Hi, my name is Peggy.  Welcome!  I and my partners Kim and Bob are an international team of
dedicated amateur genealogists (okay, so we're family members) working diligently to uncover our roots.

     We've determined that our ancestor Jean Marie Villeneuve was born in Montreal in 1812 but relocated to the
 Tweed, Hastings County, Ontario area after the death of his father in 1832.
  We believe that the name was changed to its current spellings either by his children or by officials (census-takers, etc.)  
who wrote down the name by the way it sounded. 
We surmise that that there are different versions of the name since spelling was not an issue in the 19th century.

     If your name is Villneff, Vilneff, or Villeneuve, or you know someone with either of these surnames,
 please contact us.  We'd love to hear from you!


View our family tree

Remember that this is a work in progress.  Please contact us to report any errors or additions.
It's important to us that the information is correct!

Want to see some family photos?

Peggy's Villneff family pictures 
Kim's Vilneff family pictures
   View photos of family grave markers.  

Please be patient while these pages load as they are graphic intensive.

Many thanks to all who submitted photographs!


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    Copyright © 1999-2004 Peggy Villneff Youngs.  All rights reserved.