important thing to know is how to use the "View: Page Source" command on your browser. Everything else, you'll learn as you go.
Using the "View: Page Source" command allows you to see the html codes others have used on their pages. This can be very useful in learning html, and you can copy their code to use on your own page, if you want to get the same kind of effect.
To view the source code: Go to the top of your browser, where it says "File", "Edit", and so on. Click on "View". From the drop-down menu that appears, select "Source". This will open up a new window, that shows the coding that the person used on their page. That is how I learned many of the things I've used on my pages.
Here are some basic "tags". HTML tags are used to create a certain effect in your document. Note that you must always put a closing tag. This turns the effect off. Otherwise, you will have major problems on your page. Also, a closing tag without an opening tag can cause even bigger problems.
this is what shows when someone bookmarks your page
(note: the blink effect can only be seen on Netscape browsers)
ends a line and drops you down to the line under it.
This does not require a closing tag.
drops you down two lines
(using twice gives the same effect)
shows a picture you've uploaded
to your site from your hard drive.
shows a background you've uploaded.
Make sure to take out any other body tags you may have.
Use to make a link on your page.
Be sure to use a tag to close it, or you'll have major problems. So:
is how you would do a link to Geocities.
You may want to use text of different sizes. I usually like to make mine slightly larger than normal for ease of reading. You can do this with the by using the font size tag.
is one size larger than normal
one size larger than normal
is two size larger than normal
two sizes larger than normal
is three size larger than normal
three sizes larger than normal
and so on.
You may also want to change your text colors. If you want to do this, you will have to include the changes within your body tag, and the body tag must be above the title tag.
Here is the coding I used for this page:
To change the colors use:
vlink (visited link)=color#
Colors must be listed as numbers in order for web browsers to read them. You can get more information regarding this at the link for lisaviolet's page below. I've included links to some internet color charts below.
Here are some other sites that can provide help:
lisaviolet's Very Basic HTML Tutorial
Chris's HTML Tutorial
Internet Color Chart:
Hun Yee's RGB Color Chart