ARNOLD, Marsha Flotine  49              D/O     Jewell Halbert Sullivan
BALDRIDGE, Annie, 82,                   D/O     George and Lillian Coffman Firebaugh. (deceased)
BALDWIN, Hashel Eugene  35,             S/O     John D. Baldwin and Sophia Meade Baldwin.
BAYES, Samantha M.  101                 D/O     Joel and Sara (Fairchild) Baldwin.  (deceased)
BLAIR, Ernest , 65                      S/O     William Prater and Goldie O’Bryan Blair  (deceased)
BLAIR, Loretta (Blessing), 74,          D/O     Earl Boyd and Euna Williamson Blessing.  (deceased)
BLEVINS, Stella  86,                    D/O     Coy C. and Manda Belle Estep Cantrell. (deceased)
BOWEN, Robert, 60,                      S/O     Albert Bowen and Janorah Collins Bowen  (deceased)
BUTCHER, Christopher Ray , 23           S/O     Earl Ray and Alice Dalton Butcher.
CAUDILL, James Winnie ``Dee", 77,       S/O     unlisted
CHAFIN, Christie 77                     D/O     Ben Harris and Virgie Spaulding.  (deceased)
CLEVENGER, Ovland Dee “Roundhead”, 63,  S/O     Virgil Clevenger and Nettie Mays Clevenger.   (deceased)
CONLEY, Ronald , 38,                    S/O     Troy L. Conley and Carolette Blair.
DANIEL, Mabel Irene, 85,                D/O     John and Wrae Borders Meek.  (deceased)
DANIELS, Charles Sr., 80,               S/O     Charles and Mary Lou Fitch Daniels.   (deceased)
DERIFIELD, O.B.  79                     S/O     Millard and Helen Hammonds Derifield  (deceased)
EALEY,  Ocie, 84,                       D/O     Bill Ed McKenzie and Della Mae McKenzie  (deceased)
ELSWICK, Oshell Lee Cantrell, 54,       D/O     Buel and Mary Hill Cantrell.  (deceased)
ESTEP, Stephen Wesley “Stevie”          S/O     Harold Estep and Susan Murray Estep of Paintsville; 
EVERIDGE, Lucille , 69,                 D/O     Nicholas and Georgia Patton Everidge.  (deceased)
EXLINE, Wandle Lee, 74,                 D/O     Dord N. and Samantha (Baldwin) Bayes.  (deceased)
FAIRCHILD, Alice Greene , 83,           D/O     Arthur and Samantha Gibbs Greene.   (deceased)
FAIRCHILD, Minnie  83                   D/O     Burns and Mary Ward Daniel.  (deceased) 
GOBLE, Bonnie Faye, 42,                 D/O     Willie and Irene Whitt Newell,  (deceased)
GROSS, Beecher  93                      S/O     Mattison and Nan Meade Gross  (deceased) 
HACKWORTH, Rachel Julia   90            D/O     Ross and Virgie Rivers Hannah.  (deceased) 
HUNTER, Julia S.  85                    D/O     Alex and Emma (Johnson) Stephens.  (deceased) 
JONES, Sara Dolder, 87,                 D/O     Monroe and Doris Ebright Dolder  (deceased)
LEMASTER, Tella Montgomery, 98,         D/O     Farrish and Sarah Skaggs Montgomery.  (deceased)
LITTERAL, Gladys, 82,                   D/O     Thomas Litteral and Melva Meade Litteral.  (deceased)
MCCORMICK, Curtis   88                  S/O     John and Nellie Church McCormick  (deceased)
MEADE, Nellie, 81,                      D/O     William and Josephine Litteral McKenzie  (deceased)
MEEK, Jackie Lynn    39,                D/O     Aaron Jackson and Dianna Blanton Meek   (Deceased)
MILLER, Earl, 84,                       S/O     Charles and Rosanne McFadden Miller,   (deceased)
MUSIC, Emogene Webb   76                D/O     McKinley and Bessie Miller Webb.  (deceased)
NICKELL, Willie Warner  92              S/O     Albert and Alma Ross Nickell.  (deceased)
PAUL, Dorothy Kazee  90                 D/O     Edgar Zip and Flossie Borders Kazee.  (deceased)
PELPHREY, Lavada, 96,                   D/O     Doc Reed and Alice Helton.  (deceased)
PENNINGTON, Imogene , 72,               D/O     K.L. Howard and Myrtle Collinsworth Howard.  (deceased)
PILKENTON, Dosha L.  63                 D/O     Everett Hensley and Blanche Ward. (deceased)
REYNOLDS, Ray Daniel   74               S/O     Cevester and Mary (Martin) Reynolds. (deceased)
ROSE, Deloris   62                      D/O     Henry Martin and Elsie Ferguson Castle.  (deceased)
SALYERS, Ralph E.  66                   S/O     Nina (Savage) Salyers Brown of Circleville, Ohio and the late Hoadley A. 
SLONE, Sherry Lynn Burke  41            D/O     Deloris Pennington Burke and the late Perry Burke.  
SOUTHERN, Tony Ray , 19,                S/O     unlisted
STURGILL, Mildred  86                   D/O     Richard and Fannie Richmond Wells  (deceased)
TARRING, Charles Robert  II, 78,        S/O     Charles Tarring and Clara Zimmerman Tarring.  (deceased)
TAYLOR, Fay , 84,                       D/O     Powell and Maxie Hannah Lemaster.  (deceased)
TAYLOR, Sol , 70,                       S/O     unlisted
VANHOOSE, Eloise Melvin, 80,            D/O     Adam and Stella Stapleton Melvin.  (deceased)
VAUGHN, Alva Cynthia Hackworth   83     D/O     Martin and Malta Collins Hackworth.  (deceased)
WELLS, Jerry Lowell, 69,                S/O     Charles Arthur and Jenny Lee Ward Wells.  (deceased)

ADAMS, Frank  81                        S/O     Paris and Dora Ward Adams. (deceased)
ADAMS, Joyce (Deanie), 62               D/O     Neal and Ethel Fraley Simpson  (deceased)
BALDRIDGE, Josephine  72                D/O     Greene and Martha (England) Hackworth  (Deceased)
BAYES, Glocus H.  76                    S/O     Prentice and Vertrice Bayes
BAYES, Sheldon Dirl                     S/O     Archie and Marcia Wireman Bayes
BLEVINS, Calvin C. “George”, 88         S/O     Elzie Blevins and Rodie Clark Blevins.  (deceased)
BOYD, Mae Williams , 100                D/O     Tom and Julia Horn  (deceased)
BROWNING, Kathleen  79                  D/O     John E. and Jane Moore Bryant
BUTCHER, Gemima  85                     D/O     James and Batha Ward Butcher.  (deceased)
CANTRELL, Eulas Paul , 70               S/O     Jim and Flora Cantrell
CHAPMAN, Patty Leroy  65                D/O     John Chapman and Elizabeth Ball Coffie Chapman. (deceased)
CHARLES, Nellie, 74                     D/O     Elzie and Grace Privitt Powers.  (deceased)
COLLINS, Johnnie, 95                    S/O     Sonnie and Jane Conley Collins.  (deceased)
FANNIN, Lorraine, 78                    D/O     Jim Burns Rice and Ella Maude Rice. (deceased)
FORD,  Debra Spradlin, 51               D/O     Quentin and Lucille Music Spradlin  (deceased)
FRALEY, Rev. Don, 92                    S/O     Charles Fraley and Martha Payne Fraley  (deceased)
FYFFE Rebecca Ruth (Castle), 60         D/O     John and Alka (Trimble) Castle.  (deceased)
GEORGE, Hobert Jackson , 87             S/O     William James and Emma Music George.  (deceased)
GRIFFITH, Ortha “Ruby” , 63             D/O     Albert and and Vada Pack Webb  (deceased)
HALE, James Lloyd “Jim” , 68            S/O     Dovie Bowens Hale and the late Lloyd Hale
HALL, Eula Preston, 83                  D/O     James H. and Delta Moore Preston  (deceased)
HALL, Tracy , 46                        S/O     Willie and Stella Osborne Hall. 
HAYES, Billie Ruth Hensley              D/O     Henry and Easter Hensley  (deceased)
JOHNSON, Ervin   89                     S/O     Francis Marion “Frank” and Minnie McCloud Johnson.  (deceased)
LAVENDER, Cynethia Elizabeth, 82        D/O     J.J. and Martha Mandy Stafford Auxier. (deceased)
LEMASTER, Barbara E., 76                D/O     Roy Ratliff and Myrtle Boling Ratliff.  (deceased)
LEMASTER, Lillian Earle, 69             D/O     Ukla Earl and Mary Hannah (Webb) Salyers. 
MAY, Orion Michael, 1-year-old          S/O     Charles ``Chuck" and Kimberly Allen May 
MAYNARD, John Henry, 63                 S/O     Elias and Mary Belle Maynard  (deceased)
MCDOWELL, LeTamarra Rae, 1              D/O     Christopher McDowell and Tammy Kirk
MCKENZIE, Howard Junior 68              S/O     Fred and Zora Stambaugh McKenzie  (deceased)
MCKINNON, Jimmie, 68                    S/O     Harry and Ethel Runyons McKinnon  (deceased)
MEADE, Blanche, 87,                     D/O     Rascus and Virgie Stapleton VanHoose  (deceased)
MILLER,  Earl , 84,                     S/O     Charles and Rosanne Miller. (deceased)
MILLER, Tammy, 20,                      D/O     Ray and Lois Bailey Miller.
MOORE, Price, 89                        S/O     Aaron Moore and Josephine Segraves Moore  (deceased)
NEWSOME, Regina, 50                     D/O     Marvin Newsome and the late Estell Delong Newsome.
NICKELL, Mahan, 104                     S/O     Benjamin F."Ben" and Mary Alice "Mollie" Meade Mahan. (deceased)
PRATER, Alex, 78                        S/O     Riley and Margaret Kilgore Prater  (deceased)
RATLIFF, Mason, 78                      S/O     Ed and Tallie Ratliff. (deceased)
REED, Bob, 91                           S/O     Doc Reed and Alice Helton Reed.   (deceased)
ROHR, Mabel, 94                         D/O     Jack and Nancy Patrick Whitaker  (deceased)
SAGRAVES, Woodrow, 74                   S/O     Ashley Sagraves and Addie Evans Sagraves (deceased)
SHELDON, Eddie, 92                      S/O     Charlie Shelton and Mary McSurley Shelton. (deceased)
SPARKS, Farlin, 75                      S/O     Arlie Edmund and Mae Ward Sparks  (deceased)
STAMBAUGH, Virgil, 79                   S/O     Monroe and Madge Cordial Stambaugh.  (deceased)
TACKETT, Virginia Lee                   D/O     unlisted
TESTERMAN, Leah  46                     D/O     Clyde Testerman and the late Lula Porter Testerman. 
THAXTON, George Lee, 30                 S/O     Keith and Joan McKinney Thaxton
TRIMBLE, Elder Kenneth Archer  80       S/O     Conroy and Doshia Blair Trimble  (deceased)
WALLEN, Less   79                       S/O     Henry (Buck) and Johnnie (Calhoun) Wallen.
WARD, Iasic, 61                         S/O     Mason Ward and Dora Spradlin Ward
WITTEN, Mary Margaret,  75              D/O     Otto and Flora (Short) Green. (deceased)
WRIGHT, Tom  68                         S/O     Jim and Letha Conley Wright.  (deceased)
MARCH 2002
AKIN, Carol Jane O’Brien 58,            D/O     James Marion and Eulah Edith Harvey O’Brien  (deceased)
BALDWIN, Zelda Dale , 92,               D/O     Jessie and Priscilla Spradlin Dale  (deceased)
BALL, Donald B., 77,                    S/O     Richard and Alice (Vaughn) Ball.  (deceased)
BLAIR, Nevil C. “Nell” , 79,            D/O     Troy and Stella Adams Conley  (deceased)
BLANKENSHIP, Bertha Fay, 80,            D/O     William Everett and Susie Ann McCarty Estep  (deceased)
BOGGS, Lowell   86                      S/O     W.S. and Nola Boggs  (deceased)
BORDERS, Margaret, 82,                  D/O     Cyrus and Cora Castle Fairchild.  (deceased)
BREWER, Emory  48                       S/O     Noah and Voiler Messer Brewer.  (deceased)
BURCHETT, Vina Elizabeth Runyon  82     D/O     Lillie Leslie and Claude Runyon. (deceased)
BUTCHER, Mae White Conley, 88,          D/O     Heber and Julia Hazlette Conley  (deceased)
CANTRELL, Arnold Morris, 60,            S/O     Clara Castle Cantrell and the late Marion Cecil Cantrell.
CASTLE, Robert Lee, 60,                 S/O     Edgar J. and Lorena Daniels Castle. (deceased)
COLLINS, Jack Nicholas, 12,             S/O     Harold and Carol Lee Smith Collins 
COLLINS, Ola Mae, 74,                   D/O     Taylor Hyden and Martha Hatfield  (deceased)
CONLEY, Alice Belle, 67,                D/O     unlisted
COOK, David Eugene, 39,                 S/O     Walter Cook and Delphia Marie Montgomery Page
DANIELS, Joe Clayton, 38,               S/O     Juanita Shell Rigsby and the late Virgil Joe Daniels.
DAVIS, Rufus Ray, 71,                   S/O     Tee and Martha Williams Davis.  (deceased)
DIAMOND, Lillian, 99,                   D/O     Harm and Jane Moore Sexton. (deceased)
FANNIN, Dorcas Tussen, 75,              D/O     Fred and Julia Haywood Tussey,  (deceased)
FRISBY, Betty Carol Ratliff , 61        D/O     Freddie and Pina McKenzie Ratliff. (deceased)
GILLEM, Gail W., 66,                    S/O     George W. and Elva Skaggs Gillem  (deceased)
GRIMM, Johnny , 87,                     S/O     John and Hester Daniels Grimm. (deceased)
GRIMM, Vella , 106,                     D/O     Jethro and Lou Ellen VanHoose Preston  (deceased)
HAIGHT, Ida Grayce, 91,                 D/O     Charles W. and Catherine Volgamore Haight.  (deceased)
HARMON, Luther , 39,                    S/O     Garner and Cora Moore Harmon
HEUSER, Michael, 49,                    S/O     Betty Jones Heuser and the late Robert Heuser
HOWARD, Goldie 82,                      D/O     Nathan and Lorrie McKenzie Castle,  (deceased)
HUTCHISON, Bill H., 61,                 S/O     James Anderson and Madge Hutchison
JOHNSON, Terry , 39,                    S/O     Freddie and Mary Pridemore Johnson
KRETZER, Burdette (B.B.) Jr., 76,       S/O     Burdette and Bertha McKnight Kretzer  (deceased)
LYON, Charles David, 54,                S/O     Harold and Myrtle Peter Lyon (deceased)
MARCUM, Myrtle Marie, 74,               D/O     Marion and Rosa Bell Hobbs Maynard  (deceased)
MARTIN, Ruby Webb, 84,                  D/O     Carmie and Inez Webb. (deceased)
MEADE, Glen, 46,                        S/O     Estil and Willa Faye Meade  (deceased)
MELVIN, Ethel M. , 93,                  D/O     Commodore Trusty and Daisy Risner  (deceased)
MILLER, Buretta, 74,                    D/O     Manford Blanton and Lona Williams  (deceased)
MOLES, Larry Jeff, 59,                  S/O     Opal Bentley Moles of Ashland and the late Francis M. Moles.
MOORE, Ella Faye Preston,               D/O     John Francis Preston and Thursa Borders Preston of Ulysses
PATRICK, Mavis, 89,                     D/O     Patrick and Cindy George Borders  (deceased)
PELPHREY, Ella Kelly, 88,               D/O     unlisted
PIGMAN, Dockie B., 85,                  D/O     Jeff and Ada (Nelson) Prater  (deceased)
PINKERTON, John Wesley, 81,             S/O     John Wesley and Emma Chandler Pinkerton. (deceased)
PRESTON, Ray E., 74,                    S/O     Charles E. and Lesta Preston  (deceased)
PRESTON, Russell, 71,                   S/O     Lloyd and Julia Butler Preston. (deceased)
REFFETT, George Roger, 56,              S/O     George and Lydia Bentley Reffett.  (deceased)
ROWLAND, Flora Belle , 72,              D/O     Dan and Osie Castle Stapleton  (deceased)
ROWLAND, June F., 54,                   S/O     Beulah Fairchild of Paintsville and the late Clate Fairchild. 
SAMONS, Jackie Donald, 62,              S/O     unlisted
SAYLOR, Melvin, 63,                     S/O     Byrd Saylor and Oma Pennington Saylor.  (deceased)
SCOTT, Ella Ann Parker, 60,             D/O     Perry Parker and Geneva Ratliff Parker.  (deceased)
SLUSS, Eliza Katherine Hurd, 71,        D/O     Isom and Worlie Click Hurd  (deceased)
SMITHERS, Jolene Adkins, 68,            D/O     Clifford and Ivory Gibson Adkins  (deceased)
STAMBAUGH, Mae, 80,                     S/O     James and Elizabeth O’Bryan Clark  (deceased)
STAMBAUGH, William “Lafe”, 75,          S/O     Robert and Alice Burchett Stambaugh. (deceased)
WALLACE, Freda, 78,                     D/O     unlisted
WALLIN, Fred   85,                      S/O     Cornelius Hood and Bessie Fyffe Wallin  (deceased)
WEBB, Lois Ann McKenzie, 57,            S/O     Clyde McKenzie and Southie Harmon McKenzie (deceased)
WELLS, Fannie, 94,                      D/O     Jim and Elizabeth Taylor Ratliff  (deceased)
WHEELER, Samuel Joe, 54,                S/O     unlisted
WILLIAMS, Darrell Lee, 52,              S/O     Odis and Anna Lee Tackett Williams.
WILLIAMS, Willis Cecil, 91,             S/O     Rosslyn and Tallie Bayes Williams  (deceased)
WISZNIEWSKI, Gladys, 78,                D/O     Jeff Music and Alka Greer  (deceased)

APRIL 2002
ARRINGTON, Levina Jewell, 78,           D/O      William ``Willie" and Esta Wheeler Cox. (deceased) 
ARROWOOD, Elder Lawrence 76,            S/O      Melvin and Etta McKenzie Arrowood  (deceased) 
BALDRIDGE, Irene, 83,                   D/O      R. A. and Laura Belle Waller Preston  (deceased) 
BALDRIDGE, Lorraine Williams, 80,       D/O      Dewey and Numa Hitchcock Williams  (deceased) 
BELLOMY, Louise Estep , 89,             D/O      Life and Sarah Ann Estep  (deceased) 
BLAIR, Neva Lee Pack, 83,               D/O      Elbridge and Nola Daniels Pack  (deceased) 
BOGGS, Anna Virginia Preston, 90,       D/O      unlisted 
BROFFORD, Clayton, 71,                  S/O      Clayton Brofford and Hazel Byas 
BROWN, Clarence, 84,                    S/O      George M. and Minnie Alice Daniels Brown  (deceased) 
CAUDILL, Mae, 79,                       D/O      Lonnie and Joniellen Blanton Lemaster  (deceased) 
CLICK, Rushie Hackworth , 83,           D/O      John E. and Laura Wright Hackworth  (deceased) 
CONLEY, Esta Scott, 84,                 D/O      W. T. and Emma P. Smith Scott (deceased) 
DONLEY, Iva Mae, 89,                    D/O      John and Easter Sherman  (deceased) 
DOTSON, Thomas Jay, 50,                 S/O      Lova Hitchcock Burton and the late Edgar Dotson 
HARRIS,  Charles Russell, 77,           S/O      Joe T. and Mary Emily (Wells) Harris  (deceased) 
HAVENS, Marie Daniels, 89,              D/O      Rutherford and Clista Ward Daniels  (deceased) 
HONEYCUTT, Dorothy ``Dot" , 86,         D/O      Arthur and Maymie Stratton Bragg  (deceased) 
JACKSON, William Neal , 40,             S/O      Carl and Rule Blair Jackson  (deceased) 
JOHNSON, Dylan Luke, seven months,      S/O      Jayson and Christal Stepp Johnson. 
JOHNSON, Stephen Howes, 61,             S/O      William A. Johnson and the late Mary Evelyn Howes. 
KEATHLEY, Chuck Lee, 15,                S/O      Suzanna Spears Keathley of Banner, & step-father Ronnie Howard of Van Lear 
KEETON, Chester Lee, 42,                S/O      Dixie Keeton Burton of Morehead and the late Chester Stevens 
KIMBLER, Sally Mae Haywood, 78,         D/O      William and Edith Green Smith, 
LYONS, Alice Adams, 85,                 S/O      Ashland and Rose Hampton Adams  (deceased) 
MAYNARD, Herbert, 70,                   S/O      Jessie and Ethel Muncy Maynard  (deceased) 
MCCARTY, Joy , 83,                      D/O      Floyd and Lizzie Meade Williams  (deceased) 
MCFADDIN, Armatha, 51,                  D/O      Paris and Goldie Blair  (deceased) 
MCKENZIE, Louella (Ludie) Burke, 91,    D/O      Richard Martin and Martha Lemasters Burke  (deceased) 
MEEK, Donis, 73,                        S/O      Willis and Mollie DeLong Meek  (deceased) 
MONTGOMERY, James V., 42,               S/O      Roy Montgomery (deceased)  and Hazel (Haney) Hensley 
MUSIC, Bruce Allen, 67,                 S/O      Russell and Alice Hall Music (deceased) 
ONEY, Carlene Honeycutt 45,             D/O      Malcolm and Aileen Collins Honeycutt  (deceased) 
PHELPS, Douglas, 79,                    S/O      Lon C. and Edith Stanley Phelps  (deceased) 
PHELPS, Paul Bryan Phelps, 59,          S/O      Kent and Edna Nichel Phelps  (deceased) 
PICKLESIMER, Arthur Ray , 59,           S/O      Thelma Crisp of Salyersville and the late Arby Picklesimer 
PUGH, Esther Marie, 86,                 D/O      Henry Travis and Susan Fairchild Travis   (deceased) 
RATLIFF, Deborah Lynn, 47,              D/O      John Floyd Ratliff of Titusville, Fla., and Norma Jean Ratliff of Louisa. 
RICHARDSON, Julia E. “Mabel” ,          D/O      Fred and Rose Ella (Preston) Caudill  (deceased) 
SMITH, Judith, 79,                      D/O      Bill Meek and Bunia Sparks Meek  (deceased) 
SNAVELY, Della B. Daniels, 89,          D/O      Jim Bentley and Sally Derossett Bentley Smith  (deceased) 
STEPP, Brian Scott, 33,                 S/O      Deanna Sue Chaffins and the late Schaffer Stepp 
STEPP, Jesse, 92,                       S/O      John R. and Amanda Melvina Maynard Stepp  (deceased) 
TACKETT, Betty Jean, 57,                D/O      Dewey and Birtha Fairchild Salvage,  (deceased) 
VAN'HORN, Sophia Moore, 89,             D/O      Horace and C. Blanche Curtis VanHorn  (deceased) 
VANHOOSE, Edna Mae Stapleton, 89,       D/O      Johnson Stapleton and Mary Jane Patrick Stapleton  (deceased) 
WALLIN, Chester Howard, 72,             S/O      Hood Wallin and Bessie Fyffe Wallin. (deceased) 
WELLS, Irene, 85,                       S/O      James H. Wells and Lannie Goble Wells  (deceased) 
WELLS, Shirley Gail, 51,                D/O      Elmer G. and Delphia Fitch Wells  (deceased) 
WEST, Callie Susan (Spriggs), 66,       D/O      Burl and Jennie Spriggs  (deceased) 
WHITT, Peggy Dawn, 42,                  D/O      James Monroe Castle and the late Patricia Marie Gullett Castle. 
WILLIAMS, Sarah Edith, 98,              D/O      Calvin and Lula George Burke  (deceased)
MAY 2002
BALDRIDGE, Martin Otto Jr., 71,         S/O     Martin Otto Baldridge Sr. and Lora May Baldridge (deceased)
BLACKBURN, Burgess, Jr., 54,            S/O     Burgess and Josephine Cline Blackburn.  (deceased)
BLAIR, Barbara (Curly), 68,             D/O     Luther and Josie (Crider) Hayslett. (deceased)
BLANTON, Everett  67                    S/O     Estill and Lizzie Pennington Blanton  (deceased)
BORDERS, John B. , 64,                  S/O     Raymond Burton (biological father), Willie Borders (adoptive father) and Maudie Mae Diamond Burton (biological mother), Syrilda Murray Borders (adoptive mother).
BOWLING, Ethel, 101,                    D/O     unlisted
BOYD, Russell, 93,                      S/O     Mastin and Lou VanHoose Boyd,  (deceased)
BURTON, Okie C., 89,                    D/O     John C. and Hester Athington Castle,  (deceased)
CASTLE, Charlie R., 72,                 S/O     Jim and Sarah Castle Castle  (deceased)
CASTLE, James Harold “Bud”, 56,         S/O     Mable Wheeler Castle and the late Paul Buell
CHARLES, Mary Elizabeth (Blackburn) 67  D/O     Leonard and Hetti (Baldwin) Blackburn  (deceased)
COCHRAN, Wallace Cordell, 56,           S/O     Hazel A. Cantrell Cochran and the late Charles E. Cochran.
COLE, Edna Carol, 60,                   D/O     William and Josephine Litteral McKenzie. (deceased)
DAVENPORT, Claudia Odell, 80,           D/O     John Ruben and Pearl Hopkins Lovell. (deceased)
FAIRCHLD, Beulah, 70,                   D/O     Virgil Fairchild and Rosie Fairchild  (deceased)
GIBSON, Deloris June, 67,               D/O     Johnnie Sadler and Millie Castle Sadler  (deceased)
HALEY, Jason Thomas Coleman, 25,        S/O     Jack and Edith Blevins Haley
HORNE, Irene  78                        D/O     Harry and Nora Mayhan Stambaugh  (deceased)
HOWARD, Deloris Evelyn Minix, 67,       D/O     Easie Minix.  (deceased)
HOWARD, Ethel Marie Shepherd, 75,       D/O     Bennie and Molly Caldwell Shepherd.  (deceased)
JENNINGS, Ira Jr., 59,                  S/O     unlisted
LITTERAL, Sally LeMaster, 59,           D/O     Dallas and Meneda Hatfield Bellar. (deceased)
LYONS, Roger, 78,                       S/O     Harry Lyons and Allie Price  (deceased)
MCGHEE, Faye, 68,                       D/O     Jim Blanton and May Colvin  (deceased)
MCKENZIE, Herman Eldon, 70,             S/O     Charlie and Mausie Cantrell McKenzie (deceased)
MILES, Garnett, 84,                     D/O     James and Lena Daniels Boyd  (deceased)
MOSLEY, Goldie, 82,                     D/O     James Mollette and Bertha Spears Mollette  (deceased)
PICKLESIMER, Helen  77                  D/O     Estill and Bertha S. (Spears) Salyer.  (deceased) 
PRESTON, Mitchell, 73,                  S/O     Frank F. and Dora Ann Hall Preston.  (Deceased)
PRESTON, Ollie Mae, 93,                 D/O     John C. and Ella Castle Green  (deceased)
PRESTON, Sally Auxier, 95,              D/O     Dick and Lavada Music Auxier  (deceased)
RICE, John J, 73,                       S/O     John W. and Frances Wallen Rice  (deceased)
ROSIEK, John Anthony “Tony” , 38,       S/O     Leon Edward and Patsy Jean Spencer Rosiek. (Deceased)
SLONE, John C., 90,                     S/O     William H. and Sarah Alice Pennington Slone.  (Deceased)
STAMBAUGH, Judith Carol Hager, 52,      D/O     Harry and Geraldine Nelson Hager  (deceased)
STEPP, Ballard                          S/O     unlisted
TACKETT, Charles Jr.                    S/O     Charles G. Sr. and Mallie Blevins Tackett, (deceased)
THOMPSON, Gregory Keith, 44,            S/O     Betty Louise Stapelton and the late Howard V. Thompson
TURPIN, Glenna Doris, 65,               D/O     Leonard Dent and Nannie Spencer Dent (deceased) 
WALLACE, Judy Preston, 52,              D/O     Avalee Preston of Flat Gap and the late Shade Preston (deceased)
WALLEN, Anthony Shane “Banger”, 32,     S/O     Chester and Debbie Daniel Wallen 
WILLIAMS, Homer P., 94,                 S/O     Pharo and Della Mae McKenzie Williams  (deceased)

JUNE 2002
ADAMS, Rebecca Ann Sanders, 51,         D/O     unlisted
ADKINS,  Mattie Theda, 43,              D/O     Grover Adkins of Fort Gay, W.Va., and the late Sara Ruth Billups Adkins
ARMSTRONG, Mitchell, 69,                S/O     Michael and Ruby Mitchell Armstrong. (deceased)
BALDRIDGE, Martin Otto, Jr., 71,        S/O     Martin Otto Baldridge, Sr. and Lora May Baldridge.  (deceased)
BALL, Magdalene Ferguson, 78,           D/O     Foster and Goldie Ward Ferguson  (deceasrd)
BLACKBURN, Mary Destiny Paige           D/O     Patrick Blackburn and Darlene Maynard
BLACKMAN, Recie Hall, 66,               D/O     Rueben and Gracie Skeens Hall
BLANTON, Hershell, 79,                  S/O     Dock and Verna Lee Crace Blanton  (deceased)
BLANTON, Ressie, 86,                    D/O     Hade and Halie Jackson Blanton  (deceased)
BOWEN, Raymond, 59,                     S/O     Oscar and Lura Horn Bowen. (deceased)
BURTON, Okie C. Burton, 89,             S/O     John C. Castle and Hester Athington Castle. (deceased) 
BURGBACHER, Debbie S. Price, 49,        D/O     Ruby Frazier Marcum and the late Donald Marcum.
CANTRELL, Dixie “Mann”, 84,             D/O     Lonnie and Allie (Music) Mann  (deceased)
CASTLE, Bula (Pune) Childers, 86,       D/O     Farrow and Lizzie Chapman Childers  (deceased)
COCHRAN, Douglas “Doug”, 79,            S/O     Thurman and Cleffa Gullett Cochran.  (deceased)
COCHRAN, Wallace Cordell, 56,           S/O     Hazel A. Cantrell Cochran and the late Charles E. Cochran.
CONLEY, Fred T., 65,                    S/O     Vincel and Marie Blair Conley  (deceased)
CONLEY, Stewart Belmont, 86,            S/O     Daniel Greene and Mollie Burke Conley (deceased)
CURTIS, Jay Ola, 100,                   S/O     Oma Lee Curtis and Melissa Smith Curtis.  (deceased)
DANIEL, May, 66,                        D/O     Linzie Castle and Edna May Fields Castle  (deceased)
DANIELS, Jimmy Howard, 67,              S/O     Lincoln Howard and Virginia Litz Daniels.  (deceased)
DAVIS, Ruie, 74,                        D/O     Grover and Ida Rowland Burchett.
DISHION, Charlotte Ann,                 D/O     Roy and Myrtle Conley Vencil. (deceased)
EDMON, Mary H., 82,                     D/O     John and Pauline Collins Hammond  (deceased)
FRAZIER, Dolphis “Dockie” Ray, 22,      S/O     Samuel Frazier and Inis Ramey Boggs.
GREEN, Ira, 87,                         S/O     John C. and Ella Castle Green  (deceased)
HALE, Derek Kane, 28,                   S/O     Joyceleen Crider Hale and the late Mattison Levie “Buck” Hale. 
HALL, John F., 64,                      S/O     Albert Bruce and Grace Branham Hall.
HAMMOND, Sandy, 34,                     D/O     Bernard Harless and Gertrude Workman
HAMPTON, Howard “Boss”, 74,             S/O     Harry and Virgie Young Hampton  (deceased)
LAMBERT, Hallie, 91,                    D/O     William Martin and Creacy Lou Cornette Preece (deceased)
LEWIS, Charles H. “Chuck”, 71,          S/O     Charles and Sula Preston Lewis. (deceased)
MARCUM, Ethel, 75,                      D/O     Everett and Shirley Branham Marcum.  (deceased)
OWENS, Earnest, 83,                     S/O     John and Mattie Owens.  (deceased)
PACK, Glendon, 65,                      S/O     Charlie and Elector Gillispie Pack  (deceased)
PRESTON, Eula L. Perry, 95,             D/O     As and Lula Gibbs Preston,  (deceased)
RICE, Sherman  Jr., 92,                 S/O     Sherman Sr. and Emma Price Rice,  (deceased)
ROBERTS, Tommy,                         S/O     unlisted
ROWLAND, John Franklin, 55,             S/O     Creval Rowland and Ruth Gullet Rowland
SALYERS, Clifford Ray, 66,              S/O     Dewey and Charlotte Sloan Salyers.   (deceased)
TACKETT, Ellen Hunley, 77,              D/O     Pete and Armilda Jenkins Hunley (deceased)
TACKETT, Elmer Francis, 84,             S/O     Harry Samuel and Muriel Gertrude Snow Tackett, (deceased)
VANMETER, Ola V., 87,                   D/O     Simon Andrew and Gillia Mae Blanton Tackett.  (deceased)
WALTERS, Taulbee M., 42,                S/O     Patricia A. Miller Walters and the late Gene S. Walters
WELLS, James Dennis, 87,                S/O     Dr. Jacob A. and Lillie Belle Wells.  (deceased)
WEST, Betty Rowland, 41                 D/O     Ruth Preston of Winchester and the late Herbert Rowland.
JULY 2002
OCTOBER 2002    
