Quilters Corner WebRing

If you have a web site that is dedicated to learning to quilt, quilting methods, progects you have done, or any information on quilting, then this is the ring for you.

The requirements are simple.

1. You must have one of the above qualifications.

2. You must love quilting and quilts.

3. Please fill out the information below. Your site will then be put into the Quilters Corner "queue" until it is added to the ring.

Submit site to Quilters Corner Web Ring
Site Title:
Site URL:

Please choose a password. (Don't forget it!!)
Keywords: Enter up to 20 keywords to describe your site.
Description: Enter a short description of your site.

5. After submitting your information, you will recieve an e-mail with the HTML for the ring. Just copy and paste.

6. If you have any troubles, feel free to contact me for help.

7. When you have this set up on your page, email me at mom2pat@yahoo.com and let me know that you are ready to be added to the ring. Be sure to include your site ID # and URL in the e-mail message.