Our Baby Angels in Heaven
Lost during pregnancy and to age 4 years old on this page.

Nina L. Shifflett

Hayden Riley Shifflett

February 28, 1998 - March 1, 1998
Died due to complications of
Meconium Aspiration Syndrome
State: Florida
"Fly my little butterfly"

Nina L. Shifflett

Cassey Ryan Shifflett

August 7, 1998
Died at 17 weeks 2 days gestation
Cassey was due on January12, 1999
State: Florida
"Fly my little butterfly"

DeAnne Barnett
Cole Avry Barnett
Born/Died - April 13, 1997
State: Georgia

Britta Bergacs

Matthew & Joshua Bergacs
(twin boys)
Born/Died - December 11, 1997
State: New Jersey
Britta's Pregnancy Loss/Infertility Page

Shannon Bishops

William Bryan Bishop

Born/Died - June 3, 1998
State: Alabama
Bryan's Page

Angie Clark

Brianna Clark

Born/Died - October 22, 1999
Due November 5, 1999
State: California

Dee Collins

Spencer Lee Collins-Horn

Born/Died - July 20, 1999
Due February 28, 2000
State: Florida

Judi Cox
Jordan Riley
Born/Died - May 13, 2000
State: Ohio
Mom's Corner

Wendy Donovan
Born/Died - February 2, 2000
Due June 5, 2000

Mel Ellis
Jacob Thomas
Born/Died - June 16, 1999
East Sussex, England

Tammy Erickson
Megan Elizabeth Erickson
Born/Died - April 3, 1998
Due Date July 23, 1998
State: Washington
Megan's Page

Elaine Eous
Aaron Matthew
Nov. 11, 1988
Riviera, m/c May 1991.
Kennedy, m/c April 1992.
Destiny Lynn, m/c May 1994.
Luke & Mitchell m/c March 1997.
Sabrina Faith, m/c October 1998
State: Ontario, Cananda
Over the Rainbow Online - Perinatal Loss Support Group

Beverly Clark
Skyleur Raedean
Born - December 5, 1995
Died - December 26, 1995
State: Florida

Skyelur's Homepage

VJ & Billie Johnson
Aaron Micheal Johnson
Born - August 20, 1998
Died - September 6, 1998
State: N. C.

In Loving Memory of Aaron

Debbie Guier
Jolan Robert John
Born/Died - December 7, 1999

Sara Kaminsky
Katelyn Marie
Born/Died - November 30 ,1998
Katelyn was due December 17, 1998
State: New York
Sara's Page

David Kellin
Chandler Mahlon Kellin
Born/Died - March 10, 1999
Angel Kellin
Born/Died - July 27, 1999
Sara Elizabeth Kellin
Born - February 25, 2000
Died - February 29, 2000
State: South Carolina
A Father's Grief

BethAnne Leathers
Christopher Lee Leathers
Born - November 16, 1992
Died - March 17, 1993
Ashley Renee Leathers
Born/Died - August 17, 1991
Her due date was January 5, 1992
State: Ohio
Christoper's Page
Ashley's Page

Kimberly Anne Lotz
Tyler Branden Lotz
Born/Died - January 11,1996
State: California
Dedication To Our Angel Tyler

Lana and Lenny Marazzo
Christian Dante Marazzo
Born/Died - November 10 1999

Mary Lou Minton
Susan Minton
Born/Died - August 6, 1974

Suzanne Morkin
Katherine Elizabeth
and (identical twin)
Amanda Marie
Born/Died - May 20, 1994

Damaris Pedersen
Nicolas Dakota "Nico"
Born February 17, 1997
Died June 12, 1998

Charlene Read
Zhan Archer-Read
Born/Died - September 21, 1999
London, England

Timothy and Sabrina Ridout
Jakob R.
Born/Died - September 23, 1999
State: Florida
Jakob's story

Tina & Vince Rockhill
Nathaniel "Nathan" Alexander
Born/Died - April 10, 2000
State: Kansas

Dawn Rogers
Baby Rogers
Born/Died - August 1995
Baby Rogers
Born/Died - March 13, 2000
State: Ok.

Barbara Spencer
Brenda Bea Moore
Born - November 20, 1978
Died - February 14, 1980
State: Maine
Brenda's Page

Laura Beck Stevenson
Beck Andrew
Born -November 28, 1988
Died - January 12, 1989
Sophie-Elise Bryony "Elli"
Born - October 13, 1999
Died - December 8, 1999
State: Illinois
Seven Angels

Jean Stewart
Rebecca "Becca" Christen Stewart
Born - October 16, 1998
Died - January 1, 1999
State: Tennessee
Angel Kisses From Rebecca "Becca" Christen

Kristina Takaneva-Vesterinen
Vertti Eemeli Joonatan Vesterinen
Born - November 6, 1993
Died - May 31, 1995
Finland, Europe
Vertti, in palm of God's hand

Katrina Walsh
Liam Walsh
Born - March 28, 1997
Died - April 5, 1997
State: Devon, England

Elaine Williams
Patricia Lucas
Born - July 10, 1985
Died - January 4, 1986
State: Rhode Island

Denise Lynn Sierra
Geovanni Joseph Sierra
Born 5/28/00
Died 5/27/00
State: Arizona

Andrea Elizabeth Patient

Jason Patient
Born March 8, 1998
Died March 8, 1998
The Patient Family Web Page (being built)

Oh Mother, my mother,
I touch your tears,
with invisible fingers soothing your skin.
I know you think of me so often
In the day, in the night, in your dreams…
Going into an empty nursery knowing I'll never be there, But I am...
In your heart, in your soul.
I shall always be&
For you gave so unselfishly of yourself.
Inside of you, you created such a world for me

A world of laughter, of love, of sadness, of sorrow,Every emotion people come to know, you shared with me.
And even though I may never feel your arms around me,
I felt your heart beating,
Like a lullaby, singing me to sleep,
And your spirit, giving me a safe haven,
Already protecting me, nurturing me,
Preparing me for things to come.
But sometimes the journey of life pulls souls apart.
Yes, I had to go on to another place.
I wish I could stay,
I wish this was a decision I could make
And I know you do too.
Know this wherever you are,
I will always remember
That yours was the first love, the first joy,
The first soul I will ever know.
You gave me the courage to go on in my journey.
I hope I can do the same for you.

Your heartbeat will always call me to you.
~Author unknown

Kathy Mincy
Remembers: (her granddaughter)
Kelsey N. Mincy
Born/Died NOVEMBER 6 1995

Tracy King
Reannon Jayde King
Born December 30, 1992
Died February 3, 1993
NSW Australia
Memories of Reannon

Mary Ann McKinley
Myshell Antoinette
Born Novemeber 3,1998
Died January 31,1999

Kelly Brinkley & Don Douglas, Sr.
Don Donal Douglas, Jr.
Born/Died September 6, 2000

Mirjam Witteveen
Born - March, 28, 2000
Died - March 23, 2000
The Netherlands
Koman Site De Site van Mirjam & Vincent & Sabien

Paula Jean Wood
Ivy Makiala Wood
Born - October 30 1994
Died - Feb 22 1999
State: Washington
For Ivy

Shannon Puffer
Christopher Mac Nicholes Puffer
March 11,1999 - stillborn

Lynette Lane
Zachary Parker Lane
Born - July 5, 1988
Died - July 9, 1988
State: Florida

Lori and Nick Weber
State: Ohio
Born - Febuary 25, 2000
Died - Febuary 25, 2000
Cole was due July 4, 2000
State: Ohio

christina herring

William Tyler Herring (Billy)
Born - October 27, 1997
Died - October 27,1997
States: Missouri

Kristen Sobus
Brianna Rose Wise
Born - May 24,2000
Died - May 24, 2000
EDD October 26,2000
State: South Carolina

Jennifer Merrell (Mommy)
Connor Lawson Merrell Carter
Born - Feburary 18, 2000
Died - Feburary 18, 2000
EDD May 28, 2000
State: Alabama

Leanne Collis
Skyler Leanne Collis
Born - July 1, 2000
Died - July 5, 2000
In Memory of Skyler Leanne Collis
Too beautiful for this earth

Christina M Lewis
Shalla Nickel Lewis &
De Andre Jamel Lewis

Shalle - October 7, 1991
De Andre - December 21, 1992
State: Kansas
To My Angels:

To my angels whom I think about daily. I miss you two so much. I know God is taking care of you and I know that you two are happier. I am sorry I never got to look into your eyes or see you smile. I will never forget you and I look forward to seeing you two when my time is over on this earth.

Your Loving Mother, Tina

Craig, Doris, Megan
March Angel & November Angel
Miscarrige due to low progestrone
March 28th 1993 & November 25th 1993
Andrew C. Hooker
Born - 12/10/96
Died - 1/9/01
Heavens Playground of Angels
State: Indiana

Before we have added our 2 baby angels we have lost to miscarrige.. Now we have lost our 4 year old son suddenly to aspiration..
We love you to the moon and back Drewboy... You must be such a beautiful Angel.. We miss you so much. You will always be our boy..

Love, Mommy, Daddy & Megan

Cindy Hogue
Makayla Zayne Hogue
Born - February 17, 1996
Died - February 18, 1996
State: Ohio
In Memory of Makayla Zayne Hogue

Mr & Mrs Kim White
Spencer Travis White
Born - June22, 2000
Died - June 22, 2000

We did not say good-bye to you
for we shall meet again
we only said we will see you, son
when our journey here shall end
so wait for us our little one
for soon this day will be
we'll hold you in our arms again
and for all eternity

Love, Mommy and Daddy

Patricia Kusila

AUG. 25, 1989 ~ SEPt. 11, 1990
DEC. 20, 1973 ~ AUG. 7, 1993

I wanted to add a personal comment here. Please visit Patricia's site. Patricia's will add a memorial for your child. (They are beautiful, she added my two boys.) A tribute to her sons' Mathew and Steven, A grief section, and a lot more. May God Bless You Patricia. In the short time I've known you, I admire the way you have chosen to carry on.
Your sons' are beaming with pride.

Abbey Elizabeth Wood
Lyndsie Erin Wood

August 6, 2000
August 11, 2000

Born at 2:04 A.M. in Dothan, AL.
5 pounds and 9 ounces.
18 inches long.
Blond hair.

To: Lyndsie

To our beautiful baby girl in Heaven. I know that you are happy and one day we will be with you. I will remember your strong heart, the way you would suck your thumb, the way you loved to be held, and how determined you were to see me no matter what! I will remember holding your tiny hand while they ran tests on you to see why you got so sick. You did not suffer in vain. One day there will be a cure for metabolic diseases and you are helping the fight. We love you and wish you were here. Remember Matthew 19:14!
Love always:
Mommy & Daddy~ Abbey Wood & Jason Stewart
MeMaw & PaPaw~ Lynda Merrill & Steve Wood
Grandma & Grandpa~ Cathy & Robert Stewart
Great Grandparents~ Delores Merrill, Fate & Annette Wood
Aunt Stephanie Wood, Aunt Christy Stewart, Uncle Micheal Stewart and the rest of the Wood, Stewart, Merrill families.

Heather Davis
MyKenna Renee Acord
Born - 11-05-99
Died - 11-05-99
State: Iowa

Born asleep
A gift from God
to hold in our hearts
Another one sent
to hold in our arms..
We love and miss you

Mommy, Daddy,
your two big sisters
and your twin..

Jennifer Monique Lawhon
Tristen Micheal Lawhon
Miscarried Feb.14, 2000
7 wks gestation
State: Oklahoma

Elizabeth Shultz
Michael John Shultz
August 5, 1998
April 3, 1999
State: Illinois
The Miracle Michael Fund




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Please Remember....

These are more than names on this wall,
these are precious children that
have passed on and are dearly missed
each and every day of our lives.

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