You have arrived on the doorstep
of a special place, Ye Olde Green Room Inn,
built for the use of the residents of Planet Celtica and the travellers
passing through. Please allow us to tend your unicorn in our stables,
our grooms are the finest in the land, your steed will be safe and in good
hands. Come,
step inside,
you will find friends, laughter, good company and warmth. Oh, and that
'welcome' piece that you have heard just now? That was especially written
for Ye Olde Greene Room Inn by our MusicMaster himself, Nathan.
And speaking of music, if you are here to
see the Music Room, then please take the
short cut by clicking on Music Room! [g]
Remember, we are keen to hear your views on any of your albums too, or
if you have any you would like to add to the list!
This site is maintained by CathyMom, Official Mom to the
Royal Court, Royal Bedtime Storyteller, and keeper of Ye Olde Greene Room
Inn, and Royal Castle of Flatleyland. Due to my total ignorance regarding
Netiquette when I first stumbled around constructing this Inn I have possibly
used some graphics that I do not know the creator of, and therefore have
not been able to give them the credit and accolades they so justly deserve.
I do humbly apologise and beg, on bended knee, that if you are able to
let me know who is the creator that deserves the recognition, that you
do let me know, PLEEEZE! A note in my
email box would be most appreciated, thank you!
Historical Note.
This was my first ever web-site, encouraged by many friends and supported
by the former 'residents' of the original "Visitor's Book" of the official
Lord of the Dance website. It kind of grew in a haphazard way, mainly performing
the role of storage library for the wonderful stories and creativity inspired
by Michael Flatley and his troupe(s) of wonderful performers (The Library)
and archives of stories, personal, literary and from the media (The History
Room). I have decided (after much convincing by others) to leave it intact,
as is, whereis, for the future fans of Michael's and the shows to wander
through and hopefully enjoy. And once you have completed that and are ready
for another, head on over to "Feet
of Flames - the Original"