My Story
The rollercoaster
ride of life.
Living with my grandparents, i
didn't worry about beatings.
but the mind control was brought
on with a vengeance.
I was taken to church, joined the
senior high group. There i met Jesus.
I finally had friends. I was not
allowed to have friends over.
I lived for Sundays, and Wed. night.
This was a prebyterian church.
It was very formal, quiet. But that didn't
stop the Holy Spirit, the youth group
started getting baptised in the Holy
Ghost. The adults became concerned.
They made a list of sanctuary rules, and basically quenched the Spirit.
Our youth leader stepped down, and
our group began to splinter apart.
Left to stand alone, i fell away. I
was going to college, and joined
the party crowd. I was looking for
love, drinking, getting high. Nothing
made me happy for long. My
grandparents threatened to kick
me out, "i was no better than my mother".
So, i found a small apartment.
Partying took a toll on my job,
soon i was unemployed.
Soon to lose my home, i started talking
to recruiters. My grandparents said
the military would straighten me
out, discipline me. So i signed up.
I was thrown from the pan into the
fire, as alcohol was available on base.
No matter what age. It was party
central, my lifestyle didn't change.
I still believed in God, but now i
didn't feel worthy to be loved by Him.
That He wouldn't want me anymore.
I had been too bad.
I was stationed in Oklahoma for
2 years. I met my husband there.
He didn't want to get married, but i
was having a baby, and i kept after
him until he finally agreed. I
had my son, Jimmy 7 mos. later.
My husband started staying out,
sometimes not coming home.
He 'couldn't remember' where he had
been. Then we got orders for Germany.
I hoped for a fresh start, but after 18
mos. of marraige, it was over.
I had temporary custody of my son, i
wanted joint custody, but a couple
of his friends told him to go for sole
custody. He was taking me to German
family court. I then decided to take my
son back to the states, to my
grandparents. I had to return, i was
miserable. My heart was torn in two.
It was then i met my second husband Roy. He was strong when i couldn't be.
My two year old was driving my
grandparents crazy. They sent
petitions to my congressman and Nancy
Reagan to let me out. I was discharged
1 week later. Roy got out soon after.
We got an apartment.
We married in August, 1984. We
decided to have a baby.
We moved from San Diego to Tenn.
the summer of 85'
Ashley was born in December. I
still didn't let God back in my life.