Stop The Buzz

Paparazzi (Italian for buzzing insects) originates from the word Paparazzo
"a news reporter or photographer who doggedly searches for a story that can be sensationalized"

This page exists to help air concerns over the ever growing problem of some paparazzi.
This is an opportunity for people to voice their opinions whether for or against them.

Paparazzi are tabloid-type photographers, frequently freelance; working to get that one big picture of a celebrity.
The paparazzi then sell the photo to a tabloid magazine for big bucks-- sometimes close to a million dollars.
The tabloid in turn takes the photo and frequently runs a bogus or largely exaggerated title and text with it.
Some people say that celebrities are public people and that this invasion of privacy is to be expected,
and that it's the price they must pay for fame.
It's my opinion that this is partly true, but I am content with pictures of celebs taken from legitimate events;
ie. a movie premiere, award show, magazine layouts.
I don't feel it is fair for celebrities to be followed, harrassed, chased, provoked,
run off the road, spied on in their own home; and sometimes worse.

This site is not meant to center on the paparazzi's possible involvment with the death of Princess Diana,
but that event did spur me to create this site.
My opinion-- the evidence says the driver was drunk, but if the paparazzi wasn't there to complicate things;
I still feel she would be alive today.
With all this said, take a look around my site and voice your opinion before you leave.

This site was created in the memory of Princess Diana


Examples of
Paparazzi Pictures

The above bumper sticker is not a discredit to legitimate photographers out there.
It was made by a Clooney fan who wanted to show her support for George
in his crusade against the intrusive paparazzi.
She will sell them to other supporters for $2.00 each.
E-mail Shari for more information.

This site last updated on 12/29/97

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