This help page won't help you with any of Geocities features.
It only deals with questions homesteaders have asked me
on how to add certain things to their homepage.
You can just copy and paste these
making changes where needed.
The first one is how to make the scrolling marquee at the bottom of the browser.
<script language="JavaScript"> <!-- Start of scroller script var scrollCounter = 0; var scrollText = "Welcome to my home page! "; var scrollDelay = 50; var i = 0; while (i ++ < 140) scrollText = " " + scrollText; function Scroller() {window.status = scrollText.substring(scrollCounter++,scrollText.length); if (scrollCounter == scrollText.length) scrollCounter = 0; setTimeout("Scroller()", scrollDelay);} Scroller(); // End of scroller script --> </script> </p> </font>

Where it says "welcome to my homepage" You can change it to what you want it
to say.

Dropdown menu
<SCRIPT language="JavaScript"> function gohere2() { var thisform = document. selectform2 location.href = thisform.selectsite.options[thisform.selectsite.options.selectedIndex].value } // --> </script> <form name="selectform2"> <select name="selectsite"> <option value="">Select where you want to go <option value="">My free original Backgrounds and Borders <option value=""> My Graphics </select><br><br> <input type="button" value="Go Here" onclick="gohere2()"></form>
Just change the url and what you want it to say and your set.
keep adding more links like above.

To add sounds to your page
First you need to save the midi to your puter then upload it to your file manager.
Then copy and paste this. Changing the name of the midi.
<bgsound src="Tune03.mid">
<Embed src="Tune03.mid" WIDTH=51 HEIGHT=15 CONTROLS=smallconsole
Thats it. This also adds the console. No need to upload it.

Here's how to make a link that opens a new browser
so your visitor can still be at your page  while checking out your link.
<A HREF=""TARGET="_blank">WBS</A>
Of course you will change the url and the name of it.

Let me know if these help you build your page.
I will be adding more as time permits.