Thanks for coming to my trophy room
It's a small room right now but hopefully it will grow. As much as these awards mean to me personally, what means the most is the respect and admiration of fellow web site owners. Heartfelt thanks to the bearers of these awards.

My First Award
Received Oct.13,1998
Thank you Aunt Susan..*smiles*

Thank you Ronee..*smiles*

Received Nov.12,1998
Thank you StormCat..*smiles*

Received Nov 18, 1998
Thank you Angelann..*smiles*

This beautiful angel was made for me by a dear woman named Treeheart. It's not an award but it means just as much to me. Thank you my friend.

I received this award from a truly wonderful lady. I am stunned.. but very proud to display it here for all to see. Thank you Nancy...from the bottom of my heart!
I will treasure this award always!
click on this award to visit Nancys' outstanding site

I am proud and honored to display this treasured award from CG designs. Click on the award to visit her outstanding site.

Received March 1999
Thank you so much Tommy...*smiles*

Received March 10,1999
Thank you so much Pam for the lovely award

Received from Blaze 3-22-99
Thank you Blaze..I love it..*smile*

Received May 6 1999
Thank you Eagles Club

Received May 5 1999
Thank you so much...*smile*

Thank you Lyndee...*smile*

I received this award from Annie 3-25-99 and I am very proud to display it here. Thank you so much Annie..*big smile*

Received May 1 1999
Thank you Scooter...*smile*

received May 1 1999
Thank you GranGran...*smile*

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