ARNETT,  Thomas, 65,               S/O  Freeman & Merlie Bailey Arnett.   (deceased)
BAYES, Cynthia , 77,               D/O  John Henry & Pearlie Holbrook Fyffe   (deceased)
BLEVINS, Chalmer Blevins, 77,      S/O  Smith & Clara Adams Blevins   (deceased)
BOYD, Irma , 97,                   D/O  Charles & Virginia Glenn Preston Childers   (deceased)
BROWN, Howard, 87,                 S/O  Joseph & Julie Robinson Brown   (deceased)
BUTCHER, Helen Irene, 72,          D/O  Arthur & Martha Hall Branham.   (deceased)
CALDWELL, Flora (Ratliff  84       D/O  Harvey & Nola Hampton Ratliff
CHURCH, Clystie , 93,              D/O  Samuel & Rebecca Lemaster Stambaugh.  (deceased)
CLARK, Mary E.  95                 D/0  Letha Walters Clark Steel and Paris Clark   (deceased)
COMBS, Clyde, 84,                  S/O  Benjamin F. & Zora M. Rice Combs   (deceased)
CRIDER, Norma Collins, 90,         D/O  William H. & Martha Elizabeth Clark   (deceased)
GOBLE, Opal Lee, 87,               D/O  Jerry & Nola Crider Goble  (deceased)
GREER, William Calvin , 86,        S/O  Samuel and Naomi Burke Greer   (deceased)
HALL, Julian  "J. B." , 68,        S/O  James Harrison & Elsie Boyd Hall    (deceased)
HOLBROOK, Elizabeth A."Libby", 82, D/O  Fredrick & Fannie Mayo Atkinson   (deceased)
HOWARD, Marvin ``Duce", 63,        S/O  South & Versa Howard   (deceased)
HOWARD, Reginia Ann  33,           D/O  Bill & Carol Salyer Howard
JAMES, Albert Richard , 78,        S/O  Cecil Millard & Myrtle Anabell Johnson James  (deceased) 
JUDE, Pauletta, 45,                D/O  Paul & Zelda Kirk Johnson.
KITTLE, Verna Tolliver, 84         S/O  John and Emaline McDowell Tolliver.
LEMASTER, Armatha, 75,             D/O  Lewis & Mary Hunley Conley.   (deceased)
LEMASTERS, Dovie Marie Cavins, 77, D/O  Benjamin Harrison & Nancy Graves Cavins.  (deceased) 
LITTLE, Hulda Ratliff  85,         D/O  Ed & Tallie Ratliff.   (deceased)
McCARTY, Opal Queen, 89,           D/O  Herbert & Elizabeth White Queen   (deceased)
OSBORNE, Alice Mae, 83,            D/O  Noah Kendrick & Martha Buelah Salyer   (deceased)
PATTON, Lucille Wells, 82,         D/O  Richard Marion & Fannie Lee Richmond Wells.  (deceased)
POWERS, James Monroe , 92,         S/O  David & Jennilee Honeycutt Powers   (deceased)
PRICE, Herman , 81,                S/O  Raleigh & Laura Patrick Price   (deceased)
PRICE, Hester, 84,                 D/O  Sylvin & Laura Reynolds Lewis  (deceased)
RIFFE, Don Michael , 31,           S/O  Lou Riffe Tackett and the late Don Cassady Riffe.
ROBINSON, Betty Ailene Ealey, 73,  D/O  George & Sudie Trimble Ealey  (deceased)
SPARKS, Madge , 97,                D/O  Jay Lee & Elizabeth Salyer   (deceased).
SPARKS, Zora Ann, 96,              D/O  George & Mary Ramey Green  (deceased)
SPENCER, Richard Franklin  48,     S/O  George & Mildred Davis Spencer   (deceased)
TACKETT, Edith C. Litton Dutton,74,D/O  Elbert & Sarah Ellen Litton   (deceased)  
WARD, Chester E. 77,               S/O  Crate and Clara Arms Ward.
WELLS, Joe  Jr., 80,               S/O  Joe D. & Lilly Mae Webb Wells   (deceased)
WILEY, Lorraine Clay, 94,          D/O  Elmon & Carrie Clay   (deceased)

ADAMS, Dora Lemaster, 87,          D/O  Luther Lemaster and Sola Patrick Lemaster Wheeler  (deceased)
AUXIER, Thomas Lee, 56,            S/O  Christine Kazee Auxier and the late Carson Auxier
BLAIR, Alta Powers, 77,            D/O  Braden and Nannie Spencer Powers.  (deceased)
BLAIR, Basil, 72,                  S/O  Lacy and Lelia Baldwin Blair
BLAIR, Paul H. , 70,               S/O  Johnny B. and Rosie Colvin Blair   (deceased)
BROWN, Howard , 87                 S/O  Joseph and Julie Robinson Brown  (deceased)
CASTLE, Anna , 58,                 D/O  James Henry and Allie Cantrell Salyer  (deceased)
CASTLE, Sandra , 23,               D/O  Darrell Flinchum of Swamp Branch and Brenda Boyer of Bremen, Ind.
CAUDILL, Imogene, 91,              D/O  Robert and Pearl Rice Caudill  (deceased)
COLLIER, Aubrey , 64,              S/O  John N. and Emily Fyffe Collier  (deceased)
COLLINS, Homer, 86                 S/O  Bailey & Margaret Louise Wells Collins  (deceased)
COX, Betty Pack, 66                D/O  William Martin and Mary Lester Pack  (deceased)
COX, David Henry , 81,             S/O  John David & Katie Fannin Cox.  (deceased)
CRABTREE, Alice , 78,              D/O  Crate & Ollie Sloane.  (deceased)
DANIELS, Douglas Ray, 55,          S/O  Enich Robinson and the late Florine Daniel
DANIELS, William, 80               S/O  Erchel and Grace Clark Daniels  (deceased)
DUTTON, William 'Bill' Jr., 95,    S/O  William & Julie Castle Dutton.   (deceased)
EVANS, Carlos Cea , 77,            S/O  Carlos and Bertie Preston Amburgy   (deceased)
FRALEY, Foster Brooks, 82,         S/O  Charlie and Martha Payne Fraley.  (deceased)
FRALEY, Marshall Ray, 47,          S/O  Okie Daniels Fraley and the late Thomas J. Fraley
GIBSON, Christy M. Marlow, 28,     S/O  Tom and Shelva Lemaster Marlow
GRIM, Joseph Emery ``Joey", 24,    S/O  Lathania Faye Rice Dorton of Thealka and the late Darley Emery Grim
HANSHAW, Charles Edward, 71,       S/O  Josephine Miller Hanshaw  (deceased)
HOWARD, Danny, 49,                 S/O  David Paul Howard of Salyersville and the late Naomi Ruth Howard
JENNINGS, Nola Arrowood, 91,       D/O  Willie K. and Rose Preston Arrowood   (deceased)
KILGORE, Darrell, 62               S/O  Woodford Kilgore and Hazel Preston Kilgore Tackett.  (deceased)
LEMASTER, Irene L., 85,            D/O  Harry and Bertha Barnett Conley  (deceased)
MEADE, Anna Lee, 79,               D/O  Patrick Wood and Ruie Wheeler Ramsey  (deceased)
MONTGOMERY, Audra , 76,            D/O  Noah and Ressie Howard Minix  (deceased)
PATRICK, Lawson, 81,               S/O  Malcolm and Myrtle Reed Patrick   (deceased)
PINKERMAN, Frances Mollette, 78,   D/O  Elias and Martha Jane Golden Mollette  (deceased)
REED, Ruie , 92,                   D/O  George and Judie Trimble Ealey  (deceased)
RUSSELL, Roland, 61,               S/O  Fred and Felcie Russell.   (deceased)
SKAGGS, Mabel , 79,                D/O  James and Frona Blanton Conley   (deceased)
SLONE, Dorothy, 83,                D/O  Harry and Nora Mayhan Stambaugh   (deceased)
SPRIGGS, James D., 68,             S/O
TACKETT, Janet, 57,                D/O  Ollie Booth Wiley and the late Ottis Wiley
TAYLOR, James Harmon, 65,          S/O  Faye Hannah Taylor and the late Virgil Taylor
VANHOOSE, Rev. Willie Green, 86,   S/O  James and Sarah Music Vanhoose  (deceased)
VANHOOSE, Roy , 95,                S/O  Noah and Martha Blair Vanhoose   (deceased)
WALLEN, Judy, 53,                  D/O  Luther Clouse and the late Anna Lee Daniels Clouse
WALTERS, Wince, 90,                S/O  Taulbee and Laura Spriggs Walters  (deceased)
WHEELER, Jeanne, 73,               D/O  Robert and Lucille Reynolds Miller  (deceased)
WHITAKER, Herbert Wesley , 17      S/O  Herbert and Delorse Kaye Whitaker
MARCH 2001
ANDERSON, Darlene Ruth, 40,        D/O  Darrell and Sarah Fairchild Brown
BLANTON, Rupert, 92,               S/O  Amos and Florence Blanton   (deceased)
BLANTON, Shade, 73,                S/O  Harry and Cora Saylor Blanton   (deceased)
BLESSING, Exer 92,                 D/O  Thomas and Nannie Mollette Childers  (deceased)
BURKS, Robert, 82,                 S/O  Ora and Hannah Sparks Burks   (deceased)
CASTLE, Gertrude 70,               D/O  Harry B. and Virgie Young Hampton.  (Deceased)
CHAPMAN, Abraham Lincoln  78,      S/O  Rush and Rebecca Moore Chapman   (deceased)
COLLINS, Murl, 71,                 D/O  Ali and Sadie Wells   (deceased)
CONLEY, Billie Roger, 78,          S/O  Tom and Mae Hitchcock Conley.  (deceased)
CONLEY, Orville, 63,               S/O  Smith and Grace Preston Conley   (deceased)
COOK, Effie Mae George  90,        D/O  Thomas and Edith Stevens George.    (deceased)
CRIDER, Martin, 92,                S/O  Alec and June Conley Crider   (deceased)
DAVIS, Edith G., 80,               D/O  Ed and Mahala Burchwell Webb   (deceased)
DELONG, Virgil “Catfish” , 70,     S/O
DIXON, Dollie, 92,                 D/O  Lee and Nervie Brown Orsborne.   (deceased)
FAULKNER, Imogene, 82,             S/O
FERGUSON, Mable, 81,               D/O  John and Irene Smith Keaton   (deceased)
FOSTER, Mary Lucille Monarch, 85,  D/O
FRALEY, Okie Marie, 85,            D/O  Frank and Mahala Preston Daniels   (deceased)
FRANKLIN, Juanita Joyce, 54,       D/O  Farrell and Lorraine Blair Hannah  
GOBLE, Darvin Scotty , 42,         S/O  Elijah “E.J.” and Mary Alice Lewis Goble of Cow Creek
HACKNEY, Carl Hager, 70,           S/O  Charles Henderson and Zee Hackney   (deceased)
HANNAH, Cubby, 39,                 S/O  Raymond Hannah and the late Josephine Scott Hannah.
HARRIS, Phillip Morris, 57,        S/O  Herbert Harris and the late Clista Wheeler Harris
HAZELETT, Gladys Lee, 86,          D/O  Edward and Minnie Spears Lee   (deceased)
HELTON, Andrea Gail, 23,           D/O  Wanda Gail Blanton Pigg of Paintsville and the late Charles Paudie Pigg
HETTINGER, Sarah E. Neal, 67       D/O  Ernest and Frances Neal   (deceased)
JOHNSON, Raymond , 76,             S/O  Jack and Adilla Johnson
LAFFERTY, Ed, 77,                  S/O  I.L. and Eva Collins Lafferty   (deceased)
MEADE, Iva Joy, 90,                D/O  George G. and Lula Salyers Auxier
MEADE, Thurman,  57,               S/O  Hilbert and Kit Maulkie Meade.   (deceased)
MEEKS, Anna Belle, 80,             D/O  James and Virgie Spears Meeks   (deceased)
MUSIC, John L., 86                 S/O  John Wesley and Sola Spradlin Music   (deceased)
PRESTON, William E., 79,           S/O  Glenn Ford and Laura Nickells Preston.    (deceased)
RATLIFF, Hester  65,               S/O  Mose and Laura Spradlin   (deceased)
RUSSELL, Stevin, 36,               S/O  Alex Russell and the late Alkie Phipps Russell. 
RUTHERFORD, Pauline Hurst, 79,     D/O  Sarah Jackson  (deceased)
SALLOWS, Ollie , 82                D/O  Samuel and Pite Lowe Canada   (deceased)
SLONE, Silvia Jane, 86             D/O  Proctor and Laura Harris Slone   (deceased)
SPARKS, James Kenis "Jimbo", 45,   S/O  Ruth Spradlin Sparks and the late James Nelson Sparks
TAYLOR, Rev. Bennie, 57,           S/O  Faye Lemaster Taylor and the late Virgil Taylor
WALTERS, John Calvin, 77,          S/O  John E. and Clara Fields Walters  (deceased)
WELLS, John Kendrick "J.K."III,85  S/O  Jimison Kendrick and Ruth Long Wells   (deceased)
WHITAKER, Beulah, 81               D/O  Kaleb and Zella Rice Whitaker.   (deceased)
WISEMAN, Polly Charlene, 49,       D/O  John and Gertie Arms Woods   (deceased)
APRIL 2001
ADAMS, Iranell "Nell" Spears, 64,  D/O  Hurschel D. and Madge Gambill Spears  (deceased) 
BLAIR, James E., 70,               S/O  Estill and Julie Blevins Blair   (deceased) 
BRACKETT, William , 40,            S/O  Danny and Prudie Ward Brackett   (deceased) 
CASTLE, James Elvis 43,            S/O  Naomi Ruth Daniels Castle and the late Jakey Lewis Castle 
COMBS, Tressie Trusty  69,         D/O  Lace and Pheabo Jordan Trusty   (deceased) 
DAVIDSON, Audie Skaggs Rigsby, 86, D/O  Henry and Laura Boggs Rigsby   (deceased) 
DEHART, Malta Bailey, 85,          D/O  Waldbridge and Mintie Conley Webb.
HITCHCOCK, Juanita , 46,           D/O  Beulah Fairchild Fairchild and the late Clate Fairchild 
HORNE, Lucas Lee Staniford Jr., 11 S/O  Lucas Lee and Opal Stella Staniford Horne 
HOWARD, John Edison  71,           S/O  Sidney J. and Judy B. Arrowood Howard.  (deceased) 
KEEL, Beulah Mae Well, 66,         D/O  Malta Castle Wells of Auxier and the late Roland Wells 
KING, Everett,  76                 S/O  Tollie and Eunice Blevins King.
LYONS, Freda  77,                  D/O  Leonard and Fannie Roberts Sowards.   (deceased) 
MEEK, Daisy, 87,                   D/O  Sherman and Hattie Vanhoose Lemaster   (deceased) 
MEEK, Eloise, 45,                  D/O  Virginia Hurt Collins and the late Ali Collins 
MONEY, William T. Jr., 58,         S/O  William T. and Bertha Wyatt Money   (deceased) 
MOORE, Jay Harm 77,                S/O  Noah and Minnie Scarberry Moore   (deceased) 
PENNINGTON, Loucina , 86,          D/O  Dennis and Ona Williams   (deceased) 
SALYER, Norman, 84,                S/O   
SCARBERRY, Alice, 63               D/O  Tolvie and Zora Green Sparks   (deceased) 
SPEARS, Mabel Baldwin, 91,         D/O  Fred and Mary Frances Sublett Baldwin.   (deceased) 
VANHOOSE, Elsie ``Tommie" , 84,    S/O  Smith Osborn and Lou McKenzie Osborn   (deceased) 
WISEMAN, Polly Charlene, 49,       D/O  John and Gertie Arms Woods   (deceased)
MAY 2001
AIKEN, Barbara E. , 67             D/0     Malcolm and Cora Spradlin Pelphrey   (deceased)
BAILEY, Lexie Preston, 85,         D/O     Ballard and Martha Walters Preston.  (deceased)
BLEVINS, Phyllis O’Bryan, 59       D/O     Ervin Kenneth and Opal May O’Bryan.   (deceased)
BURCHETT, David Lee, 41,           S/O     Lou Ellen (Wallen) Chandler and the late Thomas Eugene Burchett.
BURKE, Howard  92,                 S/O     Calvin and Lula George Burke   (deceased)
CAUDILL, Anna Jewel, 48,           D/O     Willis Caudill and the late Lizzie Ellen Castle Caudill.
CHARLES, James Arthur, 74,         S/O     George Lewis and Madie Dotson Charles.  (deceased)
COLE, Imogene , 78,                D/O     Woods and Verna Patton Martin   (deceased)
COTTLE, Dora , 81                  D/O     Henry and Minerva Dixon Caudill   (deceased)
CRIGGER, Nell Catherine, 83,       D/O     Charles Edward and Nannie Catherine Bond Ratcliff. (deceased)
DEUTCH, Evelyn E. Glisson, 81,     D/O     Walter and Madge Virginia Rice Hitchcock
ELAM, Sue Aveonelle 66,            D/O     William “Bill” and Thelma Williams Elam   (deceased)
FAIRCHILD, James Earl, 43,         S/O     Janet Earlene Demonbrum and the late Jimmy Fairchild.  (deceased)
HALL, Kathleen VanHoose, 66,       D/O     Perry C. and Helen Preston VanHoose   (deceased)
HAMILTON, Anna Rae Margaret, 86    D/O     John Thomas and Cynthia Hall Ferguson.   (deceased)
HORNE, Robert Lendell H, 67        S/O     Norman and Myrtie McCloud Horne   (deceased)
JARRELL, Monroe ``Popeye", 42,     S/O     Curt and Liz Endicott Jarrell   (deceased)
JOHNSON, John Paul, 71,            S/O     Amos Johnson and Addie Mae Steele Johnson Womack  (deceased)
LEIBEE, Ethel , 91,                D/O     Harmon and Flora Bailey Litteral   (deceased)
LEMASTER, Clyde  89                S/O     John and Elizabeth Salyers Lemaster.  (deceased)
LUGAR, George Samuel, 59,          S/O     Bernice Broksus and the late George Edward Lugar
MEEK, Georgia P Auxier, 78,        D/O     G.G. and Lula Salyer Auxier   (deceased)
MURPHY, David Paul, 74             S/O     David Paul and Katherine Kilkenny Murphy.   (deceased)
PRESTON, Gracie, 91,               S/O     Byrd and Mahala Trimble Preston  (deceased)
PRESTON, Ivory , 60                D/O     Andy and Daisy Conley Ward.    (deceased)
PRICE, Cecil, 83                   S/O     Silver and Alice Ratliff Price   (deceased)
PRUITT, Daisy M., 67,              S/O     Benjamin and Molly Young        (deceased)
RATLIFF, Andy Jack, 40,            S/O     Topsy and Ruby VanHoose Ratliff.   (deceased)
RICKMAN, Edith Faye , 75,          D/O     Julius and Bessie VanHoose Daniels   (deceased)
SALYER, Geneva Stambaugh, 69,      D/O     Lawrence and Virgie Jones Stambaugh   (deceased)
SCHMITT, Mary Katheryn Wells, 76   D/O     German C. and Cora Blair Wells   (deceased)
SHOUP, Stella , 95,                D/O     John and Milda Kelly Certain  (deceased)
SMITH, Sterling  Jr., 55,          S/O     Ellen Morley Smith of Harold and the late Sterling Smith
SPARKS, Hazel Meade , 96,          D/O     W.R. and Addie Frances Meade  (deceased)
TRIMBLE, Doris D Price, 69,        D/O     Joseph and Josephine May Price  (deceased)
VANHOOSE, Marlene Minix  67,       D/O     Maurice Minix Jr. and Myrtle Wheeler Minix   (deceased)
WALLEN, Nancy L., 55,              D/O     Ashland and Francis Deity Wallen.   (deceased)
WARD, Shirley Mae, 85,             D/O     Charles William and Grace Preston  (deceased)
WRIGHT, Mary Ruth Childers, 76,    D/O     Thomas and Nanny Mollette Childers   (deceased)
JUNE 2001
ALLEN, Sam  Jr.,                   S/O     Sam and Susie Salyers Allen   (deceased)
BALDWIN, Shellie Reed, 83,         D/O     Columbus and Lourisse Alice Blanton Reed.  (deceased)
BARNETT, Ann V., 61,               D/O     Jim and Cressie Vaughn.   (deceased)
BASHAM, Brian Adair, 28,           S/O     Charles and Vickie Salyer Basham
BLAIR, Fannie Mae,                 D/O     Roy and Daisy Williams Litteral   (deceased)
BLAIR, Mabel Marie Haney, 50,      D/O     Marie Banks Haney and the late Chester Lee Haney
BLANTON, Aaron Richard , 23,       S/O     Charles Pigg and Wanda Gail Blanton
BRUBAKER, Jean, 73,                D/O     Oram Alfred and Alison Burnside   (deceased)
CASTLE, Earl Wateman, 74,          S/O     Corbett and Ethel Huff Castle.   (deceased)
CASTLE, Hershel, 86,               S/O     John and Hester Nelson Castle.  (deceased)
CLARK, Darla Deree May, 40,        D/O     Jack Edward May and Phyllis Jean Tackett 
COLEMAN, James A., 55,             S/O     Charles and Lenora Price Coleman
CONLEY, Lorene Tackett , 74,       D/O     Sanford and Dora Hayes Tackett.   (deceased)
CRIDER, Arson, 92,                 S/O     Jake and Cora McGuire Crider   (deceased)
DOZIER, Guy A. “Butch”, 54,        S/O     Guy Dozier and Betty Moore Dozier 
DeARMONDE, Frances June, 63,       D/O     Clayton and Mary Pauline Collier DeArmonde  (deceased)
FANNIN, Murline, 74,               D/O     Charlie Vanhoose and Minnie Debord   (deceased)
GRIFFITH, Shellie, 84,             D/O     Morton and Nancy Evelyn Blair Griffith.
GULLETT, Lucy Howes, 94,           D/O     James W. and Hettie Howes   (deceased)
HAMILTON, Anna Rae Margaret, 86,   D/O     John Thomas and Cynthia Hall Ferguson.    (deceased)
JOHNSON, Anna Laura, 73,           D/O     Morris and Erie Arms Colvin   (deceased)
McCARTY, Paris, 73,                S/O     Paris McCarty and Elviria McKenzie   (deceased)
OLIVER, John H., 80,               S/O     Robert Henry and Zilla Halford Oliver.  (deceased)
PENDLETON, George, 52,             S/O     Bill and Nancy Smith Pendleton.   (deceased)
SHORT, Lucille, 90,                D/O     Martin and Linnie Music Hall.   (deceased)
STANIFORD, Amanda, 86,             S/O     W.T. and Polly Music Mollette.   (deceased)
WELLS, Alex Sam, 63,               S/O     Ben and Anna Richmond Wells  (deceased)
WHEELER, Sandra Lynn, 50,          D/O     Willa Dean Stephens Everage and the late Herbert Shepherd
WILLIAMS, Bert, 86,                S/O     Beverly Williams and Flora Caudill Williams Smith.   (deceased)
WILSON, Dora , 96,                 D/O     Rubin Beverly and Mary Dutton Beverly   (deceased)
JULY 2001
ALLEN, Ellen Jane, 95,             D/O     Willie and America Adair   (deceased)
ARNETT, Hattie Wisecup, 87,        D/O     Russell and Mary Jane Patrick Wisecup   (deceased)
BAILEY, Geneva D., 87,             D/O     Willard and Emma Lou Johnson Miller.   (deceased)
BAKER, Linda Ann Vanhoose, 46,     D/O     Nellie Church Vanhoose and the late James Vanhoose
BENTLEY, Kenneth Michael,          S/O     Kenneth Lee and Wanetta Thornsberry Bentley
BLEVINS, James Blevins, 70,        S/O     Foster and Arizona Clark Blevins   (deceased)
BRADY, Linda, 51,                  D/O     Martha Ann Lewis of West Van Lear and the late Daniel Harman
BROWN, Jackie Neal, 46,            S/O     Jackson Brown and the late Jane Williams Brown
BURKE, Roxie Jarrell, 90,          D/O     William and Allie Boyd Jarrell   (deceased)
CASTLE, Jimmie, 79,                S/O     Nathan and Lora McKenzie Castle   (deceased)
CAUDILL, Walter Emerson, 74,       S/O     Bracken and Bertha Gee Caudill  (deceased)
CONLEY, Deborah Katherine, 48,     D/O     Charles Cecil and Evelyn Findley Cassidy of New Albany, Ind
DANIEL, James Ervin,               S/O     Edd and Callie Daniel  (deceased)
DELLINGER, Marshall Stanley, 80,   S/O     Lester and Mamie Rinker Dellinger.  (deceased)
FERGUSON, Harold C., 81,           S/O     Foster and Goldie Ward Ferguson   (deceased)
GANT, Pauline Flannagan, 77,       D/O     Plomer Flannagan and Janie Tarwater Flannagan   (deceased)
HALL, Wiley, 55,                   S/O     Clarence and Geneva Blevins Hall.  (deceased)
HENSLEY, Loren, 87,                S/O     Clarence and Mae Lyon Hensley.   (deceased)
HONEYCUTT, Edward, 73,             S/O     Malcom Honeycutt and Sylvia Mae Bolen Honeycutt.  (deceased)
HUGHES, Linda Ratliff, 52,         D/O     Jim and Esther Marie Stepp Eslinger   (deceased)
JOHNSON, Leander Alexander 84,     S/O     Mason and Rhoda Fitchpatrick Johnson.  (deceased)
KEEL, Franklin, 64,                S/O     Rufus and Lucy Keel Delong,   (deceased)
MUSIC, Gracie Mae, 81,             D/O     William and Ruthie Castle Grim   (deceased)
MUSIC, Kathy Penix, 39,            D/O     Jim Jack Penix, Sr. (deceased)   and Margaret Walters. 
NUNEMAKER, Virgie Lee, 91,         D/O     Henry and Sarah Jane Case Keathley  (deceased)
PATRICK, Frank, 87,                S/O     Barnes and Emma Blanton Patrick   (deceased)
SALYER, Conrad, 60,                S/O     Luther and Gracie Patton Salyer   (deceased)
SALYER, Ova, 70,                   S/O     John Martin and Carrie Lemaster Salyer  (deceased)
SALYER, Ronald Dean, 60,           S/O     Cline and Essie Terry Salyer   (deceased)
SCARBERRY, Randell ``Doc", 64,     S/O     Alfred and Zelka Scarberry   (deceased)
SHEETS, Eva, 59,                   S/O     Charley and Mertie Gilliam VanOver   (deceased)
SHERMAN, Cecil, 88,                S/O     Buck and Mae Coney Sherman   (deceased)
SKAGGS, Lois Zelpha, 84,           D/O     Dora and Minnie Wheeler Stapleton   (deceased)
SMITH, Cora Meek, 76,              D/O     Paris and Dora Ward Adams   (deceased)
SPRADLING, Gladys Long Howard, 88, D/O     Paris Long and Ethel Ferguson Long   (deceased)
TACKETT, Judy Carol, 50,           D/O     George and Clestina Ward Clifton   (deceased)
VANHOOSE, Jessie Ratliff, 85,      D/O     William Bud Ratliff and Katie Dale Ratliff   (deceased)
VAUGHAN, James Robert, 50,         S/O     Jim Roe and Cressy Vaughan.   (deceased)
WILLIAMS, Duell, 90,               S/O     Charlie H. and Effie Hill Williams   (deceased)
WIREMAN, Dixie Jean, 71,           D/O     Wilbur Hager Wireman and Ada Mae Allen Wireman   (deceased)
WRIGHT, Wendell E., 69,            S/O     Milroy and Irene Damron Wright   (deceased).
AUXIER, Paul Cecil, 69,            S/O     Cecil and Kathleen Stapleton Auxier   (deceased)
BAYES, Lula, 90,                   D/O     Benjamin Franklin May and Peggy Risner May  (deceased)
BLAIR, Bethel, 77,                 D/O     James Edward and Hannah Baldwin Hitchcock   (deceased)
BLAIR, Sandy Jo Mollett, 28,       D/O     James Mollett Jr. and the late Mary Ruth Wheeler Mollett.
BLEVINS, Eunice, 80,               D/O     Arthur and Dora Conley Gullett.  (deceased)
CAUDILL, Callie   84               D/0     Granville and Ethel (Blanton) Williams.
CAUDILL, Reva, 67,                 D/O     Elzie and Manda Blanton Click   (deceased)
CLOUSE, Luther, 84,                S/O     John Silas and Ruby Pearl Burton Clouse   (deceased)
COLVIN, Marie, 84,                 D/O     William and Mary Rice Conley   (deceased)
CONLEY, Bonnie, 82,                D/O     Roscoe and Fannie Arnett Trusty.   (deceased)
CONLEY, James Heber, 82,           S/O     Heber and Julie Hazlett Conley   (deceased)
DANIEL, Scharlene, 57,             D/O     Raymond and Roberta Fairchild Castle   (deceased)
DAVIS, Eddie Brian, 60,            S/O     Cecil Davis and the late Edith Webb Davis
ELLIOTT, Martha Emily, 79,         D/O     William Jefferson and Sara Elizabeth Pennington Fyffe   (deceased)
FITCH, Lauryn Hope, 10-day-old     D/O     Tony and Jackie Penix Fitch
HOWARD, Bonnie S Stapleton, 50,    D/O     Francis Steven ``Bus" and Boneva Reed Stapleton
MCKENZIE, Hershel, 82,             S/O     Hallick and Nola Lemaster McKenzie.   (deceased)
MINIX, Mae, 81,                    D/O     Donnie and Lessie Richardson Minix.   (deceased)
MOLLETT, Edgar   73                S/0     Jerry and Sarah Spears Mollett.  (deceased)
MOLLETTE, Eddie Jr., 74,           S/O     Edd and Rose Dutton Mollette   (deceased)
NAGLE, Gyanna   60                 D/0     John and Elizabeth Alice Moore McClellan.   (deceased)
PRESTON, Judy Ann, 53,             D/0     James and Margie Staniford Mollette   (deceased)
RATLIFF, Pamela Kay, 45,           D/O     Mary Magdaline Branham Ratliff and the late Billy Roger Ratliff. 
RICE, Ralph W., 81,                S/O     Charlie J. and Dessie May Rice    (deceased)
ROSS, Edgel Langley, 78,           S/O     Walter A. Sr. and Etta Marie Lyon Ross.   (deceased)
SCERCY, Joyce C 65,                D/0     Roy and Birdie Burgraff Castle.
SPERGER, Michael Eric, 52,         S/O     Faye Reed Sperger and the late Hugo Rudolph Sperger.
STAMBAUGH, Eula Christine, 72,     D/O     Floyd Long and Alka Watkins.   (deceased)
TUTTLE, Minnie Tackett, 84,        D/O     Hiram and Rosa Johnson.   (deceased)
WALLEN, Irene, 79,                 D/O     Elijah and Allie Crider Nunnery   (deceased)
WEBB, Agnes Joann Tibbs, 75,       D/O     Ray and Dosha Spradlin Tibbs.   (deceased)
WEBB, Florence, 82,                D/O     John W. and Betsy Ann Estep Ramey   (deceased)
WELCH, Hobert Forest, 83,          S/O     John Hobert and Nona Conley Welch.   (deceased)
WILLIAMS, Beecher, 79,             S/O     Frank and Lorene Williams   (deceased)
ARROWOOD, Walter M. 82,            S/O     Melvin & Etta McKenzie Arrowood   (deceased)
ARROWOOD, William ``Bill" Jr., 89, S/O     Willie K. and Rose Preston Arrowood.   (deceased)
BOWEN, Elster, 65,                 S/O     Scott and Rosie Belle Johnson   (deceased)
BOWENS, Hobert, 83,                S/O     Henry and Millie Bowens   (deceased)
BURCHETT, William "Woody Bill" 72, S/O     Lacy and Laura Reed Burchett.   (deceased)
BURKE, Geraldine "Jerry", 76,      D/O     Rolla and Genius Marshall Wagner   (deceased)
CASTLE, Dorothy Mae, 82,           D/O     Ulysses and Agnes Hall O'Bryant   (deceased)
CASTLE, Norma (King), 78,          D/O     James Henry and Margaret Rosella Fuch King (deceased)
CAUDILL, Reva, 67                  D/O     Elzie and Manda Blanton Click.   (deceased)
CLARK, Johnie J., 80,              S/O     Robert “Bob” McKinley Clark (deceased)  and the late Mary Spradlin
CONLEY, Carrie, 97                 D/O     unlisted
CRISP, Bill, 54,                   S/O     Jake and Dallis Warrens Crisp   (deceased)
DANIEL, Paul Burgess, 66           S/O     Dennis Charles Daniel and Irene Burton Auxier   (deceased)
FIELDS, Carl, 87,                  S/O     Marion and Martha Fields.   (deceased)
FITCH, Joshua ``Josh" Stephen, 21, S/O     Steve Fitch of Meally and Debbie Williams Fitch of Paintsville
HACKNEY, Ivahlee Doris, 73,        D/O     George Wallace and Elma Elizabeth Rice   (deceased)
HALL, Ernest, 74,                  S/O     Jim and Island England Hall.  (deceased)
HENSLEY, Harold Ray “Chopper”, 62, S/O     Edward Hensley and Madgie Howard Hensley   (deceased)
JAMES, Edna Johnson, 78,           D/O     Martin and Elizabeth Moore Johnson  (deceased)
JOHNSON, Alvin York, 80,           S/O     Stonewall and Virgie Music Johnson   (deceased)
LEMASTER, Violet Blanton 42,       D/O     Bobby and Nancy McQueen Blanton
LEWIS, Charles Leslie, 71,         S/O     Fred and Rosa Waddell Lewis.  (deceased)
LOVELY, Elmina, 96,                D/O     Lonza and Crozy Stambaugh Kimbler.    (deceased)
MAXIE, Hannah McKenzie,(Infant)    D/O     Daniel and Tara Daniels Maxie of Oil Springs,
MEADE, Gregory Dean, 41,           S/O     Marshall ``Bud" and Emma Lou Castle Meade   (deceased)
MEADE, Laura H., 88                D/O     Herbert and Hermia Dunavan Neel   (deceased).
OLSON, Patty Mayhan, 45,           D/O     Vicie Tackett Blevins of Sitka and the late Boyd Keeton
RAMEY, Juanita, 92,                D/O     Henry Martin and Mary Jane Spradlin Conley.   (deceased)
REED, Robert T. Sr., 72,           S/O     Chalmer and Della Mae Roberts Reed   (deceased)
STAPLETON, Christine Wetzel, 87,   D/O     Charles Frederick and Cora McDonald Wetzel.  (deceased)
STEELE, Bonnie Lee, 66,            D/O     Silver and Alice Ratliff Price.   (deceased)
TOSTI, Katherine L., 87            D/O     Alex and Celeste Ramella Lemmon.   (deceased)
VANHOOSE, Gordon, 80,              S/O     Dewey and Mary Louise Castle VanHoose   (deceased)
WELLS, Dorothy Lydean, 80,         D/O     Herbert D. and Ella Davis Wells   (deceased)
WILLIAMS, Ronnie Dean, 48,         S/O     Chester Williams and Belvis Irene Blair.   (deceased)

BOLEN, Andy, 79                    S/O     Reece and Nancy (Holiday) Bolen.  (deceased)
BORDERS, Basom, 89                 S/O     Bracken and Rhoda Ellen Adams Borders   (deceased)
BOWEN, Morgan, 78,                 S/O     Morgan and Nancy Grim Bowen  (deceased)
BURKE, Michael (Mike) Len, 45,     S/O     Gayle Hensley Burke, and the late Mack Burke
CANTERBERRY, Sarah Seagraves, 88,  D/O     Matthew and Sina Lydia Johnson Seagraves.    (deceased)
CANTRELL, Manda, 84                D/O     Claudie and Flossie Reed Blanton   (deceased)
CASTLE, Lida Turner, 90,           D/O     Frank and Rose Boyd Turner   (deceased)
CRUM, Ruth, 91,                    D/O     Harm and Mary Gibson Saylor  (deceased)
DAVIS, Della M., 89,               D/O     Tobe and Ella Fox Dixon  (deceased)
ELDRIDGE, Clara Keaton, 81,        D/O     Harry and Mary Fyffe Keaton   (deceased)
FAIRCHILD, David Russell, 53,      S/O     Delbert and Edra Merle Conley Fairchild.   (deceased)
FAIRCHILD, Hobert, 77,             S/O     Jessie and Sola Williams Fairchild   (deceased)
FAIRCHILD, Lizzie Alice, 81,       D/O     Paris and Myrtle Wheeler Murray   (deceased)
FITCH, Ernestine Webb, 76,         D/O     Haskell and Agnes Conley Webb  (deceased)
FLEMING, Jeffery Andrew, 38,       S/O     Willard and Barbara (Molner) Fleming.
GALLANT, Emma D., 60,              S/O     Eddie and Odgia (Wells) Porter.  (deceased)
JACKSON, Ruth H., 88,              D/O     Benjamin Franklin and Versie Cantrell Hamilton. (deceased)
JAYNES, Mary Marie, 63,            D/O     Proctor and Cindy Collier.   (deceased)
KIMBLER, Mary Evelyn, 36,          S/O     John and Janet Hall Kimbler
LEMASTER, Millard Ishmael , 75,    S/O     William E. and Jeanette McClure Lemaster  (deceased)
LYONS, Laura, 74,                  D/O     Beldon and Vernie Lemaster McKenzie  (deceased)
MAYNARD, Rocky (Roy Lee), 17,      S/O     Robert Lyons and Brenda Kay Maynard
MCKENZIE, Raymond Gale, 66,        S/O     Trigg McKenzie and Ruby Baldwin  (deceased)
McCLURE, Charles Doug, 72,         S/O     Dewey and Wilda LeMaster McClure  (Deceased)
McFADDEN, Frank, 84,               S/O     unlisted
McKENZIE, Betty, 72,               D/O     Rebecca Boggs Griffith of Ashland and the late Virgil Boggs.
NAPIER, William Edward, 72,        S/O     Albert J. and Laura Jane Talbert Napier  (deceased)
PATTON, Ruth Ann, 69,              D/O     Harry Rigsby and the late Mousie Rowe Rigsby.
PENNINGTON, Deborah Marlene, 43    D/O     Douglas and Roxie Howard Pennington.
POSTON, Stella Margarett, 48       D/O     Alene Hall Springer of Marion, Ohio, and the late William Jasper Springer.
PRATER, Oliver, 75,                S/O     Levi and Rosa Lee Parrott Prater and Elsie Dotson Prater  (deceased)
PRESTON, Herman Elmon, 90,         S/O     Ernest and Buena Vista Preston.  (deceased)
PRESTON, Ralph B. "Tiny", 93,      S/O     Forest B. and Alice Leslie Preston  (deceased)
RAMEY, Willard Eugene              S/O     William and Joyce Green Ramey 
RATLIFF, Wanda Belle, 69,          D/O     Coger and Mary Wicker Parsons.  (deceased)
ROBINSON, Billie Jr., 74,          S/O     Bill and Maymie Lewis Robinson  (deceased)
ROBINSON, Frank M., 80,            S/O     unlisted
SALYER, Pauline, 83,               D/O     Edd and Minnie Spears Lee  (deceased)
SPRADLIN, Phillip Dean Sr., 51     S/O     Kay and Hannah Baldwin Spradlin  (deceased)
TAYLOR, Sola Elizabeth, 88,        D/O     Merida D. and Nettie Hall Phillips.  (deceased)
THOMPSON, Harry Jackson, 69        S/O     John Walker and Nancy OBryan Thompson  (deceased)
VANHOOSE, Raymond, 87,             S/O     Lon C. and Octavia Vance VanHoose  (deceased)
WILLIAMS, Emma Flo, 79,            D/O     Proctor and Osa Lee Stuart Stafford  (deceased)
WILLIAMS, Linchie, 100,            D/O     Thomas Allen and Rhumia Vanhoose Sublett.  (deceased)

ADAMS, Charlie , 68,               S/O     Thurmun and Ollie Mae Castle Adams  (deceased)
BAISDEN, Leroy  94                 S/O     Hiram and Laura (Wills) Baisden  (deceased)
BALDWIN, Joel H.Jr., 76,           S/O     Joel and Emma Fairchild Baldwin  (deceased)
BENTLEY, Madeline    67            D/O     Jarrett and Wilma Maynard Hammond.  (deceased)
BRACKETT, Ray   69                 S/O     Jesse and Gertrude Frederick Brackett.  (deceased)
BURCHETT, Julius , 74,             S/O     Julius and Josie Middaugh Burchett.  (deceased)
CASTLE, Ernest Ray "Peanut", 52,   S/O     Arlie and Goldie Marie Miller Castle  (decxeased)
CLICK, Marie Boyd  85              D/O     Tilden and Eva Branham Boyd  (deceased)
CLICK, Wayne, 72,                  S/O     Elzie and Mandy Blanton Click  (deceased)
COLLINSWORTH, James Edward  50     S/O     Lloyd and Gertrude McKenzie Collinsworth  (deceased)
CRUM, Elmer, 67,                   S/O     Melvin and Mahalea Pigg Crum  (deceased)
DANIEL, Mary Francis, 89,          D/O     Forest And Pricie Burton Borders  (deceased)
DANIEL, Phyllis Carol Castle 60    D/O     James Monroe and Marjorie Stambaugh Castle.   (deceased)
DANIEL, Shirley "Shark", 91        S/O     Frank and Mahala Preston Daniel.  (deceased)
DUTTON, Lizzie Mae  72             D/O     Seymore and Ivory (Ward) Daniel. (deceased)
FRALEY, Clara Ratliff, 76,         D/O     Earl and Mattie Ward Ratliff.  (deceased)
GULLETT, Virgie, 90,               D/O     Elzie and Gracie Roark Conley  (deceased)
GUNNING, Robert , Jr. 72           S/O     Robert Gunning and Margaret Phillis Gunning  (deceased)
HOLBROOK, Ida Ann   89             D/O     Jim and Lucinda Berry Adams  (deceased)
HUFFORD, Alexander Lee, 74,        S/O     unlisted
JENKINS, Jimmy Lee "Bo" Jr., 39    S/O     Jimmy and Eva Angline Cantrell Jenkins.  (deceased)
JONES, Paul D.  50                 S/O     Kenneth and Ruth Speakman Jones.  (deceased)
JORDAN, Richard H. 56              S/O     Robert and Mae Vaughan Jordan.  (deceased)
LYONS, Raymond, 90,                S/O     Harry and Allie Price Lyons (deceased)
MOLLETTE, Zachary Travis           S/O     Travis Wayne and Sheila Kay Pitts Mollette.
MUSIC, Martha Josephine Shell, 52, D/O     Mary Irene Wallen Ehrgott and the late George Owen Shell. 
ONEY, Tommy Joe , 44,              S/O     Earl Gene Oney and Joyce Ann Hale Oney. 
OSBORNE, Bonnie Lou Halbert, 45    D/O     Ethel Dickenson and the late Eugene Halbert.
PELPHREY, Donald Ray   65          S/O     Lavada Reed and the late Don Pelphrey
RAMEY, Willard Eugene              S/O     William and Joyce Ramey of Martha
ROSE, Ethel, 94,                   D/O     Wallace and Teresa Estep Salyer. (deceased)
SPENCER, Brandon M., 23,           S/O     David and Sandy Meade Spencer
SPURLOCK, William, Sr.   50        S/O     Everett and Jessie Fuller Spurlock  (deceased)
STAMBAUGH, James Edward, 79,       S/O     Hubert and Ethel Brown Stambaugh  (deceased)
STEWART, Lexie (Wallin)  90        D/O     Clarence M. and Ella Dixon Wallin.  (deceased)
TEATER, Oran, 80,                  S/O     unlisted
WALTERS, Larry, 63,                S/O     Estill and Lillian Shannon Walters  (deceased)
WATKINS, Effie Robinson, 93,       D/O     James and Rebecca Music Robinson. (deceased)
WEBB, Orville C.  75               S/O     Garland and Lula Delong Webb  (deceased)
WHITE, Sarah Frances Damron, 98    D/O     Clabe and Vice E. Knipp Curtis  (deceased)
ALEXANDER, Enid Netherly, 90,           D/O     unlisted
ALLEN, Carl Douglas, 50,                S/O     unlisted
ANDERSON, Della Christina 39            D/O     Homer Clerance and Mabel Mills Anderson (deceased)
ARMS, Ray , 80,                         D/O     Sam K. and Mintie Rivers Arms  (deceased)
BLAIR, Lydia Margaret, 90,              D/O     Ross and Virgie Rivers Hannah  (deceased)
BLAIR, Robert B, 76                     S/O     Harry B. and Lottie Margarette Fraley Blair.  (deceased)
BLANTON, Alta Conley, 99,               D/O     unlisted
BUTCHER, Gloria Beatrice, 75,           D/O     John and Laura Picklesimer Fraley.  (deceased)
CANTRELL, Eulas Paul , 70,              S/O     Jim and Flora Cantrell  (deceased)
CASTLE, Dorothy Maynard, 58,            D/O     Edna Charles Maynard and the late Glen Maynard
CAUDILL, Ochal  69                      S/O     Jesse and Mary Delana Bryant Caudill.  (deceased)
CRUM, Pricie  71                        D/O     Benjamin and Rena McCoy Fitch.  (deceased)
ESTEP, Stephen Wesley “Stevie”          S/O     Harold Estep and Susan Murray Estep of Paintsville
ESTEP, Washington Junior, 82,           S/O     unlisted
ESTEPP, Darrell Gretchel, 85            S/O     Phillip Sheridan and Martha McKenzie Estepp.   (deceased)
FITZPATRICK, Junior  68                 S/O     Isaac and Carrie Fry Fitchpatrick  (deceased)
FITZPATRICK, Sam  79                    S/O     Penn and Margaret Stanley Fitzpatrick  (deceased)
FRAZIER, Virginia, 78,                  D/O     Harry Hampton and Virgie Young  (deceased) 
HINKLE, Jack Allen 77                   S/O     Oscar Franklin and Jane Allen Hinkle.
LEMASTER, Mae, 89,                      D/O     James M. and Laura Blanton Lemaster  (deceased)
LYON, Jesse D., 89,                     S/O     Sanford and Anna Margret Ferguson Lyon  (deceased)
MAYO, Danny Wheeler, 55,                S/O     Royce W. Mayo and the late Garnet (Akers) Mayo.
MCCOY, Lora , 94,                       D/O     James Hayden Ferguson and Lourainy Curtis. (deceased)
MCKENZIE, Joan 52                       D/O     Andy J. Blanton and the late Edith Fraley Blanton
NICHOLS, Goldie  54                     D/O     Alex and Sally Hunt Adkins.  (deceased)
PARSONS, Thelma Endicott, 81,           D/O     Mart and Edith Cornett Branham  (deceased)
PELPHREY, Lavada, 96,                   S/O     Doc Reed and Alice Helton  (deceased)
PENNINGTON, Jake Allen   61             S/O     Bailey Pennington and the late Irene Honeycutt Pennington. 
PIGG, Joe Harold , 36,                  S/O     Joe Pigg and Lillian Begley Pigg  (deceased)
PRESTON, Lillie  76                     D/O     Marion and Melinda Steele Preston  (deceased)
ROSS, Howard, 86,                       S/O     Marion Stewert and Della Mae Wheeler Ross.  (deceased)
SALYERS, Annis Virginia Brooks  78      D/O     John and Stella Dixon Brooks.  (deceased)
SLONE, James  81                        S/O     George and Cora Castle Slone.  (deceased)
STAMBAUGH, Lowell Garfield, 78,         S/O     Garfield and Lousina Akers Stambaugh  (deceased)
WALLER, Theodore, 50,                   S/O     Cecil and Minnie Crum Waller  (deceased)
WARD, Ferne Pack, 76,                   D/O     John Benson Pack and Monnie Dixon-Castle.  (deceased)
WILLIAMS, Ruie, 92,                     D/O     Alonzo and Vertricia Williams Reed  (deceased)
WOOTEN, Lorene  76                      D/O     Fred and Lydia Chapman Wooten. (deceased)