Here comes the tough part: prioritizing how to “BE”. Only you can determine what qualities are
important to you. I’ve listed some examples, which are by NO means all inclusive. They are designed to
get you thinking about character qualities and what priority they have in your life.
Honesty Telling the truth can either be a
black-and-white issue or shades of gray. Do you believe in being truthful NO MATTER WHAT the cost to
yourself or another? Do you believe that “white lies” are or are not acceptable? How important is it that
your word mean something to others?
Meekness The definition of meekness is not mild
mannered or “wimpy”. It is described as quiet strength. After the wind and the fire and the rain comes the
still, soft voice. Be meek. Quiet strength is steady during the storms of life.
Humility “It’s hard to be humble”...Ever heard that
song? Is that song in your heart? Pride goeth before the fall. There’s another phrase. What is gained
through ego? Is pride a priority? Is humility? Should it be?
Forgiveness From this quality, all the other character
traits are born. When others hurt us, it is far better to forgive than to hold a piece of lead in our hearts. But
forgiveness doesn’t mean “Ok, hit me again...and again”. Part of forgiveness is acknowledging that we
have also been forgiven. Regardless of your personal beliefs, it is God who forgives us....and He leads by
example--his Son, Jesus Christ. Is learning to forgive difficult? Ask yourself why. When we allow
ourselves to become bitter over perceived transgressions, we are allowing the other party to control our
emotions. When we forgive, we release that tension.
Think of some other priorities in your life. Write them down, and include specific examples of what you
want to accomplish by focusing on these priorities. Determine your future by taking action in the present.
Next month’s lesson: Gifts
Usually, the first answer people give includes some mention of family, church, friends and/or work. But
notice that usually other people or places are mentioned. Are YOU a priority? Most mothers would say no,
since they are too busy nurturing their families to even acknowledge that they, too, have needs. Most
fathers might think that they aren’t a priority, but their work IS one, because they need to provide for their
families. But like someone once said, “We are human BEings, not human DOings”.
Compassion Compassion is the quality that tells
someone “I care” through actions and words. As a nurse, I realize how important compassion really is to
others. People won’t remember what you say, but they will remember how you made them feel. How do
you think others view you? Are you empathetic to the plights of others? Could you be more so?
Commitment When you are committed to something,
you are determined to follow through on your actions. Some parents struggle with this at time, as they tell
their children to do X behavior or Y consequence will result. When the behavior occurs, the expected
consequence is not carried out. Then, the threat is less believed the next time the child encounters the
situation. Take this a step further...are you committed to studying the Scriptures? spending more quality
family time? being more productive? getting healthier (or maintaining it)? “Your actions speak so loudly
that I can’t hear what you’re saying.”
Peace Is your home a peaceful one? The Spirit comes
into homes where there is peace, which is one of the fruits of the Spirit. Is there shouting in your home or
are you gentle with your tones? Is your life a peaceful one? Stress exists in the world and is a fact of life.
But only YOU can determine how powerful stress is in your home. A sense of inner calm is something
that needs to be constantly developed. If the truth be told, what I most struggle with is being at