Have you ever noticed that many people say "I will be happy when..." as they fill in the blank
with some goal or object. Happiness is a not a place on a map, it is the journey. If we wait to be
happy when we lose weight, or get that new outfit, or achieve some accomplishment, then we
are spending our time NOW being miserable...or just not knowing complete joy.
A happy person is not a person in a certain set of circumstances but rather a
person with a certain set of attitudes. ---- Hugh Downs.
According to the Scriptures, our purpose for existing to fulfill the measure of our creation and
obtain a FULLNESS of joy. Not partial joy, but a complete state of happiness. How is this possible?
Is it even possible? Yes, it is. Think of happiness as a verb, rather than a noun. We can choose our
response to our circumstances, regardless of what they might be. Whether something is a curse or a
blessing is dependent upon our interpretation.
We who have lived in the concentration camps can remember the men who walked
through the huts comforting others, giving away their last pieces of bread. They may have been few in
number, but they offer sufficient proof that everything can be taken from a man but one thing: The last of
his freedoms -- to choose one’s attitude in any given set of circumstances, to choose one’s own way.
Alright, what are some ways to practice the art of being happy? Here are a few items to consider:
Start the day with pleasant words. Be cheerful with your
greeting. Who wants to deal with the grouch who just woke up? I must confess, this is one of the ways
in which I personally can improve. Being tired is no excuse to be a grouch. How can you expect others
to be uplifted if the tone you (or I) set is grouchy?
A merry heart maketh a cheerful countenance; but by sorrow of the heart the spirit
is broken. --- Proverbs 15: 13.
Choose to be happy. Choose to spread that happiness to those around you: your partner, your children,
your extended family, your friends, your co-workers or classmates....and to those you don’t even know yet.
Next month’s lesson: Priorities.
Victor Frankl, Man’s Search for Meaning
Smile more often. I am not sure whether I believe the addage
"fake it until you make it" but remember that a frowning face repels others, while a cheerful face attracts
others to us. The principle of "lighting up" can renew sparks in a marriage or a friendship. When
someone you really care about enters the room, your face unconsciously "lights up". Your eyes seem to
dance and you smile expectantly. What must it feel like to receive that same gift?
Be verbally appreciative. How does it feel to receive an honest
compliment from someone? Does your load become lighter? As a Christian, we have the duty to remind
others that they are loved and appreciated. Think of Him whose example we seek to follow. Jesus bore
others burdens, and lightened their loads. Make the decision to focus on the positive qualities of others.
Yes, there will always be something negative to focus on...that is the nature of humans. But we are
spiritual beings having a human experience. Thus, we need to remember that each of us has the spark of
the divine within us. Most people naturally remember the negative spoken about them, and it is thought
that it takes 10 compliments to erase one negative comment. For which do you want to be