As in the radio

This section will focus on the radio industry with a sub-section focusing on music. Primarily, radio is all about music. My focus will be on the Philadelphia-metro area radio stations. Philadelphia, being the fourth biggest market in terms of radio is a good starting ground in discussions in radio. Recently, corporate mergers have wrecked havoc on the industry in this area and we will explore that. Also I will be reviewing the morning personalities in the area. We are home to Howard Stern and Don Imus, so the competition is heavy.

Also we will check out how radio is moving towards the future. We will link you to the radio sites in the country and show which ones are the best!!

There will be new CD reviews and Music video reviews as well so hit us often.

Top 10 List

Tupac Shakur is dead! HamRadio has looked at this story this month and we will give you our slant on this bizarre... murder. Has Rap Music's quest for Street Credibility finally done itself in?

Go to the Reviews section for reviews of the new Metallica, Sponge, John Mellencamp, Pearl Jam, and much more.

If any visitor would like to send in their own reviews, I’d be happy to post. Just E-Mail me.

Click here for the Alanis Morrissette concert review.

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