This chapter will encase as much of the history of "James Ratliff" and 
his descendants as possible. He was born in Floyd County Kentucky a county that
would in the 1850's be split into several other counties, so where James was born
after the split was then called Johnson County.
     He was the fourth issue of Silas and Anna (Spradlin) Ratliff. In two 
marriages James fathered 13 children. He is the Great Grandfather of this 
researcher, being that I am the Grandson of Harvey Ratliff the fourth issue of 
Jame's first marriage.
 4.JAMES RATLIFF               M          REBECCA J. BLANTON    MARRIED: Aug.10 1858 J.C.
   B-    ca-1836 F.C.                     B-    ca-1835
   D-       1905                          D-

      1.William Henry          B-Oct.12 1860        D-Nov.27 1936   Bur: R.F.C.
      2.Sarah Jane             B-    ca-1863        D-
      3.Nancy C.               B-Apr.   1866        D-
      4.HARVEY                 B-Mar.14 1868        D-Aug.11 1950   Bur: D.P.C.
      5.Amanda                 B-Jan.   1869        D-
      6.Silas                  B-Jun.   1872        D-Dec.26 1951
      7.Mary A.                B-    ca-1873        D-
      8.Polly Ann              B-Feb. 8 1874        D-Aug. 7 1914
      9.Arminta A.             B-May 26 1876        D-

      James was 23 & Rebecca was 28 when they married. Rebecca was the dau of
      William and Alsey(       )Blanton.

1.WILLIAM HENRY(Bud)RATLIFF    M          LOUTICIA B. COLLINS   Jul.28 1882 J.C.
  B-Oct.12 1860                           B-    ca-1865
  D-Nov.27 1936                           D-
  Bur: R.F.C.

      10.Edward                B-Jul.12 1881 J.C.   D-Jan.15 1957 J.C.
      11.James (Jim)           B-Jul.10 1882 J.C.   D-Oct.18 1955 J.C.
      12.Jesse                 B-Mar.20 1889        D-Jan.14 1977
      13.Press                 B-May 22 1892        D-Aug.30 1961
      14.Becky Jane            B-Feb.   1894        D-Died Young
      15.Margaret (Sissy)      B-Sep.10 1895        D-Nov. 4 1984   Bur:R.F.C.

      Louticia B. was the dau of George Washington (B- 1831) & Lydia (B-1835)
      Collins, she was the Granddaughter of David Collins B- ca1809 & 
      Polly________B-1801 in Vir. 
      I have seen in family records where Margaret (Sissy) Ratliff was born
      to William Henry and his Third wife Katie Dale, but according to Margaret's 
      birth date and the marriage date of her Father's third marriage which was
      Nov.13,1897 you can see that Margaret was over 2 years old at the time of 
      that marriage, and therefore more likely to be the dau of Louticia
1.WILLAIM HENRY(Bud)RATLIFF    M-2        LOUISA COLLINS        Jul.26 1895 J.C.
  B-Oct.12 1860                           B-    ca-1869
  D-Nov.27 1936                           D-
  Bur: R.F.C.

      91.Clark                 B-   ca-1901 J.C.    D-Jan.31 1970

      The marriage date for William and Louisa  is recorded in the "Marriages Of
      Johnson County" as Jan.18 1896, but I have a copy of the original license
      and it clearly states the date as Jul.26 1895. William was 34 and this was
      his second marriage. Louisa was 26 it was also her second marriage. They 
      were married at Peter Collins in Johnson County. At the time William could
      not write,he had made his mark (X) on the license.

1.WILLIAM HENRY(Bud)RATLIFF    M-3        CATHERINE(Katie)DALE  Nov.13 1897 J.C.   B-Oct.12 1860                           B-Nov.11 1879   D-Nov.27 1936                           D-Jun.11 1948  J.C.   Bur:Ratliff Family Cem.                 Bur:Ratliff Family Cem.        94.Malta                B-    ca-1901        D-       1968        95.Emma                 B-Jun. 5 1901        D-Dec.20 1978        96.Earl                 B-Mar. 9 1904        D-Aug.20 1977        97.Dennie               B-Nov.29 1906        D-Mar.27 1976        98.Virgil               B-Jul.20 1908        D-Dec.20 1969        99.Russell              B-Mar.10 1912 J.C.   D-Nov. 6 1965       100.Jessie               B-Aug.20 1914        D-       101.Kenneth(Buster)      B-Feb.14 1918        D-Dec. 5 1923       102.Irvin Robert         B-Aug.18 1923        D-Apr. 9 1990       Katie was the daughter of Daniel B. Dale and Lydia Margaret Ratliff. She was       18 years of age at the time of this marriage and William Henry was 35.The        above listing is from the 1920 Johnson County census. The 1910 census shows       two children for William & Katie with unreadable names, one as being 12        years of age and the other completely unreadable. I list "Malta" in this        family because she gives William and Katie as her Mother and Father on her       marriage license. The Ratliff Family Cemetery in Turner Branch is a burial       place for several of this family. They are William Henry(Bud)Ratliff,Katie       (Dale,Green) Ratliff, Kenneth (Buster) Ratliff, Margaret Ratliff, Emma       (Ratliff)VanHoose, Millard VanHoose Emma's husband. There are also other       Ratliff's buried here, it is unknown to me who they are, David  B-1900        D-1900, and Nancy Ratliff  B-1920 D-1920. Arbutus J. Ratliff B-Jul.22 1930       D-         ?  
3.NANCY C. RATLIFF            M          JERMAN BLAIR          Dec.13 1889 J.C.
  B-Apr. 1866                            B-Feb.   1872
  D-                                     D-

     298.Charlie              B-Apr.   1890
     299.Rosa                 B-Feb.   1893
     300.Lonnie S.            B-Je     1896


      Harvey Ratliff was born the 4th issue of James and Rebecca Jane Blanton
of Sycamore Hollow Johnson County Ky. He married Genoa (Nola) Hampton also of
Sycamore Hollow. She was the daughter of Jesse & Clarinda (Collins) Hampton, 
they were married in Johnson County on  Feb.20 1879. Jesse Hampton was born 
June 27 1859 and died  Jun.18 1932. He married Clarinda at the age of 19, she 
was 21 at the time, she was born in Johnson County and he was born in Letcher 
County Kentucky. Clarinda Collins parents were William and Levisa (Ratliff) 
Collins. Levisa was the dau of Silas And Anna Ratliff.
      The 1880 Census of Johnson Co. shows that Jess and Clarinda (Collins)
Hampton were married and had a Genoa Collins living with them and that 
she was a stepdaughter to Jess. Genoa was 9 months of age when Jesse and 
Clarinda were married.
      Harvey was a farmer mainly, and cut a lot of timber, he also did odd 
jobs for other people. In his spare time he would shoe ponies around the coal
mines. This information comes from Flora (Ratliff) Caldwell his only living 
daughter in 1992.
      The 1900 census shows that Harvey had been married 5 years and that
his wife's name was Nolia. The 1910 census shows us the name of Genoa as 
Harvey's wife, I have enclosed a copy of Harvey & Nola's Marriage Certificate
which state's that her name was Nola Hampton and this was in Jan.18 1896 so 
what has happened though the spans of time only they know for sure.
      The 1920 census of Johnson County shows her name as "Genoah" she is 
41 years of age at this time.
      The 1900 Census shows that Nola had eight brothers they were: Harry,
James, Irvin, Nelson, John, William, Adam, and Eddie Hampton.
      I knew Grandmother Nola and visited her on all trips to Kentucky from
Ohio. As a child I remember her well, I also remember Harvey but not as well
I remember him as a very quiet man. I do not remember him as well as I would 
like to. Nola was a very strong person in many respects she had lead a hard life
from what I could tell. One of the many abilities of Nola's was Quilting she was
very good I still have one of her handmade quilts in a Red, White and Blue she 
called a star design, she had given this quilt to my mother and she passed it on 
to me.
      In the latter years of her life she was confined to a wheelchair from 
an accident which resulted in a broken hip. She was making molasses from sugar
cane, at the time they used a round crushing mill pulled by a mule in a circle
to crush it, somehow she got in the way and was thrown to the ground resulting
in a broken hip. She remained in a wheelchair for many years after this accident 
although she did walk again before she passed away . After the death of Harvey
in 1950 she lived alone in her old homeplace on Old Route 23 near Sycamore in
Johnson County.
      Harvey and Nola's gravestones were made by their grandson Billy Caldwell 
the son of Flora (Ratliff) Caldwell this information comes from Flora herself, 
she told me also that Nola had craved the stones for her own dead children and
some of the stones for her grandchildren that are buried their.
       Two of the stones I refer to simply read "Bab Was Born" Nov.29 1922 to H. 

Ratliff, "Bab was Born" April 21 1914 to H. Ratliff.
These stones are made identical to the stones used by "Fanny and Clora Ratliff"
They are located beside the rest of this family. The 1900 Johnson County Census
shows Harvey and Nolia Ratliff as having two children at the time and they were
"Jesse and Cecila" I have never heard of "Cecila" before or after this census. 
It tells us that Harvey and Nola had been married 5 years and that Nola had 
already given birth to two children, and that she had two children living at 
the time. Maybe "Cecelia" is one of the unknown graves in the Dixon Cemetery 
or maybe someone messed up and Cecelia's real name was "Clarinda". Both Harvey
and Nola could read and write.
      After Harvey passed his grandson Billy Caldwell stayed with Nola about 
all the time. Upon any visit she was ready to cook for you, she would slide 
from her bed to her wheelchair and off she would go. It really didn't slow her
down a lot. At the time of her death she still cooked on an old wood stove. 
Before her death she had contacted the Flu that later turned to Phueomonia,
and this was the cause of her death.
      The Dixon Preston Cemetery was used by this Ratliff family because of
strong marriages ties between the "Collins" and the "Hampton's" and many of 
these people are buried there.
      Harvey's obituary reads as follows: He was 80 years of age according to 
the Paintsville Herald, I show him as being 82 years old at death, my dates are
according to census reports . Harvey had hardening of the arteries and a bad
heart, he succumbed at his home in Nippa, Ky. at 11:50 P.M. after an illness 
of about eight months. Funeral Rites for Harvey were held at "Toms Creek 
Freewill Baptist Church" at 1:30 p.m. August 13 1950. Officiating was Revs. 
Millard Van Hoose and Claude Preston.
      Nola's obituary reads that she was 84 years of age at death, that she was a
Nippa Ky. resident, and that she passed away in the McDowell Hospital at 11:15
a.m. after an illness of five years. She was a member of the Rush Fork Methodist
Church. Funeral rites for her were at "Toms Creek Freewill Baptist Church with
Revs.Claude Preston and Millard Van Hoose officiating.
            A reader should bare in mind that when researching with census reports
                               dates they are very frequently off.

4.HARVEY RATLIFF            M           GENOA (Nola) E.HAMPTON  Married: Jan.18 1896 J.C.
  B-Mar.14 1868 J.C.                    B-May. 8 1878 J.C.
  D-Aug.11 1950 J.C.                    D-Aug.13 1962 J.C.
  Bur: D.P.C.                           Bur:D.P.C.

     301.Jess               B-Dec.31 1896 J.C.  D-Apr.15 1986    Bur:Blanchester O
     302.Clarinda (Clara)   B-Jan.15 1898 J.C.  D-Sep. 2 1982    Bur:Van Lear
     303.Walker             B-Jul.31 1900 J.C.  D-Mar. 6 1970    Bur:C.C.C.
     304.Fanny              B-Oct.10 1901 J.C.  D-Nov.24 1901    Bur:D.P.C.
     305.Everett            B-Mar.26 1903 J.C.  D-Jul.23 1923    Bur:D.P.C.
     306.Venious Mae        B-Oct.26 1904 J.C.  D-Jun. 7 1984    Bur:G.L.C.
     307.Harry              B-Jun. 2 1906       D-Jul.27 1977    Bur:C.C.C.
     308.James (Jim)        B-Oct. 2 1907       D-Apr.22 1991    Bur:H.M.C.
     309.Clarence (Drowsy)  B-Jun.22 1909       D-Dec.28 1975    Bur:Topmost Ky.
     310.Loretta (Lori)     B-Jun.13 1911 J.C.  D-Jun.12 1977    Bur:R.H.C.
     311.Unnamed Baby       B-Apr.21 1914 J.C.  D-Apr.21 1914    Bur:D.P.C.
 B.C.312.Flora              B-Private     J.C.
 B.C.313.Clora              B-Oct.17 1918 J.C.  D-Aug.23 1923    Bur:D.P.C.
     314.Unnamed Baby       B-Nov.29 1922 J.C.  D-Nov.29 1922    Bur:D.P.C.

301.JESS RATLIFF            M           PEARLIE CASTLE      Married:  May 11 1918 J.C.     B-Dec.31 1896 J.C.                  B-Aug.21 1901 J.C.     D-Apr.15 1986     Bur: Blanchester Oh.       315.Alcia Ruth        B-Private     J.C.  B.C. 270.Rudolph           B-Private     J.C.   D-Jun.   1922  B.C. 271.Jess Jr.          B-Private     F.C.  B.C. 272.Freda Noreen      B-Private     Wolfpit Pike Co.       273.Ruby Jean         B-Private     Ashland Ky.  B.C. 274.Nancy L.          B-Private     F.C.
302.CLARINDA (Clara) RATLIFF  M           AMOS MUSIC          Married: Feb. 8 1915 J.C.     B-Jan.15 1898  J.C                    B-Feb. 3 1891 J.C.     D-Sep. 2 1982                         D-Nov. 1 1975 J.C.     Bur: Brown-Wells Cem.Van Lear Ky.     Bur: Brown-Wells Cem. Van Lear Ky.   B.C.303.Ora               B-Jul.25 1915 J.C.  D-May  5 1984 Oh.   B.C.304.Eva               B-Nov.28 1916 J.C.  D-Jan.13 1998 J.C.   B.C.305.Neva Mae          B-Private     J.C.   B.C.306.Arvin (Jack)      B-Feb.18 1921 J.C.  D-Aug.22 1992   B.C.307.Ivory             B-Private     J.C.   B.C.308.Edith             B-Private     J.C.   B.C.309.Everett Ivan      B-Private     J.C.   B.C.310.Erma Lee          B-Private     J.C.   B.C.311.Clarence Oshel    B-Private     J.C.   B.C.312.Ovel              B-Nov.21 1938 J.C.  D-Jan.15 1982  Bur:W.B.C.   B.C.313.Arlo              B-Private     J.C.       Amos Music was a Coal Miner for many years in the Van Lear Mines        Clarinda Ratliff was known all her life as "Clara" except on some census       reports. She was born in Sycamore Hollow of Dogwood Forks, north of        Paintsville Ky, to Amos and Lucinda Jane (Castle) Castle. Aunt Clara had        "Sugar" bad, she also had Hardening of The Arteries. She lived with this for       many years. At one point before her death she had to have a leg amputated        because of sugar.
303. WALKER RATLIFF            M          VIRGIE MUSIC        Jan.18 1920
     B-Jul.13 1900                        B-Sep.20 1902
     D-Mar.30 1970                        D-Dec.17 1979
     Bur: C.C.C.                          Bur: C.C.C.

  B.C.432.Vernie              B-Private     J.C.
  B.C.433.Verlie Mae          B-Private     J.C.
  B.C.434.Shirley             B-Sep.18 1924 J.C.  D-Sep.18 1924 J.C. Bur:C.C.C.
      435.Lloyd Junior        B-Jul. 5 1926       D-Aug.26 1928 J.C. Bur:C.C.C.
      436.Ruth Vanell         B-       1931           D-       1931 J.C. Bur:C.C.C.
  B.C.437.Viola               B-Private     J.C.
  B.C.438.Virgie Yvonne       B-Sep. 4 1935 J.C.  D-Sep.12 1995      Cancer
  B.C.439.Virginia Jacqueline B-Sep.19 1937 J.C.  D-Aug.   1993 J.C. Cancer
      440.Jerry Waker         B-Private
      441.Valerie Annette     B-Private
Walker was born in Johnson County Ky. the 3rd issue of Harvey &
      Genoa(Nola)Ratliff in which 14 children were born. Virgie was born in
      Johnson County Ky. the 7th issue of Christopher Columbus (Lum) & Clarissa
      (Castle) Music in which 11 children were born.

      The 1920 census of Johnson County, shows Walker at age 19 and Virgie
      at age 17 living with Christopher and Clarissa Music in the Sycamore
      Precinct No: 17  Jan.20 1920. Virgie was always known as "Dollie" by all her
      family, I did not know her real names until her death. 

      Walker Ratliff worked in the coal mines of Van Lear in Johnson County
      and the mines of Glo in Floyd County when he was away from home he sometimes
      lived with McKinley and Venious (Ratliff) Music who was his sister.Walker also
      did some farming as many Kentuckians did. He and wife Virgie moved to
      Springfield, Ohio. Walker worked in a Nursery about 15 years in Springfield
      before moving back to George's Creek in Lowsmanville, Kentucky. Walker died in
      1970 of complete Kidney Failure. After Walker's death Virgie lived off and on
      with her daughters Verna and Viola. Almost 10 years after Walker died Virgie
      died of old age and other complications.
      It has been told to me by "Virginia Jacqueline Ratliff," the daughter of 
      Virgie Music and grand daughter of Clarissa (Castle) Music, That her Great 
      Grand Mother Lucinda Jane Castle (Clarissa's mother) was the sister of the 
      Great Tracker and Indian Fighter "Kit Carson" she says she had a good 
      relationship with Lucinda and she knew her well, she remembers very well the 
      Buffalo Hide that she had a hanging on her sitting chair, she
      always told Jacqueline that her brother had brought it from the west and had
      given it to her. Although I could never obtain any information on the fact that    
      Lucinda Jane Castle might have been the sister of Kit Carson. All I could ever
      find was that Lucinda was a Castle and married a Castle. Many people who went 
      west changed their names for many various reasons so maybe Castle was Changed 
      to Carson. Or maybe someone had gotten that buffalo robe from Kit Carson himself.

    B-Oct.26 1904 J.C.                  B-Jan.11 1906 J.C.
    D-Jun. 7 1984                       D-May 15 1983 H.C.
    Bur: G.L.C.                         Bur: G.L.C. 

 B.C. 522.Dora              B-Oct.14 1924        D-Oct.14 1924  Bur: D.P.C.
 B.C. 523.Dortha            B-Oct.14 1924        D-Oct.14 1924  Bur: D.P.C.
 B.C. 524.Zora              B-Private      
 B.C. 525.Barbara Ann       B-Nov.16 1927        D-Sep.26 1928  Bur: D.P.C.
 B.C. 526.Billie Jean       B-Aug. 3 1929        D-May 23 1956  Bur: G.L.C.
 B.C. 527.Annis Mae         B-Private
 B.C. 528.Yvonne (Tiny)     B-Jul.12 1934     D-May 23 1956  Bur: G.L.C.
 B.C. 529.William Eugene    B-Private
 B.C. 530.John Edward       B-Feb. 2 1940    D-Apr.29 1987  Bur: G.L.C.
 B.C. 531.Ivan Vencel       B-Private
 B.C. 532.Raymond Darrell   B-Private
 B.C. 533.Gary Ronald       B-Private
      534.Ronnie            B-Private

             The first five people in this family were born in Van Lear Ky, and the
          rest were born Glo, Floyd County except for Gary Ronald who was born in the
         Paintsville Hospital. The burial locations can be found in the front of this

307.HARRY RATLIFF           M           RACHEL ELIZABETH DANIELS Mar.21 1925 J.C.
    B-Jun. 2 1906 J.C.                  B-Sep. 9 1905 J.C.
    D-Jul.27 1977 P.C.                  D-Dec.26 1990
    Bur: C.C.C.                         Bur: C.C.C.

  B.C.638.Everett Cecil     B-Private
  B.C.639.Elbert            B-Sep.10 1929      D-Sep.10 1929 J.C.
  B.C.640.Harvey Scott      B-Private                   Lawrence Cy.
  B.C.641.Harry (Johnnie)Jr.B-Mar. 1 1938 F.C. D-Feb.25 1988  S.Dak.

      Harry was born the 7th issue of Harvey and Nola (Hampton) Ratliff. He  
      was a coal miner for many years in the coal mines of Van Lear, and the 
      Glo Glora Mines in Wayland Ky. When the coal mines slowed down he 
      worked in sawmills in Paintsville Ky. He died of Cancer in 1977 and is 
      buried in Clark Castle Cemetery in Nippa Ky just outside of Paintsville.
      Rachel Elizabeth Daniels was the 4th issue of Winfield Scott Daniels
      and Melvina (Vina) Music Daniels (dau of Abraham Lincoln Musick & Rachel
      L. Collins). Rachel came from a family of 2 brothers and 4 sisters. She
      Died in 1990 of old age and heart problems.

308.JAMES R. RATLIFF        M           LORENE STACEY             1942
    B-Oct. 2 1907 J.C.                  B-       1906
    D-Apr.22 1991 J.C.                  D-       1981
    Bur: H.M.C.                         Bur: H.M.C.

      667.Avra Mae          B-
      668.Jean Collins      B-
      669.Bobby Collin      B-
      670.Deloris Justice   B-
      James was a retired miner at the time of his death, he passed away
      at thE St. Joseph's Hospital in Lexington Ky. April 22 1991. Although
      James and Lorene had no children from this marriage they raised four 
      from previous marriage's  of Lorene's. Lorene Stacey had been married
      twice, before her and James were married. Her first marriage was to a
      Collins and her second was to a Justice. James Ratliff died of Prostate
      Cancer on Apr.22 1991. I had seen him two months before his death and 
      he was still getting around good. Funeral Services for James were held
      April 25 1991 in the Buffalo United Baptist Church, with Ivan Butcher,
      W.L. Walters and Claude Mollett officiating. He was buried in the
      Highland Memorial Cemetery in Staffordsville Ky. beside Lorene.
262.JAMES R. RATLIFF        M-2         ICEY PRESTON        Married: Nov.27 1982
                                        B-Jun.12 1910

309.CLARENCE RATLIFF            M         SADIE M. MARCUM    Married: Mar.08 1933 Glo, Floyd Co.Ky.
    B-Jun.22 1909 J.C.Ky.                 B-Aug.26 1918 Mingo Co.W.Va.
    D-Dec.27 1975                         D-Dec.31 1989 Letcher Co.Ky.
    Bur:Hall Cem.                         Bur: Hall Cem.

      671.Danny Ray         B-Private
  B.C.672.James Everett     B-Private     F.C.
  B.C.673.Delores           B-May  4 1936 F.C.   D-May 4 1936 F.C.
  B.C.674.Janis             B-Private     F.C.
      675.Wanda L.          B-Private     
      676.Clarence Mitchel  B-Private     F.C.
      677.Donna Sue         B-Private     

      Clarence Ratliff was the 9th issue of Harvey & Nola (Hampton) Ratliff he
      was born in          county. He married Sadie M. Marcum the dau of Ransom            
      & Loustella Ward Marcum. 
      Clarence and Sadie are buried at Topmost Ky, in the Hall Cemetery
      but the mailing address is Kite Kentucky. 

310.LORETTA (LORA) RATLIFF  M           SAMUEL DEWITT BRANHAM   Married: May 16 1930 J.C.
    B-Jun.13 1911 J.C.                  B-Dec.22 1910 J.C.
    D-Jun.12 1977 J.C.                  D-Aug.17 1971 Boyd Co.
    Bur: R.H.C.                         Bur: R.H.C.

      713.Genola Mae        B-Mar. 9 1931       D-       1931  Bur:D.P.C.
      714.Malta Lee         B-Oct.17 1932       D-May 18 1984  Bur:R.H.C.
      715.William Charles   B-Dec.27 1934       D-Jan.18 1988  Bur:D.P.C.
      716.Jimmie            B-Jan. 7 1937       D-       1937  Bur:G.C.
      717.Sam               B-Jul.24 1938       D-       1938  Bur:G.C.
      718.Thomas D.         B-Apr.21 1940       D-             Bur:G.C.
      719.Garnett Lee       B-Private      J.C.
      720.Paul Ernest       B-Private      J.C.

      Loretta Ratliff was the 10th issue of Harvey & Genola (Nola) Hampton
      Ratliff she was born born in Nippa,Johnson County Ky. Samuel DeWitt was born
      in East Point Ky. to Elish & Maggie Franklin Branham. Samuel was a miner by
      occupation. They lived most of their lives around the Johnson, & Floyd County 
      Ky area. At the time of Sam's death he had only two sisters living they were, 
      Mae who was married to a Lee and lived in Indianapolis Ind, and Lillian who 
      was married to a Thompson and lived in Toledo Ohio.
      Sam & Lora Branham gave birth to eight children during their marriage of
      which only 4 lived. GENOA MAE BRANAM as the birth certificate reads was born 
      on Mar. 9 1931 in Floyd County Ky. her birth certificate number is 29937. She 
      was named after her grandmother Genoa (Nola) Hampton. JIMMY BRANHAM as the 
      birth certificate reads was born Jan. 7 1937 in Johnson County Ky. His 
      certificate number is 40495 an can be found in volume 81 of birth records. SAM 
      BRANHAM was born on Jul.24 1938 in Johnson County Ky. his birth certificate 
      number is :13074 and can be found in volume 27 of birth records. THOMAS D. 
      BRANHAM was born Apr.21 1940 in Johnson County Ky. his birth certificate number
      is : 24899 and can be found in volume 50 of birth records.
      There were three boys that died of cradle death. According to Flora 
      (Ratliff) Caldwell, Loretta's sister. Loretta's first child was a girl
      and she lived for 6 months or so. The three boys are buried in the "Grim
      Cemetery" in Wittenville Johnson County Kentucky, across from the old 
      homeplace of Sam and Lora. The little girl was buried in Dixon Preston 
      Cemetery, the same Cemetery Lora's parents are buried in, this is in Nippa.
      I knew very little about Sam, from what I did know he was a very good
      automotive mechanic, and a wheeler dealer on property and house's. Aunt Lora
      had Sugar bad and had to give herself Insulin Shots on a daily basis, she was
      one of the people we always seen on our visits to Kentucky.
      Sam and Lora are buried in the Rose Hill Cemetery in Ashland Kentucky
      beneath the bell tower in the north-west corner. Their daughter Malta Lee, her
      husband and one of their daughters Pamela Lee are also buried their. Pamela Lee
      had died of a medication overdose.
      William Charles Branham is buried in the Dixon and Preston Cemetery in
      Nippa, Kentucky beside his Grandparents Harvey and Nola (Hampton) Ratliff, He
      died of an apparent Heart Attack in North Bergen New Jersey.
                       William Charles had killed a man in a poker game in Chicago Ill.

312.FLORA RATLIFF           M           JOHN Q. CALDWELL    Married: Aug.10 1935 J.C.Ky.
    B-Feb.20 1916                       B-Feb. 3 1914
                                        D-Oct. 8 1978
                                        Bur:Caldwell Cem.Stambaugh,J.C.Ky.

      744.Billy             B-Private
      745.Bobby             B-Private
      746.Mollie            B-Private
      747.Barbara Sue       B-Private
      749.Shirlene          B-Private
      750.Betty Ann         B-Private

      John Q. was the son of Harrison & Alice Whitten Caldwell of Kurtz,
      Johnson County Ky. He was a farmer.

6.SILAS (Cap) RATLIFF         M          LYDIA MILTA SPENCER   Married: Apr.12 1895 J.C.
  B-Jun.   1872                          B-May   1874
  D-Dec.26 1951                          D -  ca-1938
  Bur: Old Stafford Cem,Paintsville      Bur: Old Stafford Cem.

     301.White                B-
     302.Lydia Margaret       B-
     303.Malta                B-                   D-
     304.Addie                B-Jul.15 1901 J.C.   D-Aug.10 1980  Bur:O.S.C.

     The 1900 census shows that Lydia had given birth to four children and 
     only one living which was Malta. Add was born after that so Lydia would 
     have gave birth to at least five children. The 1910 census for Johnson
     County does not show Silas or Lydia as being in the county, but he was a 
     farmer and a Team Driver and probadly moved around a lot. In the 1920 cen-
     -sus it shows Silas and Lydia as living in Paintsville (Precinct # 1). It 
     shows Silas and Lydia as being 48 years of age, and having two children at 
     home they were Malta age 17 and Addie age 13 both are single. It appears 
     that Silas and family had moved from Johnson County and then returned to 
     live their. Silas & Lydia are buried in the "Old Stafford Cem." on Bridge 
     St. in Paintsville,Johnson Co.Ky. also buried there is Okie M. Ratlliff B-Nov. 3 1912  
     D-        ? 

7.MARY A. RATLIFF             M          William (Bill) Purcell
  B-                                     B-     1873
  D-                                     D-     

      334.Charles Steven       B-
      335.L. Louis             B-
      336.Earl David           B-
      337.P. Kay               B-

8.POLLY ANN RATLIFF           M          DANIEL M. ARMS        Married: Aug.23 1903 J.C.   B-Feb. 8 1874                          B-  ca-1873   D-Aug. 7 1914                          D-      338.Morris               B-     1897      339.Curtis               B-     1907      340.Hershel              B-     1910      The listing for this family of Polly A. and Daniel comes from the 1910      census. This was Daniel's second marriage this census shows him as being       36 years of age. The 1900 census shows Polly A.(Age-22) living with her       father James and Rachel (Arms) Ratliff in the Barnett's Creek Precinct of       Johnson County Ky. The same census shows that two of James grandchildren       were also living with them,they were Morris B-Oct 1885 and Challie B-May       1898. As you can see from the birth of Morris,and Challie Polly Ann has       been married before Daniel or had two children out of wedlock. The 1910       census shows that Polly (Age-35) had given birth to five children, of which      only three were still living. So one would assume that Challie had died       somewhere between 1900 and 1910. This same census shows that a Laura Ratliff      (Age-20) also living with Polly and Daniel and that she was a Sister in Law      to Daniel. This was probably the dau of James and Delilah(Polly) Spradlin       Ratliff (from his second marriage). This would have made her the half sister      of Polly Ann. The birth date I have for Polly Ann comes from the Bureau of       Vital Statistics of Kentucky so I am assuming that this date is correct and      the census dates are variably incorrect.                              UNPROVEN IF SAME DANIEL      The 1920 census shows that Daniel has remarried after the death of Polly       Ann to Alice           (Age-ca-1891). It also shows Curtis (Age-13) and      Herschel (Age-10).It shows four other children listed as daughters they       are Ollie (Age-10), Girtie May (Age-4), Della R. (Age-2), and Nettie M.       (Age-3-month) If this is the same Dan Arms, Ollie is probably not his       daughter by birth. This Dan Arms is the only Dan listed in Johnson County      in 1920.

9.ARMINTA A. RATLIFF          M          JACK SPENCER          Married: Jan.29 1895 J.C.
  B-May.26 1876                          B-   ca-1853
  D-                                     D -

     341.Mollie               B-    1896 J.C.
     342.Ida M.               B-    1898 J.C.
     343.Malcolm              B-    1900 J.C.

     Arminta A was the ninth issue of James and Rebecca Jane Blanton Ratliff.
     Her nickname was "Mintie" and she used it extensively. She was 19 and  Jack was
     42, when they married, this was Jack's second marriage. The 1920 census shows 
     that Arminta is a widow

4.JAMES RATLIFF               M-2        DELILAH (Polly) SPRADLIN  Married: Nov.2 1883 J.C.   B-       1836 F.C.                     B-Jun. 8 1856 J.C.   D-       1905                          D-                  768.John Elliot          B-Apr.30 1884   D-Apr.23 1954      769.Parris               B-Mar. 2 1889   D-Aug. 6 1971      770.Laura                B-May 26 1900   D-Feb. 7 1961      This was James second marriage he was 41, it was Delilah's first she was       25 years of age, she was sometime's called "Lillie". Delilah was the dau of       John and Elizabeth (Horn) Spradlin. One census report shows a Frank Ratliff      living with James & Polly. Family members have indicated to me that this       Frank was a family member of another family living with them.      Frank B-Jul.   1887 D-Dec. 1 1959. This may hold true as I have not been able      to find him in this lineage.