Conor's Homepage

I want to send you a postcard from my home state of Kentucky. Maybe if you're lucky you'll get my favorite, one from Mammoth Cave. It could be a picture of Louisville, or race horses, or some other attraction in our state. To find out how to get a postcard, click on the mailbox.

I am seven years old and in second grade. One of my favorite subjects at school is art.  I am also a member of my school's chess club.

Things I Like:
Bugs, insects, and other crawly creatures Bats


A Mourning Dove has made a nest in a rose bush in our back yard. See her picture.


Art (Crafts)

Fun Stuff

Star Wars For Parents of K through 6th Graders

Take a ride on the Kid's Train

The Rail

My sister Emma
My brother Trevor
To my Dad's page
To Mom's page

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