The Law of the Harvest Galations 6:7
Simply put, the "Law of the Harvest" tells us that what we sow, we will reap. Usually, this implication refers
to our actions towards others. It also is referred to as the "consequence" of our actions. But for our purposes,
this law will refer to how we treat ourselves.
We think of nurturing as something we do to something (a flower) or someone (a child) but rarely do we think of
it as something we do for ourselves. The very concept of nurturing is helping something to grow and mature. How are
you helping yourself to grow? What are you doing to nurture yourself? Imagine yourself as a flower. What do you need
to grow? Sunlight, water, soil, air... As a person, what do you need, besides the three basics (food, shelter and clothing)?
Praise? Joy? Acceptance? Love?
What seeds are we planting? Seeds of positive thoughts...or are they negative ones? Weeds can stunt the growth of flowers, and can
even kill it. What weeds are we harbouring? Anger? Doubt? Fear? Envy? Lack of faith? What are you sowing? You cannot think
weed thoughts and expect to harvest grain effects. You become what you expect to be. Do you know the difference between self esteem
and self worth? Self esteem is how we value our accomplishments. Self worth is how we view ourselves. Who are you really? I know the
answer to this...and it is amazing when you first discover it. You are a child of God.
Do you know what that means? In essence, you are the beloved child of He who created you. You are of noble birth. Do you know why you
were created? Ultimately, the purpose of your existence is to fulfill the measure of your creation and to obtain a fulness of joy. Notice
the wording. A FULNESS of joy. Not "a little bit" or "a brief moment here and there"...but a fulness. YOU decide whether that happens. YOU
decide whether the weeds or the flower will win in the end.
Jesus Christ, our Savior, told us to love our God...and to love our neighbor as ourselves. If you do not love yourself, how can you possibly
love anyone else? Why are we willing to love others and forgive their mistakes, but yet are unable to love ourselves unconditionally and forgive
our own errors? Let your harvest be filled with positive emotions.
The Law of the Harvest is an eternal principle. Whatever you put out there into the world will come back. Be a positive force for good. Add to your
behavior and thoughts: courage, confidence, joy, gratitude, happiness, hope, peace, faith and acceptance.
Correct your self concept. See yourself how God sees you.
Practive unconditional love towards yourself.
Forgive yourselves for your mistakes. When you know better, you'll do better.
Use uplifting words. Describe yourself in POSITIVE terms.