
This is a collection of original sci-fi stories inspired by
Kilgore Trout (a sci-fi writer, a character of many of Kurt Vonnegut's novels). The authors of these stories are people like you and me. Anyone can contribute. If you don't think
your writing skills are good enough, please note that Kilgore Trout was an unsuccessful writer. His stories got published only in porn magazines only, serving just to fill the empty space between indecent pictures. Anyway, Vonnegut
describes Trout's prose as terrible so don't worry and start writing!
There's a Kilgore Trout in all of us!
New story: Little Sex Maniacs by Glen Nyborg
A story about a revolutionary treatment for cancer and a little joke
Featured story: Life and How to Live it by Marek Vit
Everything comes with a manual. Does HUMAN LIFE come with one?
List stories in this collection
Corwyn Green's 'Kilgore Trout' Stories
Top Five Stories
At the end of each story there is a short form which you can use to evaluate the stories and thus affect the rating displayed in brackets by each title.
Have you written any 'Kilgore Trout' stories?
I'd like to create even larger collection of your stories. If you have written
any, I'll be happy if you send them to me and I'll publish them on this page.


Last modified: Apr 1, 2002
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