Alana Ross - 12/01/00 17:43:24
My Email:aross69@earthlink.net
Families You Research:: Roberts, Spradlin, Osborne
Any info on these families would be appreciated.
Thank You in advance.
Alana Layne Ross
I was born in Floyd Co. KY.Now live in Indiana. I've been doing
research on my family since 1976. But still can't find a Della Allen,Married
to Jerry Allen from W.Prestonsburg. Can you help. Lydia PS I like all the
work you have put into your site.
Hi I am a Musick by birth and am doing research on my family for
a gift for my father and someone sent me your sight. anyway we are from
Ohio most of the family was born here my grandfathers name was Willard
and he had a brother that they called duck not uch more i have found yet
take care
I just started looking at this information today and it is like
a candy store. This has been an interest of mine for many years but I just
came to a quiet time in my life that allows me to pursue my interests,
which is family history. What I have seen thu far is truly amazing, so
much information and such old information. I am truly fascinated by the
records I have seen. I am sure that many appreciate your good work and
will continue to do the same.
Good job I love your new Paintsville Herald addition.
Another great site from Eastern KY. Thanks much for your services
and hard work. I drop by often.Have a good one folks
What a Web site! Congradulations! It's a beauty!
I loved this site. My grandma wanted to know about our history and
I think we are related. My grandpa's name was Floyde EugeneMusic. He was
born in Floyde county in 1901. His dad's name was John Wesley,His grandpa's
name was Archibold.Thanks for all the i fo.
Your site is absolutely breath taking. Thanks for the wonderful
visit. I leave you with this my friend... If I could give you one gift
my friend, I would give you the ability to see yourself as others see you,
so you would know how very special you are. Sincerely, AGhostwriter webmaster@aghostwriter.com
Beautiful web site
Great site! So much information here.Glad you got this on-line
grandfather is buried at river,ky. in cemetery where jenny wiley
is buried. trying to find info on spears side of family now. any info is
What an outstanding job! I am only at the beginning of my quest
and can see that I have a lot of work ahead of me! Stop by the Heartland
Genealogy Society: http://www.oocities.org/Heartland/Ranch/2416 All the
best, Robyn Heartland Community Leader Heartland...Where friendship is
You have done a great job! I couldn't imagine how much time you
have put into this. Your sight has been a big help.
I have went through the pages of these names and it was very interesting.My
mom was related to the Musics.Some of the names i have heard my mom mention
many times.Maybe somewhere back in time we are related.my mom talked about
Glo,Ky.a lot.If i am not wro g she grew up around there.I go over the pages
i pull up on my computer almost every day,brings back a lot of memories,like
being home again.Dean Salyer
I'm so glad that I found your website. I spend all my extra time
in the basement on the computer now. Always searching for someone. My daughter
started searching for the family tree, because she bought a book for all
these names & she didn't know what to put in the spaces. Now I'm hooked
too. Thanks!!!!!!!!!Judy
Good site. One question? Why do you change Musick to Music back
and forth on some of the sites? Did some of the families change name?
I'm a newcomer,judt found your web site. Very interesting.
I thought your site was really nice,unfortuneately i needed to find
a way to e-mail you.Do you know how I can fin information on Johnsonco.marriages
for 1921?And information about coalmine workers?I am lost totally on my
family.Found some info.from some o your links,but am lost.thanks for what
i did find.My name is Schannon,my husbands name will come up on the e-mail,we
share it.Thank-you,and keep up th good work.
A lot of work you have put in this site, very nicely done. By chance
have you came across a Hugh M Wallace, b.14 Aug 1778, in Pa, and settled
in Warren Co., Ky. for a while, his father was a John, and his father was
a Amos. Thanks again, William
george & kate music collins
This is a great site! I check back often.
I am looking for any info on the Vern and Vada Roberts family. Vada
was a Spradlin and born in Johnson Co., that is really all I know about
her. Vern Roberts was also born in Johnson and that is all I know about
him. They had three daughters named Horte se, Carrie and Elizabeth. Hortense
married Hobert Helton, Carrie married Willie Osborne and Elizabeth married
Blaine Fraley. That's about all I know. Any info would be greatly appreciated
as Vern and Vada were the great grandparents of my children. Thank You
in advance. Alana oss
I am very impressed with your site! It has been most helpful in
my search. I'm new at this and your page has a wealth of information. I
hope when I become more computer literate I can be as helpful to someone
as you have me. Thanks for the hard work----- andy
I like your webpage.It has alot of interesting things on Kentucky,which
is where I'm doing alot of researching on the families of Bowen,Spears,Oney,Music
and Morris.
I am the daughter of a 32 year veteran of the coal mines of Eastern
Ky. My Dad worked last at Princess Elkhorn #2 mines at David, Ky. Willard
Collins of Auxier.
If you have this Musick info in FTM or Gedcom format, we'd l;ike
to have it all for the MFAA, or otherwise as it is written, to include
in the Association database. Thanks DGM
Looking for info on Issac B. Smith & his decendants-Stephen
B. Smith, also Isom Slone Jr. from upper Caney in Pippapass, KY.,Isom is
my Grandfather & father of Elizabeth Slone-Smith. Any info will be
appreciated, Thank You !!
love this page had more info i didnt have .still looking where you
got the halleck mccarty fam cem oil springs .thanks for all your help it
has been priceless
This was a great site, Will be checking in more often. Pat
Great web-site and a lot of help in my research. Thanks